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know all

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Everything posted by know all

  1. Yates looked really good as a TEAM. That was such a fun team to watch. Not only could they Razzle but they could knock down the three. I would love to see Desoto and Yates play. That big 31 from Desoto was a beast 6'6" 280 plus. That would be worth talking about, what do think DV since you are the subject matter expert.
  2. Let me see DV you take WB 5A and Central 5A and make a 4A school with their best athletes I would say they should win more state titles.
  3. Poppabear I would have to disagree with some of your statement. All though the numbers might be close the students to choose from is in Ozens favor. They literally have all of BISD to choose from you would have to throw in Kountze and Jasper and would still be less students, but wouldn't that be a fun team if they had time to gel together over 3 or 4 years. Imagine the type of team they could put on the floor. I will say I say Yates play this year and MAN they where quick and believe it or not they where 7 or 8 strong and distributed the ball around.
  4. spinks remember that goofy mask he had to wear, I wonder if how HJ would have done in 96 with the coaches they have today. Not trying to take away from the little coach they had just think Todd and Co. has more experience.
  5. dv all though I do like ozen, you can not compare HJ's community selection to BISD's community Selection and still be a 4A school. Honestly with all that can go to ozen they argueably should play in 5A.
  6. hey kenny that player from HJ that went to LCM after his 10th grade year; where would you rank him on just pure scoring ability.
  7. the same way you look at ozen is the same way that these other fans look at their teams. HJ, Silsbee, and Kountze are good schools with great fans. I will say that this year Ozen was having a down year. Is that because they stopped getting the kids, or talent wasnt what it is used to.
  8. The thing is live in the 4A district, and yes Ozen is the best 4A team in the area. Just want DV to see how dumb some of his comments are. Yes DV I do support Ozen in the playoffs, matter of fact I support all local teams in all sports. I have nothing against Ozen just wanted a rise out of Vitale.
  9. Congratulations to all the Seniors on this list and in this district. Like I was told my senior year "you spend 18 years wanting to get out and the rest of your lives wanting to go back." The most important things aren't what you accomplished on the court but the lessons you learned on your journeys. Good luck to all in the future.
  10. Now you see what it looks like when you say something ignorant and biased. Just wanted to see how you would react to the way others react when you say something in this light.
  11. do you consider ozen an elite team now or when it first opened. Like I said in other post if HJ, Silsbee, Kountze, could combine their teams like magnet Ozen (basically anyone that is good at basketball and wants to go to ozen can) the could compete with Ozen. Really, shouldn't Ozen win state every year. Beaumont is a big city 1 5A school and 2 4A school; Being able to pick the cream of the crop. Maybe they will make SOC forfeit in 07 to give you guys another title. To say Ozen is elite, I just dont see it. My definition of Elite is PA Lincoln and what they did in 4A.
  12. Just think in 01 every kid in beaumont (that was any good) went to magnent OZEN. How many kids did they get to choose from. Maybe then they should have played in 5a. Now this is not the case. Ozen basketball has been on a steady decline. If my memory serves me HJ has 4 championships in 7 tries. They would have more if they picked who they wanted from silsbee, kountze, ec, and any other schools that matched the size of bisd. Just my opinion... I live in no 3A school district. Yes I have watched OZEN several times in the past 6 years. Good athletes but not much team work. After watching Yates this year that is team work. But I guess some will find this offensive.
  13. well Ive had my state tickets for a month now. I guess I will get to see my ole school play for a state title. GO HAWKS. I was going to state anyways.
  14. man where did all the silsbee fans go. Not trying to start anything but two days ago some fans lived on this site.
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