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Everything posted by HJ2012

  1. Exactly! I know all the H-J guys, but that doesn't mean they'll listen to me! ;D
  2. They could win it all, every year!!!!!!
  3. This is what always happens to every group of H-J kids!!!
  4. The play was uncalled for, and Griffin knew it was not worth getting into an argument over, so he just walked away and kept playing his game. And you should change the name of this thread to Blake Griffin Showing Character.
  5. With the season, and particularly the finish of the season that Bernard had, I think he's a lock on "Outside." Jefferson will probably be "Inside." I didn't see that any of the other bigs out did him. I hope Jarvis gets the "outside," but I know that Jefferson will take the "Inside." No one can REALLY compete with him.
  6. Yay!!! Now MAYBE I can get a job as a head coach!!! ;D
  7. There is only one person who has this information. Where are you Dick Vitale? He's never around when people want him around, but he's always around when people don't want him to be!
  8. Jamie King took the 800 meters easily, and finished first in her flight in the 400 meters, im sure she could have gotten first if she would have been in the first flight.
  9. I ran in the 3200 meters, and the kid who won, he was sprinting the entire 2 miles!!!!!! He was kicking butt!!!!!!
  10. Ok. I'm gonna stop now bc I don't want to be accused of starting something. I'm just going by what the books said. They said nick schrapps. Nobody please get too upset with me! ;D It was a freshmen tourney btw. And I know lots about Kelly bc my best friend goes there. So I'm not a blockhead, I just APPARENTLY get bad info!
  11. :'( Its gonna be hard to wait!!! :'( But I do think that HJ's freshmen were da bomb this year!!!
  12. Sorry. Just a little upset that basketball is over.
  13. Let me tell u guys a little secret. HJ frshman lost to kelly freshman this year! But, it was after Kelly had practiced for a long time! Joe Persohn, at the time had not practiced with the team yet. HJ lost by I believe 4 points. Schrapps was playing in the game and after his stunning performance in the first half he was held little to no points. So while Joe was playing football Kelly had already practiced alot! Shawn, shut schrapps down in the second half. HJ had the best freshmen hands down.
  14. I'm gonna have to agree with AAW on this one! ;D I don't know many people my age who like to watch golf, but I like it!!! I guess I'll have to say March Madness is a close second! ;D ;D ;D
  15. Good luck with that! H-J has two awesome 7th Graders that just OWN the floor. A four is a Power Forward The one is the Point Guard The two is the Shooting Guard The three is the Small Forward The four is the Power Forward The five is the Center
  16. Hey smart guy...HJ LOST IN THE SEMIS!!!! To the team that got beat in the finals! Are you HJ faithful that blind are just plain retarded? GEEZ! : Its always what HJ coulda, woulda, shoulda done....They got BEAT! And it will be another 20 years before they win another title, too! I got the picture!!!!!!! We'll just wait and see!!!
  17. So, who does everyone think will be the MVP next year? ;D
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