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PN-G bamatex

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Posts posted by PN-G bamatex

  1. All of these comments and only TVC addressed the issue that I was speaking of straight on....You folks really think YOU are getting a raw deal these days by things such as affirmative action?  Come on seriously....Read a book (not the ones in your schools because they lie), watch a documentary, or check into the criminal "justice" system and see who REALLY caught the raw deals in this country...White America would definitely NOT be on THAT list.

    That's because we've addressed that issue over and over and over again. For some unknown reason, you still haven't realized it.

  2. Stats are for people that won't to live in the past .Don't tell me how good you once were show me how good you are now, Past records are for old men to tell there kids what was. Looks to me that PNG  has move from there great pass by removing one of there great has been and replaced him with the futher. Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with remembering your past but don't live in it.And I have read the post and looks to me that someone pulled records going back to the 30 s, come on  how far back does anyone other than you care.Most kids playing now parents werenot born then. I know the kids that where the purple and white, or the gold and black are proud to where them but not for what was but for what they are now and who they are now.

    Being one of those kids wearing that purple and white, I am proud to say that I not only stand for what PN-G is at present, but what PN-G was in the past and what PN-G will be in the future, and I can promise you that the rest feel the same way. There's a reason we use the term "Honor, Pride, & Tradition." There is a unity among all Indians, both past and present, and when the Indians of the future come to be, there will be a unity there as well. I don't know how things work at the high school you support, but down here at PN-G, we're all Indians. It doesn't matter whether you're an athlete, member of a performing arts organization, alumnus/a, average student, or just a member of the community, you're still an Indian from the day you become a member of the community, whether by birth or not, until the day you die.

    That being said, the records that were pulled were pulled to prove that the Mid-County teams had won more than five district titles in the last thirty years, which is what texans had stated in this thread.

    You know...  it always seems the people that are so quick to point out that tradition doesn't or shouldn't matter are the very folks that have no tradition to speak of the programs which they support.

    I think it can work for and against you.  Take the 1st ever win by Lumberton at the Reservation last year.  You don't think those boys from Lumberton felt a rush and a sense of accomplishment to be able to tell their children and children's children that they played on the 1st Lumberton Raider football team to beat the Indians at the Reservation?

    WOW! Did the Raiders beat PNG or the Dallas Cowboys? Do you think beating PNG is really THAT big of a deal that you believe these guys, immediately following the win, said to eath other "OMG what a story this will be to tell my grandchildren, we beat the mighty indians?" I doubt it.... ;)


    This is the hidden content, please

  3. BLACK MALES were hosed (figuratively and literally for YEARS!!) Karma is a @#%$# isnt it?.. ;)You SE Texans are UNBELIEVABLE!!  ::) ::)....The nerve of some of you baffles me.

    You Houstonians are so ARROGANT!! ::)

    Sounds rather characterizing, doesn't it? You're characterizing us based on the area we live in as though it was a race of its own. It's the same principle as a person being discriminated against based on religion, race, or any other characteristic. You're acting no better than the actual racists.

  4.  You poor folks from Mid County really need to get a life. Anyone that has to count back 30 years of any program has no life. You all sound like Cowboy fans (haven't won a playoff game in 13 years) and still think you are American's  team. No  one cares what happen 30 years ago, last year,  last week are even last night. What are you going to do today and tomorrow is all that matters now. You might tell your grandkids how great you once were but other than them no one cares sorry that is life.  Good luck this year

    Nederland isn't talking about the last 30-35 years. No offense, bulldogs, but that's obviously Indian territory.

    Scalp'em has a point. Team history plays a big part in sports.

    I suggest that you go back and read the posts. I believe it was texans who brought up the last 30 years, specifically, because we were talking about why the Beaumont Enterprise gives the Mid-County teams so much attention. I mentioned that it was for two basic reasons:

    1. PN-G and Nederland are basically the only two teams to have consistently played in district 20-4A over the past few decades.

    2. PN-G and Nederland have a history of winning.

    I then proceeded to cite facts to support this view. However, this does not negate the fact that it was someone else who brought this up and that the Beaumont Enterprise that is giving Mid-County all the attention.

  5. No it means that I have more important things to do than jacking around with you good ole boys from SE Texas....Be back later...BTW I DO NOT AGREE with what they were doing there, for the record...It is unnecessary....Go cut the grass....do something!! Its a beautiful day out!! 8)

    Excellent response, DickVitale. I can see that you've learned to dodge a question from the best.

  6. Probably because MC is all the 'Suprise' or any other newspaper talks about....  I wonder why that is?   ::) ::)

    Cause they're winners, like V Pirate said.

    Not even close... ;D ;D

    Traditionally, the Mid-County teams have been top in this district. There's no arguing over that. I'm not saying that we're better than the rest of the teams in the district, we just have a history of coming out on top, and that tends to draw attention.

    In the last 30 years mid county teams have won this district 5 times, so traditionally they dont come in 1st, I will say this though PNG in the last 30 years yall have won yalls district more than dayton.  Dayton only won that district twice.  


    According to these, the Mid-County teams have held the district championship title 9 times in one 30-year period (1976-2006), with PN-G taking district 8 times and Nederland taking district once.

  7. Probably because MC is all the 'Suprise' or any other newspaper talks about....  I wonder why that is?   ::) ::)

    Cause they're winners, like V Pirate said.

    Not even close... ;D ;D

    Traditionally, the Mid-County teams have been top in this district. There's no arguing over that. I'm not saying that we're better than the rest of the teams in the district, we just have a history of coming out on top, and that tends to draw attention.

  8. And the kids love to see themselves, and of coarse as a fan you know you always wanna see that special play again.

    That would be one reason not to have one, they have no business looking at replays. Besides UIL rules state that you can only replay a play once during the game. It is not worth the money for what you get. Its just bells and whistles, no real value.

    Like i said, y'all can do what you want. Bells and whistles would be defined as "atmosphere" to me, and it makes the game that much better. Yours truly, The GOAT ;)

    Bells and Whistles DON'T win you football games.

    Rather spend the $$$ on EDUCATING the kids than on a scoreboard.


    I would rather have the atmosphere of the football game created by the home team scoring touchdown after touchdown.

    Life has been good in Bronco stadium as of lately, and no fancy scoreboard was needed.

    Perhaps not, but they do get you advertisements, which make the scoreboard a potentially profitable venture for the school district. PN-G's, for instance, is already bringing in about $70,000 and has the potential to bring in another $30,000 before it's all over with. That's two teacher salaries or extra money for the science, performing arts, athletics, and other extra-curricular budgets right there.

  9. That is not how Robinhood works my friend.  That has always been the argument by schools that are short on facailities.  All those schools have new and improved stadiums because they passed bonds to build them.  The community supported the bond and voted for it.  Tax money that is tied up in facilities does not count in the Robinhood formula.  If a school wants to build a new facility, float a bond and get after it......By the way, Robinhood money cannot be spent on I&S accounts.  It is for M&O.

    The "Robin Hood" money itself may not be used to build the new facilities, but it serves as a replacement for the locally-acquired money that the district was using to cover those expenditures, money that can be diverted elsewhere, such as bonds and upgrades.

  10. Just seems over the past few years, that its no longer PNG or Nederland, but the "MidCounty" teams.  Maybe its because Mid County Madness is such a huge rivalry and gets a lot of press.  What do you think? 

    It very well may be. We also have to consider the fact that District 20-4A is really our district, and what I mean by that is that PN-G and Nederland are the only two teams that have basically always been in this district. Nearly all of the other schools are relatively new to this district.

  11. Dayton has a Booster Club and I am fairly certain there are some more worthwhile things they are working on! 100K should be nice enough!

    100K WOULD BE JUST GREAT!!!!!!!

    That's fine with me, just trying lend  a helping hand. The invite is still open though. ;) I wanna see if the broncos are worth the hype. ;D


    wish that would happen... we're worth every bit!

    Bronco, you sure you want that, this isn't pn-g or nederland. Don't make us light up our SCORBOARD on y'all!!!!!!!!!

    I'm sure .... are you? THIS ain't Sterling or Channelview. ;D

    Harrison sure has brought a lot of confidence to PAM..... is that you coach?? ;)

    Nope, just a loyal fan that's ready for some football. Hey bandkid believe me well be ready in August.

    We'll see. It will be a good scrimage, though.

  12. Dayton has a Booster Club and I am fairly certain there are some more worthwhile things they are working on! 100K should be nice enough!

    100K WOULD BE JUST GREAT!!!!!!!

    That's fine with me, just trying lend  a helping hand. The invite is still open though. ;) I wanna see if the broncos are worth the hype. ;D

    wish that would happen... we're worth every bit!

    Bronco, you sure you want that, this isn't pn-g or nederland. Don't make us light up our SCORBOARD on y'all!!!!!!!!!

    Now wait a minute here, The GOAT. PN-G might have a few surprises in store for Memorial at the scrimage this year. Coach Faircloth has brought things to a whole new level for our team, and he comes from one of the best 5A schools in the state. I'd be a little bit more careful with statements like that if I were you. But, then again, I may just be looking at things through "purple-tinted glasses." ;)

  13. Oh yeah....I forgot that SETexas is short on industry....lol.....There is plenty of money down there to do whatever is important.....Arp (I know not a metro plex school) has ZERO industry....great stadium and facilities.....hmmmm....Alvarado, Forney, Ferris, Ennis, Cisco, Celina, Gilmer, Gladewater, and the list goes on......

    Alot of the preliminary work done at our stadium and our schools was done based on donation from the local industry. We couldn't afford it because the state takes $18 Million away from us each year, so the industry paid for it with additional money (meaning more than they already give us through taxes). Many of the schools that you mentioned are beneficiaries of "Robin Hood," which is why they have such great facilities. Meanwhile, schools like PN-G get the short end of the stick.

  14. True, but most SETX school districts don't have the resources to keep up with districts like Cypress Fairbanks. The only ones I can think of that might even remotely be somewhere in the area would be Port Arthur, Port Neches-Groves, Beaumont, and Nederland. Cypress Fairbanks and its neighboring districts have large constituencies with a lot of commercial and industrial revenue. Most of our districts don't have that, as well as most non-urban districts. Consequently, we progress at a slower rate and end up falling behind.

  15. Will the band be playing at the game May 22?

    Will the band be playing the new "much slower" version of Cherokee or the old one????

    To answer your question, the current, slow version of Cherokee is technically the old one. The melody to Cherokee is part of a song called Caravan, and, originally, the melody was played very slowly. We took it and sped it up to make a fight song out of it, eventually adding words.

    Furthermore, and contrary to popular belief, the "slow" Cherokee has been played at least since the 1990's, and I've got video evidence from the 1999 Brazosport playoff game to prove it. The fast Cherokee of the 1970's is the one many people associate with PN-G's fight song, and one I hope to see returned fairly soon. Honestly, I believe it will be brought back with the changes going on at the Reservation, and I don't just mean the ones on the football field. This district is making a u-turn across the board. I don't mean to sound arrogant, but I believe that we're on our way back to the top, and, accordingly, I think the fight song is going to speed up as the pride really comes back to its pinnacle.

    I vaguely remember my dad listening to Cherokee back in the 60's.  I was thinking it was popularized back in the 40's by a Big Band group.

    I found this :

    This is the hidden content, please

    Check out the sample clips from the song under the Listen and Compare section. Pretty cool. ;)

    Thanks, but I've already heard it. In fact, I've played it. Caravan was part of our marching show this year. That's how I knew all this. Mr. Wells and Ms. Beckcom (our band directors) gave us a little history lesson before we started working on the actual show.

  16. Will the band be playing at the game May 22?

    Will the band be playing the new "much slower" version of Cherokee or the old one????

    To answer your question, the current, slow version of Cherokee is technically the old one. The melody to Cherokee is part of a song called Caravan, and, originally, the melody was played very slowly. We took it and sped it up to make a fight song out of it, eventually adding words.

    Furthermore, and contrary to popular belief, the "slow" Cherokee has been played at least since the 1990's, and I've got video evidence from the 1999 Brazosport playoff game to prove it. The fast Cherokee of the 1970's is the one many people associate with PN-G's fight song, and one I hope to see returned fairly soon. Honestly, I believe it will be brought back with the changes going on at the Reservation, and I don't just mean the ones on the football field. This district is making a u-turn across the board. I don't mean to sound arrogant, but I believe that we're on our way back to the top, and, accordingly, I think the fight song is going to speed up as the pride really comes back to its pinnacle.

  17. I'll give you a hint...monkey farts!  Not that it matters because you will think what you want to think and I will be wrong.  LOL, but monkey farts.  It's an inside joke with myself and couple of my poster friends...it's actually a candle scent!  Imagine that, huh...    :P

    A candle scent? And where might one procure such a candle?

    And wouldn't that smell bad? I'm not sure that "monkey farts" is a scent I would want to burn in my home. :D

  18. This is the hidden content, please

    Any clues as to who these 2 "witnesses" may be??   ::)

    Yeah, Tinkerbell and Wendy.

    LOL.. how much are they getting paid to be "witnesses" and have they had sufficient time to rehearse their story without getting it fouled up????

    That can work on both sides you know!

    Keyword:  CAN

    but have you  seen where LPD is bringing witnesses in who saw the officers NOT beating him??...so yeah...kinda irrelevant.  ;)

    If the evidence shows the LPD were not involved in anything illegal, then I can accept this ruling. But we all know there are some bad apples running around disguised as lawmen and there is nothing wrong with checks and balances.

    Correct. There is absolutely nothing wrong with checks and balances or asking questions in order to gain a better perspective and find the truth. However, there is something wrong with calling in a hate group, accusing men of crimes in the absence of fact, and then accusing the same men of more, absurd crimes in the absence of facts when the actual, proven facts don't look good for your case. That's what's going on here.

    I won't speak to the mother's motives; I have no way of knowing what her motives are. Honestly, I think she's desperate to vindicate her son because, after all, he's still her son, but I have no way of knowing that for sure. However, if that is the case, maternal instinct does not justify unreasonable actions, and these actions are most certainly unreasonable. I give my condolences to Mrs. LaDay on her loss, but I can not condone her actions. They are the epitome of blantant, unjustifiable overreactions.

  19. I would/did not call him dumb...in fact, I called him scarily smart.  Yes, blatant disrespect would not be nice.  Thanks for your inference...and here I have been so confused as to what I was.  Who would have known?  Whew...I will sleep well tonight.  Thanks.

    Three languages...quite impressive.  I only really know two, but I am working on that too.  Heck, I can just google it too, huh?

    On an ending note, I have not been surprised by most of the comments made by my educated, fact-based, all-knowing, slavery's-okay-because-it just-happened-so-just-accept-it, compassion-filled counterparts.  It makes me appreciate even more how I have raised my children.  For that, I am grateful to you.   ;) ;) ;) (P.S.  You can consider some of that last little part facetious!  But, I guess it's ok if you consider it a joke.  Either way, it is what it is!) 

    If you really understand which side of the political spectrum you're on so well, then why did you make the following statement?

    War will never cease...not everywhere. 

    Pelosi is how far from the presidency?  I think that politicians lie...heck... I think that most people lie or at least have.  How far from the presidency was Bush when he justified (lied to us about) invading Iraq because they had WMDs? 

    And, I think that most people look to blame others for the ills of the world.  It's really not that new of a concept.

    Yea, it was Bushes fault. Funny how Obama is changing his mind on a lot of security issues...... acting a little like Bush.  Bush was not as dumb as the left plays him. For a dumb guy, he sure got a lot of things done.   ;)

    Correction: played him. They can't play President Bush for dumb when President Obama starts doing the same things President Bush did while in office. Oh, wait, they're liberals. They don't have to make sense. Nevermind, then. :D


    Oh and how correct you are about Bush not being dumb...he scarily smart.  Left.  Right.  Left. Right.  Someone doesn't agree with your views and you crown them liberals or lefties.  Can you say shallow?

    You implied that you were mad about being called liberal. I said that this is what we can infer that you are based on your posts. You sarcastically said that you already understood that you were moderately liberal. If you understand this, then why are you mad about being called a liberal?

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