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Now That Newton's Season Is Over ...

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... I suppose it's proper to speculate on Coach Barbay's successor.

I think this job is W. T. Johnston's to turn down. Other than Barbay himself, Coach Johnston has had the most impact on Newton's being one of the most feared small-school programs in the state.  And ... his absence is being felt as much between the hashes as Coach Barbay's.  Coach Johnston's defensive schemes made Newton a powerhouse.  Even without the loss of Coach Barbay, the Eagles' defense hasn't been the same without Johnston.  He is a difference-maker as a coach--something you cannot say about many coaches.

I don't know the ins-and-outs--I suppose Coach Johnston left because he wanted to be a head coach.  It seems set up perfectly; he's DC at Kirbyville.  I don't know why he wouldn't want to return to Newton as head man--and why anyone in the NISD wouldn't be jumping for joy to have Johnston take over the program.

If Johnston isn't interested, if I am Ms. Leach, Mr. Metz, and the NISD, I open up applications not only statewide, but nationwide.  Perhaps one of Coach Barbay's sons would be the man--but bottom line, Newton's winning tradition is too valuable to put in the hands of someone who needs "on the job training."  It is not having priorities out of whack to want Coach Barbay's successor to be a coach who has already proven he can win district titles on a  regular basis, and compete for state titles.  I hope Ms. Leach understands this.  If not, I hope some others there are vocal about this.

This is a crucial hire.  Newton is not loaded with great athletes over and above other 2A districts--and I especially wonder how many Kirbyville players these days are from the Newton school district.  But Barbay built a program.  The wrong hire and Newton can be transformed into a mediocre or bad program in one or two seasons.

Congratulations to Cameron Yoe, they are a tremendous team.  I don't mean to demean them by saying this game tonight was NOT Newton football, and the NISD leadership should be up in arms.  Again, that does not mean priorities are skewed.  Newton has been outmanned before and lost before, but I don't remember Newton being humiliated and embarrassed like this, and it is totally unacceptable.  Frankly, this defense stinks--at least for a program that is one of the best 2A teams in the state year-in-and-year-out.

I hope the new coach is allowed a free hand with staff because apparently some coaches are indeed under-performing.

Johnston is my first choice, but I hope whoever is walking the sidelines next season can continue what Barbay has built in Newton.  It is taken for granted that the next coach will first of all be a teacher and a builder of young men.

But in addition, at Newton, he needs to know how to win district and state championships also.
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[quote name="Kville99" post="914006" timestamp="1290229347"]
Before you start speculating why don't you sit back and think about what you are doing.  That is bringing up a coaching change in a program that is still in the playoffs.  Kind of disrespectful if you ask me.  I hope this thread goes away fast.

Uh ... right.

I'm sure they're going to make the hire based on what I or anyone else posts on a message board (or when I post it) but hey, you're entitled to your opinion re: my post.

I'm sure the speculation started not long after Coach Barbay's funeral, actually, and that hasn't affected Kirbyville's season.

You're obviously a Kirbyville fan. Good luck next week.

And uh ... don't worry.  I'm sure Coach Johnston will remain focused on the task at hand; my posts--or others' posts--on a message board notwithstanding.
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I'm not a Cameron Yoe supporter, but you have to give them more credit than what you are currently giving to them.  Newton was good this year even after Coach Barbay's passing (albeit not the same).  Things could have been done differently, but I don't think much could have been done to stop what Yoe did to Newton.  For that matter, judging from their performances this season, I will not be surprised if they win state.  

Coaching has been fine in Newton.  Many teams would have folded up after the events of this season.  They came and competed every week.  That is all you can ask of a staff in this situation.

I agree that Newton will need a good coach to lead them, but that is the same with every program.  Questioning the ability of the assistants after a season like this is ludicrous, especially with a program like Newton.

Everybody on this board talked about this district and how tough it would be.  Put Newton in Region 4, and they are in the state semis.  

All in all, Cameron Yoe will kick everybody's a$$ on their way to a state championship.  Newton will hire a competent coach and compete well next year.  
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[quote name="Kville99" post="914006" timestamp="1290229347"]
Before you start speculating why don't you sit back and think about what you are doing.  That is bringing up a coaching change in a program that is still in the playoffs.  Kind of disrespectful if you ask me.  I hope this thread goes away fast.

By the way Kville, once again I say--you're entitled to your opinion.

But as far as this thread disappearing 1) this is a sports message board, which ostensibly allows folks to express their opinion.  In the NFL and in college, active coaches are speculated upon for jobs on message boards all over the country.

I seriously doubt your opinion re my "taste" and "manners" is going to carry much weight, considering moderators of this board are speculating the same thing on another thread.  Here's the link so you can tell them too:    [url=http://www.setxsports.com/forum/index.php?topic=76311.0]Newton?[/url]

The point--which the thread starter there makes--is that the job is now posted on the NISD website.  They apparently didn't take your advice to wait until after the state championships.
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[quote name="Cowboys" post="914036" timestamp="1290230756"]
I'm not a Cameron Yoe supporter, but you have to give them more credit than what you are currently giving to them.  Newton was good this year even after Coach Barbay's passing (albeit not the same).  Things could have been done differently, but I don't think much could have been done to stop what Yoe did to Newton.  For that matter, judging from their performances this season, I will not be surprised if they win state.  

Coaching has been fine in Newton.  Many teams would have folded up after the events of this season.  They came and competed every week.  That is all you can ask of a staff in this situation.

I agree that Newton will need a good coach to lead them, but that is the same with every program.  Questioning the ability of the assistants after a season like this is ludicrous, especially with a program like Newton.

Everybody on this board talked about this district and how tough it would be.  Put Newton in Region 4, and they are in the state semis.  

All in all, Cameron Yoe will kick everybody's a$$ on their way to a state championship.  Newton will hire a competent coach and compete well next year.  

Cowboy, I frankly am puzzled at how you can say I am not giving CY "enough credit," considering I said they were a juggernaut. Like you, I think they should be the odds-on favorite to win state.

But tell you what: The Yoemen are on a collision course with Daingerfield.  If they skull-drag Daingerfield and the rest the same way they rag-dolled Newton, then I'll say that I was wrong.  But I don't think they're going to hang 70 on anyone else.

My point is:  standards are high in Newton and even with the tragedy of losing Coach Barbay, a Newton squad being totally humiliated should be unacceptable--and this attitude is not one that demeans academics or character-building. 

Yoe is awesome, but so was Daingerfield the last two years and Tatum the year before that. Marlin used to be the team that sent Newton home, now it seems like northeast Texas is Newton's stumbling block. 

Newton was outmanned against Daingerfield twice and Tatum once, but they competed and fought.  That was the story of Newton under Barbay.  An Eagle defense being shredded for 42 points by halftime should NEVER happen.  Newton has had defensive problems that are separate and apart from losing Coach Barbay.

I hope small-town politics does not prevent Newton from hiring the most qualified coach possible. 

I want to see Newton continue their winning tradition and high standards--not slip into mediocrity.  Hiring the right coach is crucial.
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NFL, college, and High schol football are very different things.  as far as a job being posted that says nothing.  it is disheartenting to have a person or people come on a PUBLIC FORUM and call out names of coaches.  High school kids are quicker to jump to  a conclusion and make bigger reactions to things that are said and done.. their emotions run on extreme most of the time as it is one of the most insecure times in a persons life.  im not saying a player from any of these schools will be on here reading this but their parents or peers are.  one way or another access to this site is funneled to these kids.  i am saying it is disrespectful for someone to bring this up and place all the kids hard work in jeopardy bc they lose faith in a coach and question their trust in him bc he can just pack up and leave to move on to the next best thing.  now is not the time for the kids to lose that trust.  SOME not all of these kids look at these men as father figures.  some of these kids will still be calling these coaches in years to come asking for advice on life changing decisions.  some may not.  i just believe your timing is horrible and takes no consideration for the relationships these kids have with the coaches you named.
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This is something that has been talked about on this site before many times. Life does not revolve around Kirbyville and where they are in the playoffs for everyone. It was discussed when W.T. left Newton and also at the first of this year. Saying the discussion somehow underminds what is happening at Kirbyville is ridiculous. Do you have that little faith in the cats program? Newton has been embarrassed worse in the playoffs before as Sealy once beat us 83 - 6. We will be back. What is being said is true. Defense the last two years has been horrible. We at Newton are proud of our history and should have every right to be speculating and discussing what has transpired this season. Saying any of this is disrespectful or wrong  at this time is incorrect. Now is the time to start the process.
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I'll tell you this, no matter where I went throughout Texas, and talked to guys that had played against Newton, they all said the same thing, "why do those Newton guys hit so hard". I talked to guys from Columbus, LaGrange, Bellville, Marlin, Spearman, Dangerfield and others, and though some had beaten Newton, all asked why did Newton hit so hard, I mean I talked to guys from LaGrange and Columbus when Newton won the 1974 State tittle. I know some of the teachers at Brookshire Royal and they said their kids that lost to Newton in 2004 were stunned that any high school team was that physical.
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[quote name="ChampionEagles" post="914156" timestamp="1290257322"]
This is something that has been talked about on this site before many times. Life does not revolve around Kirbyville and where they are in the playoffs for everyone. It was discussed when W.T. left Newton and also at the first of this year. Saying the discussion somehow underminds what is happening at Kirbyville is ridiculous. Do you have that little faith in the cats program? Newton has been embarrassed worse in the playoffs before as Sealy once beat us 83 - 6. We will be back. What is being said is true. Defense the last two years has been horrible. We at Newton are proud of our history and should have every right to be speculating and discussing what has transpired this season. Saying any of this is disrespectful or wrong  at this time is incorrect. Now is the time to start the process.
[/quote]I agree
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I applaud you Kville99 and I couldn't agree with you more..The timing of this thread is wrong..Coach Barbay was a Legend in Newton and it goes way deeper than some of you think..He was not just a Coach and that showed every year when the stadium was filled with ex players and their family deep into the playoffs..This will get the coverage it needs, I just feel that now after his team is out and while his son is still playing you guys need to understand!!!

And yes it is called Respect!!!!!!!!!  Shall you rest in peace Curtis Barbay, you will be greatly missed by all...............
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Guest jhamilton
[quote name="ChampionEagles" post="914156" timestamp="1290257322"]
This is something that has been talked about on this site before many times. Life does not revolve around Kirbyville and where they are in the playoffs for everyone. It was discussed when W.T. left Newton and also at the first of this year. Saying the discussion somehow underminds what is happening at Kirbyville is ridiculous. Do you have that little faith in the cats program? Newton has been embarrassed worse in the playoffs before as Sealy once beat us 83 - 6. We will be back. What is being said is true. Defense the last two years has been horrible. We at Newton are proud of our history and should have every right to be speculating and discussing what has transpired this season. Saying any of this is disrespectful or wrong  at this time is incorrect. Now is the time to start the process.

Chapion Eagle you remember the weather that night of the game with Sealy at SHSU? Was a cold frigid night and really cold. 
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I am from Kirbyville and I do hope that Newton gets the coach it deserves, It would be ashamed to have that traditon their broken down, and if it is to be with Johnston thats good I know he is a good coach our defense is definately better anyway and W. T. is a class act he will do his job at Kirbyville so I see no problem with talking about it. I think KVILLE has a class act of its own.
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[quote name="tjcfan08" post="914252" timestamp="1290267354"]
I applaud you Kville99 and I couldn't agree with you more..The timing of this thread is wrong..Coach Barbay was a Legend in Newton and it goes way deeper than some of you think..He was not just a Coach and that showed every year when the stadium was filled with ex players and their family deep into the playoffs..This will get the coverage it needs, I just feel that now after his team is out and while his son is still playing you guys need to understand!!!

And yes it is called Respect!!!!!!!!!  Shall you rest in peace Curtis Barbay, you will be greatly missed by all...............

tjc, I decided to respond since you brought this up again.

You have your feelings about this thread.  I respectfully disagree.

We are Newton fans, Newton citizens and Newton parents.  We love this program and we honor Coach Barbay.  The reason we discuss it is that we are concerned with the direction of our program and who the new HC/AD is going to be. No one is discussing this in a lighthearted manner.  It's an honor to Coach Barbay that fans are concerned about the continuation of the program he worked decades to build.

Coach Barbay has been duly honored and praised. He of course will continue to be.  I'm sincere in asking--what makes you think he won't?

And with all this talk of yours about "lack of respect" and "hurtful to family"--as far as this thread?

Again, I respectfully disagree.

Curtis Barbay was a coach.  His sons and his nephew are coaches. They understand the occupation.

In my opinion, Curtis Barbay would be happy about the fact that the NISD and Newton fans are concerned with his successor.  I think he would be encouraging of this discussion.

You are correct that Curtis Barbay was a molder of young men and helped them to be successful after football.  I am sure the next Newton coach will follow in his footsteps here. It would be a disservice to Coach Barbay's memory if that were not the case.

Curtis Barbay was also a winner and built a winning program. To see that program slide into mediocrity with the wrong hire would be almost as big a disservice to Coach Barbay's memory as if the next coach was not a molder of young men.

So I fail to see how this thread and this discussion is in any way not honoring Coach Barbay's memory.
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[quote name="beechnut" post="914254" timestamp="1290267376"]
[quote author=ChampionEagles link=topic=76392.msg914156#msg914156 date=1290257322]
This is something that has been talked about on this site before many times. Life does not revolve around Kirbyville and where they are in the playoffs for everyone. It was discussed when W.T. left Newton and also at the first of this year. Saying the discussion somehow underminds what is happening at Kirbyville is ridiculous. Do you have that little faith in the cats program? Newton has been embarrassed worse in the playoffs before as Sealy once beat us 83 - 6. We will be back. What is being said is true. Defense the last two years has been horrible. We at Newton are proud of our history and should have every right to be speculating and discussing what has transpired this season. Saying any of this is disrespectful or wrong  at this time is incorrect. Now is the time to start the process.

Chapion Eagle you remember the weather that night of the game with Sealy at SHSU? Was a cold frigid night and really cold. 
All I really remember was feeling shell shocked and a long, long drive home. I had never seen anyone beaten that badly. As for the respect thing, again I say this has nothing to do with disrespecting anyone. I totally agree with timlan2057. I think Coach Barbay would be one of the first to be saying look hard at all options now and make choices based on what is best for the Newton Eagles and no one else. I don't understand how anyone can say we are disrespecting anything or anyone. Coach Barbay will forever be Newton Eagle football. The playoffs? Whose playoffs, Newton's is over and this is only about next season and a new coach, not about anyone else. Its not about "coverage". You obviously did not know the man. His sons in the playoffs would be very important to him and a source of immense pride as a father, but stop Newton Eagle football, no way.
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[quote name="THE WILDCATS" post="914265" timestamp="1290267925"]
I am from Kirbyville and I do hope that Newton gets the coach it deserves, It would be ashamed to have that traditon their broken down, and if it is to be with Johnston thats good I know he is a good coach our defense is definately better anyway and W. T. is a class act he will do his job at Kirbyville so I see no problem with talking about it. I think KVILLE has a class act of its own.
I totally agree. Kirbyville has set the bar the last few years for the entire Golden Triangle as to what a team should be. This is not luck, it is taught and expected from the top down, as it should be.
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« Reply #19 on: Today at 12:14:28 PM » Quote Modify 


Quote from: ZATARRA on November 19, 2010, 08:41:27 AM
Who is WT? Should Bryan even apply? I mean if Newton hires anyone other than "WT" there's no way they could be successful, right???

  WT is who built Newton in the 90's up to 2008, He is a great DC and every since he left the D at Newton has been terrible.  WT is known for his D and the other D displine plus he is a great strength and conditioning coach, look a Kville and how big there players have become because of the WT workout plan.  WT handled most of the duties for Barbay during his time at Newton he was Barbay's right hand man for years and because of a certain coach (the now OC) starting Drama ,because he wanted the HC job when Barbay retired next Season ...WT confronted Barbay about the Drama and Decided to leave and put his name in for the Jasper job , that didnt workout because of other issues so he went to coach with his former teamate Jack Alaverz as a Defensive coach.
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[quote name="beechnut" post="914254" timestamp="1290267376"]
[quote author=ChampionEagles link=topic=76392.msg914156#msg914156 date=1290257322]
This is something that has been talked about on this site before many times. Life does not revolve around Kirbyville and where they are in the playoffs for everyone. It was discussed when W.T. left Newton and also at the first of this year. Saying the discussion somehow underminds what is happening at Kirbyville is ridiculous. Do you have that little faith in the cats program? Newton has been embarrassed worse in the playoffs before as Sealy once beat us 83 - 6. We will be back. What is being said is true. Defense the last two years has been horrible. We at Newton are proud of our history and should have every right to be speculating and discussing what has transpired this season. Saying any of this is disrespectful or wrong  at this time is incorrect. Now is the time to start the process.

Chapion Eagle you remember the weather that night of the game with Sealy at SHSU? Was a cold frigid night and really cold. 
Memory lane, information is so readily available nowadays it is funny to remember, but my wife and I were talking last night about years ago we had been to a playoff game(again I believe we played in Huntsville) and was driving into the edge of Newton when a state trooper patrol lights hit us and stopped us. It was the now county Judge and his partner and all they wanted was to know who won the game! Times have changed.
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