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Guest Orangeboy

Why does someone like Rocky Calhoun not get offered anything at all??

My guess is his size. I played with a guy that was very talented but was about Rocky's size and all he got offered was books at Ranger. If someone would just give Rock a chance they would be more than happy with what he would bring to their team.

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Guest Orangeboy

I also agree with the size thing....I think he should try to walk on somewhere...Maybe Panola...

Great thought Critter. He might have to walk in there and take somebody's scholarship for next year.

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Guest Bulldog

I mean he could earn his own next year.....same thing as taking someones.......i think rocky is a great player and deserves a scholarship

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Guest Orangeboy

I mean he could earn his own next year.....same thing as taking someones.......i think rocky is a great player and deserves a scholarship

Exactly what I meant.

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People worry to much about size in baseball.  If David Eckstien can be the MVP of the world series last year.  It proves that size does not matter.  Also how hard you throw as a pitcher.  EX. John Rocker (atlanta).  Could throw 97+ and can't find a team.  So this kid should not get discouraged.  You just have to go and give it a shot.   

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Jasper proved size does not matter at the state tournament.  Physically, they appeared by far to have the the smallest athletes of any of the four 3a teams.  From the looks of some of the teams you would have thought they were playing a college or professional team.  The LE shortstop was 6-4 for goodness sakes.  :o  And the pitcher they started against Jasper appeared to be almost as tall.

Yet we now know what the Dogs did with their little guys.  :) 

However, it is a fact of life that there is a prejudice against the smaller players.  >:(

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Jasper proved size does not matter at the state tournament.  Physically, they appeared by far to have the the smallest athletes of any of the four 3a teams.  From the looks of some of the teams you would have thought they were playing a college or professional team.  The LE shortstop was 6-4 for goodness sakes.   :o  And the pitcher they started against Jasper appeared to be almost as tall.

Yet we now know what the Dogs did with their little guys.   :) 

However, it is a fact of life that there is a prejudice against the smaller players.   >:(

That L.E. Shortstop's size (along with other things) got him into ATM, and also got him drafted in the 5th round

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Guest Orangeboy

Could his coach have anything to do with it?

Not sure I know what you mean by this one. Trawhon put Rocky up for the All-Star game on Saturday.  The guy really cares about the kids. I just hope this wasn't another slam against a great coach.

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Not sure I know what you mean by this one. Trawhon put Rocky up for the All-Star game on Saturday.  The guy really cares about the kids. I just hope this wasn't another slam against a great coach.

I am not slamming his coach, but couldn't he have done more than put him up for an allstar game at the end of his senior year. I mean do you have to get the scouts to come watch you yourself or does the coach do that?

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I am not slamming his coach, but couldn't he have done more than put him up for an allstar game at the end of his senior year. I mean do you have to get the scouts to come watch you yourself or does the coach do that?

How do you know what the coach did or didn't do?  I would imagine that there will be plenty of scouts at that all star game.

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Guest Orangeboy

I know because as good as he is, he would be going somewhere, whether it be juco, DII or something. Joel Schooling had to go out and get his own Scholarship as well. Everyone knows what he was all about.

There are a lot of kids that have to go to theses tryouts out various colleges every summer. Rock will get his break. He just can't give up the dream.

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You have to be EXPOSED and most of the time in the summer after your Jr yr or before. If you wait till your a Sr >your late. With us it started with a 'MLB Scouting Bureau' camp in Lufkin and was then invited to a 'Baseball Factory' showcase among others. Most of the 'showcases' are for a fee and although it was free for us, I will say the above mentioned was a good one as they rate players and forward their findings along with a video to schools who pay them for their services (and many do). Don't EVER wait on something to come to you, the exposure is out there you just have to go get you some. Go to njcaa.org there you will find a list of all JUCOs along with their website, there should be recruiting info there. On the MLB site there is a listing of the try-outs for the 'Scouting Bureau' but seems as if they have cut back on the camps they put on.

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Just wanted to put in my two cents.  No matter what your wife or girlfriend tells you, "size does matter!"  Just think of the number of kids in the US that are great ball players.  If you had to pick between a 5' 2" player and a 6' 2" player, which one do you think will get chosen?

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How do you know what the coach did or didn't do?  I would imagine that there will be plenty of scouts at that all star game.

Actually, it was a little disappointing.  There were very few scouts, recruiters, etc. at the game.  I did see someone from A&M and Texas State but a surprisingly low turnout.

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