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Vidor JV vs Varsity Final

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NIce try grandslam, but your wrong all accounts, but I would not expect much from you. Its funny how your pulling the old Jerry Seinfeld, your in the band or choir, "not that there is anything wrong with that." As far as embarrassing BC how am I doing that??? I do not remember ever coming on here trying to speak for all of BC, I am speaking for BIGRED75.........And if you ever lived anywhere other than here you might be able to comprehend what I am writing. As for the intelligence part of things, I probably have more education than you could possibly try to attain in your lifetime. Its funny, why you want to get so personal when I have not said anything to you??? Just remember next time when you decide to reply on here and try to make a point of some sort, that will make me tremble in my boots, don't just "sing it" bring it, not that there is anything wrong with that...............

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I think when you make a blanket statement about where somebody lives it includes everybody that lives in that town, evidentally that is something you can't comprehend. And as for the education part, I can guarantee unless you are a doctor that you do not have as much education as I do. I take it you not from here or you would not have made the comment, oh how did it go? If you ever lived anywhere other than here you might comprehend what I am saying. It sounds like your getting personal with anyone who lives "here". You can see why your such a hit on the posts, it's quite comical. :wink:

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I now see your arrogance knows no bounds. You can’t even admit that no one on this entire thread has supported you. Where as, there are several who have agreed with my asessment of your intelect and arrogance. Probably the people asking you to stop are from BC and wish you would go back to where you came, and I can understand their thinking. Now I am going to stop picking on you. It really isn’t fare. However, I will leave you with this. Ignorance and profound arrogance is a bad combination. Please get help with one or the other.

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Well how about that grandslam, I am a doctor as well.........SO I guess that makes us even. As for living here, or I should say being from here, well I am born and raised. But I at least have seen other parts of the US and World other than what lies 100 or so miles north or south of I-10. As for trying to get support on the posts I make....That is not my goal. I am not here drumming up support for me or BC. My goal is that when someone post BS I am here to call them on it. This thing did not get personal until someone took it there long ago. I do not see how standing up for the misuse of the word retarded is wrong. Sure I might have said a few things after that, that might have been aimed at one poster or another. Do I really care what you guys think of what I write........uhhhhh NO. I make myself laugh, that is what counts. If you want to stop picking on me thats up to you, I can go all day, but to say its not fare, well get some original material. Someone already used that one. What's funny is that you think I am arogant or Ignorant, when that is the whole reason I made a comment on here in the first place. So guess what, you might see me that way, but the show must go on..............who knew Vidor has so much support.....................and here we all thought that was just a part of Rose City. I can understand if you do not want to admit your from there, and disguise yourself as a Bridge Citian.

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Well Doctor red now you have me misty eyed with the feel sorry for me act. As for the I seen the world so I am a smarter than you bit I really don't understand how that makes you any smarter, do they play baseball differently in other parts of the world? How you can try to turn this around by saying I made it personal when actually YOU started taking personal shots first. Oh by the way it's "fair" not "fare" as in air fare which I guess you were thinking of since you travel the world so much. By the way I am from Vidor and proud of it, and I also have a lot of friends that are from BC which I happen to like, unlike you I won't take a jab at BC just because a few of the people there are ignorant. I love democracy, isn't this a great country!

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Oh no excuse me DR. grammar police, and I never said traveling made me smarter or living eleswhere, it does however make you more aware. Your not living in ignorance only knowing what is in SE Texas or vidor for that matter. Trust me there is more out there, and more points of view, not all wrong. UHHH not sure about the taking personal shots thing, your the one if I remember trying to play the "if your not one of US (which who would want to be)" then you can not make a comment. That was and is a ridiculous statement, but oh I am sorry I guess I should not have said anything about your beloved baseball program. Being that I am not from Vidor I should not have participated in talking about the topic in the first place. Still laughing at that one. Get real fella the fact is if anyone does not line up with what your topic or comments are you people (vidorians), you have issue with it. Explain that one to me. I mostly only give it once someone goes at me. So check yourself, MR. I didn't start it, or should I say DR. I didn't start it. OPINIONS baby (not child like), are wonderful things.................

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You know you're really a closet Vidorian. :lol: I also think you need to read the post again, I don't think you read it correctly(the US post). I wouldn't normally make the childish move of correcting someone's grammar, but since you have more education than I'll ever have in a lifetime I felt obligated. I could care less if you made comments about our baseball program, that's not what this is about and you know it! (I think) It's evident that you have something against Vidor, which is fine a lot of people do, but quit acting like your just an innocent poster making comments about Vidor's baseball program, because you're not. Nice touch(not touche') with the "MR.", so intimidating :roll:



If you read the posts closely you would realize that it was not just Vidorians, but people from across the area that participated, you're just the one that stuck out.

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I do tend to stick out in a crowd, cardinals tend to fly above the rest as well, but since some are growing tired and weary of all this blabbering it seems, I might have to lay this one to rest until the next oustanding topic unveils itself. I am always looking for a good entertaining post to get involved in, and regardless of our differences DR., this has kept me entertained over the past few days.

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    • Where were the 8 Omaha teams in D1's preseason top 25 poll... 2. Florida 8. A&M 9. Tennessee 13. N.C.State 14. Virginia 15. North Carolina Kentucky - unranked Florida State - unranked
    • That TDS is really flaring. Now do Biden. You have way, way, way more material. And keep that bitter "you are better than me" jealousy tone you have with Trump. You know Biden, the one you want everyone to vote for instead of Trump. Somehow you didn't acknowledge my pleas for you to die a painful death. I was quite certain that is how you would have interpreted my previous post. I guess when your focus is Trump 24/7, nothing else matters.
    • I have a better one. The point that nobody wants to acknowledge is that Dems are crossing over to vote Trump in the primaries and in the general so he will win the presidency. That way Trump will get the blame when the Dems implement their sinister plan to deport all of the minorities in the country. They have already laid the groundwork...convincing everyone that Trump and Republicans are racist (without providing any proof). Then it will be just a matter of time to execute their White supremacy plan of the great purge of the dirty, unwashed, heathen, non-Whites that roam freely in this country. I think my theory is more viable than your theory. Maybe we can get some other ridiculous scenarios so we can start a poll.
    • But that’s what Trump’s fanboys don’t understand.  When he talked about sexually assaulting women, y’all laughed it off as “locker room talk.”  When it was proven that he raped E. Jean Carroll, you cried that it was all an injustice… a lie. Even though he’d already confessed to doing the same thing to other women.  John McCain has suffered and sacrificed more for his country than practically anybody, except possible gold star families… and Trump called him a loser or something to that effect. “Oh, it was a joke that no one was supposed to take seriously.” But when Trump, after disrespecting the sacrifices of one of our most valiant, y’all are like “just because Trump didn’t go to Omaha Beach doesn’t mean he isn’t pro military!” Really? All you have to do is listen to what he said about McCain’s service. Not McCain as an opponent, not McCain’s political views… about the fact that the man was tortured, probably raped, and who knows what all else for over five years for swearing an oath and putting on the uniform.  But all of y’all supposedly “pro military” people just laughed along with Trump. “Good one, Sir! Maverick my new-hind! Filthy Rino!”  I don’t understand how the same people (y’all) who probably always say “thank you for your service” to any veteran still support a guy who craps on the ones who suffered the most on our behalf.  It’s baffling. 
    • Wow. Do you actually believe your little scenario has any chance of alleviating you of your moral immaturity? Deflection at it's best...or worse. You seem to be a sad case. If you died today, I would be remiss if not attributing your cause of death to severe TDS, and of course, Covid. Look at that. I just made a joke about your death. You did not get offended. Nobody was offended. Not one person will accuse me of being hateful towards fellow human beings. But yet, you hate Trump because he made a similar crude comment about McCain. You tried to attribute that comment as evidence Trump hates the military. What grade level of schoolchildren do you think is laughing at you for that "less that adolescent" (hint, hint) comment. You used one crude comment in an attempt to justify your TDS. Now, when called on it, you try to deflect the whole topic. You are certainly not having any fun with this, but you sure are providing entertainment for the board. It's a shame you can't join in on the fun. I think even Big Girl might be to the point of giggling at the shamelessness you are exhibiting.
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