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  1. Saturday, July 29th...Practice Begins, Spears Injured, T.O. "and" Family Visit KTBB's Hayes RV Luxury Suite... 8:00am-I rarely eat breakfast while at home, I'm an early riser, my wife Cindy is a night-owl...so any breakfast I get is usually on the go. But when I travel, I eat a big breakfast, usually at the hotel, and the options are great, eggs and omelets, waffles, pancakes, sausage, bacon, hash-browns, and much more. Today: Ham & Cheese Omelet, Sausage and Bacon, large glass of orange juice, and my favorite..."Diet Coke". 8:30am-ESPN's John Clayton met us at the Hayes RV Luxury Suite this morning, he's hosting his show back in Seattle from our facilities, and will also host his show with Sean Salisbury in our "Luxury Suite". Clayton was a guest on my show on Friday, and he definitely knows his stuff. It's been interesting watching him work the phones about rookie contracts, reminds me of "me" working the phones with high school coaches and trying to find out the latest recruiting news. 8:45am-Clayton and I walk out to Cowboys practice together...I told him the atmosphere this morning reminded me of the Cowboys first-ever camp appearance in Austin, pretty electric. The crowd appears to be a little rambunctious. T.O. was the last person out of the clubhouse, and the crowd went nuts. Later on, T.O. said he's always one of the last players out of the clubhouse. 9:05am-Offensive tackle Flozell Adams isn't in pads, he failed the conditioning test, but no one seems alarmed. Larry Allen failed this drill basically every year. Adams actually looks in great shape if you ask me, but who I am to talk about anyone being in shape? Adams is working out on the side with strength coach Joe Juraszek 10:20am-T.O. catches touchdown pass from Tony Romo...crowd starts chanting "T.O., T.O., T.O."... 10:40am-My favorite part of any practice, goal-line drill, the offense gets the ball at the one-yard line and both sides completely maul each other. Best hit of the day, (besides anything involving Roy Williams), Kevin Burnett drills fullback Lousaka Polite, but Polite somehow scores anyway. The intensity brought some expletives from both sides, but it also brought a huge smile to the face of safety Roy Williams. 11:00am-Usually, players from different positions are avaialble after morning or afternoon practice...and it's usually whoever gets there first gets the best position. However, Cowboys P.R. man Brett Daniels set everyone up nicely with a small podium and Jamie Lent and I were right smack in the middle of the circus. T.O. answered several questions, mostly about today's practice, but Gary Myers tried plugging away with some questions about the Eagles and Donovan McNabb...to no avail. T.O. said he enjoyed the atmosphere at this camp, and now knows more than ever why the Cowboys are "America's Team"...even though he didn't grow up wanting to be a Cowboy. 11:30am-Oops, it's time for Bill Parcells' daily press conference...be right back...again, not much to say...but defensive end Marcus Spears twisted his knee, will have an M.R.I. on his right knee, it's apparently a cartilage injury, which shouldn't take much time to heal and rehab. Spears missed three weeks of training camp a year ago with a knee injury, but was ready for opening day. 12:09pm-Our shipment of Sadler's Smoekhouse BBQ brisket from Henderson has arrived! This was great news to the KTBB "entourage", but even better news for the massive media horde, and especially the Cowboys p.r. department, players, and training staff. Now, we're on alert for our expected shipment of the John Soules Fajita Meat from Tyler... Training Camp has been good so far, but we "take it up a notch" with the late-afternoon cookouts, and media arguments about the NFL, College Football, and anything else for that matter. 3:00pm-Double Great News! The John Soules Foods fajita meat arrived this afternoon, it's time to cookout. 7:00pm-Afternoon practice ends, and after 2-3 hours of cooking fajita meat, brisket, and the 'Bama beans, several media members show up to eat free food...which has been a training camp tradition since our first year in Wichita Falls. Surprise guests tonight, besides Bradi James and Keith Davis, are Terrell Owens and Hollywood movie star Sanaa Latham (who you may know from movies such as Love and Basketball), and T.O.'s immediate family, his publicist, and others. We didn't wrap everything up until 10:00pm tonight, Mac Engel, Steve Dennis, Dale Hansen, Jim Reeves, Mickey Spagnola, Mike Doocy, Clarence Hill, Jacque Taylor, Sean Hamilton, Joe Trahan, Larry Rodriguez, and several media friends hung around discussing everything important in sports and life. I honestly don't think we ever solve anything, but there are always some great arguments. I always enjoy feeding the Cowboys training staff, equipment staff, team doctor's, public relations department, and several interns. They usually don't wrap things up until well after practice, and so I've always left something for them...they really seem to enjoy and appreciate the hospitality. We'll cook again perhaps on Wednesday or Thursday... My son Craig and I are heading to the lobby to relax for an hour or two... Nice to know there's only an afternoon practice on Sunday, but Bill Parcells' press conference will start at 11:30am...sharp. We're expecting Cowboys running back Julius Jones to stop by and record an interview for Monday's show.
  2. My printout dated 3/06 shows Ms. Martin on page 163 of the document as owing back taxes for 2 different pieces of property in the City of Orange. These taxes are of course, city county and school taxes on property located in WOCCISD. One property has back taxes dated back to 2000 and the other property dates back to 1999. Ms. Martin spouts off about doing her homework. She forgets that others can do homework too. Her attempts on Channel 6 to clean up the mess she created with her callous and unjust comments are a result of trying to talk out of both sides of her big mouth.
  3. How you compare teams is generally based on who you are talking to and their records lately/overall. I have friends at work that went to Lincoln and love to point out that they beat Nederland in their last year of existence. They hate to mention that Nederland was 10-1 against them in the last 11 years and owns the overall record between the schools. They would rather the discussion be based on the very last game. That year Lincoln won only their first round game. Nederland won three and ended up in the semi-finals. Two weeks after Lincoln had gone home for good, Nederland was still playing ball. Nederland beat WO-S for three straight years, effectively keeping them out of the playoffs for their last three years in 4A. I seem to remember a lot of the banter on the bulletin boards between WO-S and Nederland. The Nederland fans (and I was one) crowed about three straight years of victory. The WO-S fans seemed to care mostly about the overall record that is heavily in favor of WO-S. Now that WO-S has won the last two years, I am sure they don't mind discussing the last two years, much like my friends from Lincoln like to dismiss the 10 straight years of losses to Nederland. WO-S is rightfully proud of their state championships but wasn't their last one like in '88? I doubt any of this year's seniors was even alive the last time WO-S took it all but I still hear a lot of talk about it. The bottom line is, people like to discuss what is in favor of their argument whether it be recent past or overall history. I see it on all sides from supporters of all teams. It is called making an argument for your case. Just remember this, a person could always be a supporter of Vidor or Lumberton and not have anything to defend recent or overall history. Oh yeah, did I mention Nederland won state in 1957..............
  4. No, an 8-0 record by an average score of 37-6 makes it real easy for the "WOS group" to talk smack about Lumberton. P.S. to WOS92. No, what YOU just posted was the funniest thing I ever read! I gotta remember that joke.
  5. Actually, WOS and NED are even in the last six games (NED is up 3-2 in the past 5, though). WOS won in 2000, NED won from 01-03, and WOS won in 04 and 05. NED and WOS share the benefit of having good, stable coaching staffs. We lost a few key members of our coaching squad in 01 and didn't get them back until 04, and you see how much of a difference it made for us. When you talk about how come WOS or NED can win games against teams most people think will beat them, it has to be about good coaching -- getting players to be overachievers.
  6. Well I am a Junior for the Lumberton Football Team, and I was one of those 6 sophmores that were moved up last season, we were some of the best players on that team. This summer everybody has been workin hard to get ready for this football season, we have a good attitude about this year, we want to change things, prove our community wrong and prove others that have graduated that we are not a losing team and all this hype will be for real. Our parents have been in full support of us throughout the years. Coach C has a great offense and everbody knows how to run it, we have good players and a good coaching staff so be ready for us to make some noise this year. Yea guys mock me all you want talk down to me and our team it will just make us work harder to prove everybody wrong. Good Luck to all the teams this year in Southeast Texas
  7. yea lol but those days are over.....again i say, lets talk about a winning texas team.....lets talk about the rangers
  8. ASTROS LOSE!!!!!ASTROS LOSE!!!!YES!!!! in case yall havent guessed, i hate the astros because they are stupid........lets talk about a good team like the rangers........ill start..........how bout them rangers???
  9. There are some rules, but it's pretty much common sense issues -- don't call people names (you may not even be allowed to use anyone's name in a negative context during your speech), limit the discussion to 5 minutes (if there are a lot of people, they will ask the audience to limit the number of people who will talk on the topic), and a few other minor things they'll explain at the meeting. The MOST IMPORTANT THING: Get there early to put your name on the list of people who wish to address the board. If you don't get your name on the list, you can't speak! According to the WOCCISD website (www.woccisd.net), the board meeting will begin at 6:00 on Monday, July 31 (my birthday). The meetings are held at the administration building behind what I used to call East Campus near what used to be Wells Fargo bank (on 15th street and Green). I think the vote is going to pass without much issue, so, as emotional as this may be for some people, let's try to hold our head up high and act civilized. Ms. Martin is a joke and everyone knows it -- even she knows it -- so let's have a good laugh at her expense. Who knows? Perhaps the board can give me a pretty cool birthday present by naming my favorite stadium in honor of one of the greatest coaches in Texas!
  10. Im not totaly sure of the rules, but of what I hear, GoStangs likes to fight the woman to death. The way he is, we may not have to talk at all. One thing I wanted to do, was for all of us to wear WOS football shirts!!!
  11. Blue, get the respect before you talk the smack! I will go out on a limb here and say that Lumberton does not make the playoffs this year. It looks to me like about a five horse race for 3 spots. I see it this way: Central Nederland Ozen Dayton PNG Any 3-way combination of the the above would not surprise me. Anybody besides these 5 making it would surpise me.
  12. the worst i have ever played in was against H-J my sophmore year (03-04 i think) at Buna we lost 71-15 we had 14 guys that night on the varsity. our starting quarterback was sick with the flu our center had gotten hurt in practice the day before. Some guys had failed and quit and one guy got in a wreck that ended his season. on the last play of the game the QB for H-J faked the kneel and ran it in for another touchdown. talk about sportsmanship. I was a sophmore weighing in at about 165 pounds roughly and had to play center for the first time all year and I was blockin this nose guard who looked like he had just got out of the pin and had a beard. I remember one play he took me with one hand and threw me into the backfield. That game was the worst for me. The worst I have ever been to as far as weather I'm not sure but as far as play I saw LCM get beat by PNG pretty bad one year. I also heard that at a Coldspring game last year there were kids sent to the hospital because of fighting on the field. Not sure on the truth in that but if so I bet that was a bad game.
  13. Unless at least two of your losses are in pre-district, 7-3 probably won't get ya the playoffs in that district. If you earn that record though, you'll have to beat New Caney, Cleveland, LC-M and Vidor. That's four wins. That means you'll have to pull off at least THREE major upsets among your games with PN-G, Nederland, Ozen, Central and Bridge City. I just don't see that happening. Certainly anything is possible, but y'all are just going to have to prove it on the field. All of this talk is kind of funny to those of us not from Lumberton.
  14. Oh my!! This is getting good! I like people that can take some smack talk!! :wink: This makes it fun! Earlier you said 7 and 3. Who are the 3 yall will lose to?
  15. It is easy to talk smack about Lumberton from the WOS group because you know you don't have to play the Raider's this year...so just keep talking....but Bridge City will find out first hand...wait and see.
  16. Ok this will be the look of 22-4A Nov 10th. Talk all the smack, and ya'll will this is the fact. Central Nederland Lumberton Dayton Ozen Vidor PNG LCM Raider Pride!
  17. Pretty neat site, except for this comment While in Orange, I re-met old friends wherever I went-- I knew some of the police and fire staff; I interviewed the county judge as his daughter was my high school homecoming date years ago; when my careful navigating got our satellite truck stuck in mud, my high school friends pulled us out with their F-250. Im going to have to have a talk with this guy :twisted:
  18. 9.3 on Pinkston in 1999..... Was loading the boat after a day of fishing on Pinkston. Pulled the boat out of the water and started putting my rods into the rod box. I noticed that one of my reels had a slight backlash so I walked down to the boat ramp and casted the spinnerbait into the water to get the backlash out. I caught the 9.3 on the retrieve! TALK ABOUT LUCK!!! BTW, if you have never fished on Pinkston, you are missing out! That lake is FULL of big bass!!!!!!
  19. But he has a point. If the media didn't talk about HS games and promote them, then what? I'm done with this dicussion.
  20. can anyone answer my question? why is Silsbee so special this year? they have always given wos a good game in past years, and there is a lot of talk that the district may come down to wos and silsbee.
  21. You watched it? Pro Wrestling talk has been hot on here. You would be surprised how many people like it.
  22. awww. Bless your heart. I'll give 'em 2-8. Undefeated in JV means about as much as it does in Pop Warner. It doesn't always translate to varsity. We've had some LOUSY JV teams, and when do you remember a LOUSY WO-S varsity team? I don't. It's not the same. I'm sorry, but I can't put that much faith into a team that lost to Gulf Shores Academy. With all due respect, that might be the most embarrassing loss any team in this area has ever had, including the WO-S 84-0 beating of Lincoln back in 93. I'm sorry if this is disrespectful or harsh, but you guys from Lumberton have to understand that NOBODY is going to buy the talk from a team like the raiders until they've at least STARTED to walk the walk. Last year's team didn't even crawl.
  23. Tony Gwynn, Jr. collects 1st MLB hit exactly 24 years after his father's first hit San Francisco Giants 7 Milwaukee Brewers 6 July 19, 2006 (by JANIE McCAULEY, AP Sports Writer) SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- Barry Bonds bobbed his head and sang along to an old hip-hop tune by Bobby Brown while sitting back in his chair, seemingly without a worry in the world. A day before he could be indicted, Bonds delivered the big hit that started San Francisco's winning rally Wednesday. Ray Durham capped the comeback, hitting a two-run single off closer Derrick Turnbow's glove in the ninth inning as the Giants turned a couple of lucky bounces into a 7-6 win over the Milwaukee Brewers. Back in his corner of the clubhouse afterward, Bonds enjoyed Brown's song "My Prerogative." Bonds could be indicted by a grand jury on perjury and tax evasion charges as soon as Thursday. Bonds led off the ninth with a pinch-hit single, right after Turnbow thought he'd struck out the Giants star. The seven-time NL MVP, who turns 42 on Monday, did not start following Tuesday's night game. "I just saw it and hit it, that's it," Bonds said. "Just like Ray did. ... It's hard to pinch-hit in that situation. He got ahead of me early and I worked the count full." When asked whether he was anxious about a potential indictment, Bonds said he would only answer baseball-related questions. Eventually, he lifted his hands to shoo away a group of reporters. "See you later. Have fun," he said. Jose Vizcaino pinch-ran for Bonds, and with one out, Steve Finley hit a chopper up the middle that skipped past shortstop Bill Hall and deflected off second baseman Rickie Weeks' mitt. The ball bounded into center field for a double, and Moises Alou was intentionally walked to load the bases. Durham, who homered earlier, hit a one-hopper that could've become a game-ending double play. Instead, Turnbow reached for the ball and it glanced off his glove and caromed into right-center for the game-winner. San Francisco earned its second straight one-run victory following a team meeting Tuesday, giving the Giants momentum going into a four-game series at home against NL West-leading San Diego starting Thursday night. "The win is a huge lift," said Durham, who homered for the fifth time in eight games to give him 15 on the year. "If we lost with the first-place Padres coming in, it would have been a struggle. I was sitting on a fastball and he got two strikes on me, then I got my fastball. The ball hit the pitcher's glove and I think it would have been a bang-bang play, but there was no way I was getting doubled off, no chance." Turnbow (4-6) blew his fourth save in his last seven appearances and was so upset he declined to talk to reporters. "He threw the ball well today," manager Ned Yost said. "The 2-2 pitch to Barry might have been a strike but it wasn't, because it's Barry. Finley's ball was a tough play. It had a strange hop." Gabe Gross hit a three-run homer, Carlos Lee hit a two-run homer and Hall added a solo shot for the Brewers. Tony Gwynn Jr. had a pinch-hit double off Brian Wilson in the Milwaukee ninth for his first Major League hit. His father's first Major League hit -- also a double -- came exactly 24 years earlier to the day, on July 19, 1982, for the Padres. The younger Gwynn received a standing ovation when his accomplishment was announced between innings. "He hit a double, too," said the rookie outfielder, who was told before the game that it was the anniversary of his dad's first hit. Brian Wilson (1-0) pitched one inning for his first Major League victory. "I don't really think about wins," he said. "The whole game was a ton of emotion. We all felt we were going to win, even down five runs." Lee connected in the first, sending the first pitch from Matt Morris over the wall in left-center for his 27th homer of the year. Hall led off the second with his 19th homer and second of this series, in which he drove in five runs. Gross homered in the third and fans began booing Morris as the Brewers' hits total increased. Durham hit a two-run homer in the fifth off Doug Davis that pulled the Giants to 6-4. San Francisco rookie Eliezer Alfonzo hit a solo homer in the eighth, and also doubled and singled. Finley had two doubles and a single, a sacrifice fly and scored twice. Morris came close to having his five-game winning streak snapped. He hasn't lost since June 9 against Pittsburgh. Notes Lee homered for the first time in the second half, with his last coming July 9 in a loss to the Chicago Cubs ... San Francisco's Omar Vizquel stole his 17th base ... Giants catcher Eliezer Alfonzo stole the first base of his career.
  24. he Jody the week of the game you need to pm your cell or I will give you my cell number...hold on you know cell right, its that little thing thats in your pocket that vibrates once in a while....wait I need to be more clear on that...its the other thing in your pocket that you talk on J/K but if your coming to Jasper we need to hook up before the game go eat then see the game
  25. Zidane says insults to mother, sister caused head buttAssociated Press PARIS -- French soccer star Zinedine Zidane apologized for head-butting an Italian opponent during the World Cup final, saying Wednesday that he was provoked by insults about his mother and sister. www.espn.com Zinedine Zidane apologized for his head butt, but said he was provoked by Marco Materazzi's insults to his family. "I apologize, to all the children" who watched the match Sunday, Zidane said in his first, highly awaited comments about the act of violence that marked the end of his career. The 34-year-old midfielder, soft-spoken and relaxed in the interview with the Canal-Plus television network, did not specify exactly what Italian defender Marco Materazzi said that enraged him, but said it was about his family. "I would rather have taken a punch in the jaw than have heard that," Zidane said, stressing that Materazzi's language was "very harsh." Zidane and Materazzi exchanged words after Italy broke up a French attack in extra-time. Seconds later, Zidane lowered his head and rammed Materazzi in the chest, knocking him to the ground. Zidane was sent off, reducing France to 10 men. Italy went on to win in a penalty shootout. The abrupt act of aggression marred the end of the World Cup, with many warning it would tarnish Zidane's formidable legacy. The France captain said he felt no regret for his act, "because that would mean [Materazzi] was right to say all that." "There was a serious provocation," said Zidane, who said he had never had tensions with Materazzi before. "My act is not forgivable," Zidane said. "But they must also punish the true guilty party, and the guilty party is the one who provokes." "I tell myself that if things happened this way, it's because somewhere up there it was decided that way," he said in a later interview on TF1 television. "And I don't regret anything that happened, I accept it." For days, sports fans around the world have been riveted by the question: What could Materazzi have said to set Zidane off? Media from Brazil to Britain hired lip readers to try to figure it out, then came up with different answers. Materazzi has acknowledged he insulted Zidane, without giving specifics. At nearly the same moment Zidane was on TV, excerpts from an interview that Materazzi gave were posted on an Italian paper's Web site. He denied insulting Zidane's mother. "I didn't say anything to him about racism, religion or politics," Materazzi told the Gazzetta. "I didn't talk about his mother either. I lost my mother when I was 15 and even now I still get emotional talking about her. Naturally, I didn't know his [mother] was in the hospital, I give her my best wishes." "He's always been my hero, I admire him a lot." Despite the head butt, Zidane was awarded the Golden Ball award for best player at the World Cup -- though FIFA president Sepp Blatter has suggested Zidane could be stripped of the honor. "The winner of the award is not decided by FIFA, but by an international commission of journalists," Blatter said in Italian newspaper La Repubblica. "That said, FIFA's executive committee has the right, and the duty, to intervene when faced with behavior contrary to the ethics of the sport." In France, many have already pardoned Zidane, even without his explanation. A poll published Tuesday in Le Parisien newspaper showed that 61 percent of the 802 people questioned forgave Zidane. Zidane said many people have asked him not to retire, but he said he would not change his mind. "I won't go back on it, at least I hope so ... [the decision] it's definitive," he said. In a later interview with TF1 television, Zidane said he was "going to rest, and then move on to something else."
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