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  1. If Dubby is old, what are we, Gasilla?  I have to agree though- for a small band, they make up with loud and entertaining drumbeats! However, I have to go with the navy and silver uniforms.......much sharper! GO 'STANGS!
  2. I'd say got to bed...but you are probably sitting at the stadium!!!!  Good luck to all teams today, but I have to root for jr. white and all the Mustang teams today!!!!!  Play hard guys and let ALL teams be safe and injury free!
  3. There seems to be a lot of discussion and speculation about this situation...it seems simple to me--reschedule. To the football team, this means nothing being a non-district game--and they DON'T have to have cheerleaders or drill team, but these girls tried out and made the squad and IT IS important to them. Also, it is important to play a district VB game. But in a small school, where kids do multiple activities, they are pulled. Though it means nothing to most people...to travel w your cheer or drill team to Houston for a football game IS a big deal to teenagers. These girls made a committment to both and it is unfortunate to all. They did pay alot of money for cheer and drill, BUT they did commit to their coach for VB. Is it that big of a deal to reschedule? Maybe it is, I really don't know. I think it is wise for Coach to say "no comment". To be honest, people would rip her apart if she commented...
  4. BBDad- with friends like "WhatDoIknow", who needs enemies????? Sounds like sour grapes from somewhere down the road.... and I didn't know Bucket had an "entourage" (correct spelling). Who did you make so mad?
  5. I sure hope you are right. It's harder to get the exposure the smaller the school.
  6. Because he is loaded and does not have anything else to do with his money. LOL! ;D "I heard" he wanted to start small with the sign, but he's paying to have turf put in over the summer! ;D Shouldn't you two boys be over filling out the LCM questionaire wanting to know this information about who you want for your new AD/Head Coach??????? 1. How important is it that the Athletic Director/Head Football Coach (candidate) be honest and of high moral character and integrity?" Really if you have to ask................... I'm just sayin Bet you wish WOS would have had a questionaire for thier fans, then ya'll would'nt have to go to all these bus meetings. ;D ;D Not sure what one has to do with the other?????????????????
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