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Posts posted by soccer.tx

  1. first of all, mexican style is not the "real thing"...univision drama maybe, but not "the real thing".  perhaps a little background on the history of the sport would help you out.  i have watched the central team play and "evolve" over the years and it has gone from junk ball to cheap & dirty.  your coach has no class, he walks up and down the field ranting and raving (on the actual field...not just the sidelines), allows his players to openly call out to each other telling one another to "take out" players from opposing teams...i'll let you in on a big secret...mexicans are not the only ones who can speak and understand spanish.  he flat out cheats by switching jersey #'s for players who get red carded, allows tons of kids in street clothes to camp out on the sidelines during games, huuuumm....more switching involved?  and you are proud of this? 


  2. you cant really tell because you made a 2 hat tricks against WOS. He hasnt played a good time yet. And by the way LC-M coach needs to have talk with him about sportsmenship you dont score 2 hats tricks against team like WOS.

    obviously you have YEARS of coaching/playing expierence?  wedel played and coached college ball, and took wos into ot/so games against png, nederland and lcm when he coached at wos.  obviously the program has fallen off a bit since he changed schools.

  3. lcm learn how to play respectful.....geez.....u dont humiliate a team like that...maybe if it was png or nederland but not wos....show some class

    why is it ok to hand it to one team and not another?  we will all be waiting to see just how considerate everyone else is in the weeks to come.  leger fed the ball to other people all night long, 3 goals went right through their keeper's hands...after he touched the ball, defenders played forward, even the bears keeper scored.  they mixed it up all over the field...would you have preferred maybe a few charity pk's with hmmm let's say no keeper in the lc-m box?  that would have been a nice gesture.  this is not a youth soccer league where everyone gets a turn, keeping score is optional and players line up for their orange slices and fruit punch at the half.  it is a competative sporting event.  who cries "bad form" when ozen or

    wo-s spanks someone during football season?  we all see the scores, say "ouch" and move on.  lc-m plays nederland on friday...maybe their coach wanted them on a high going into that game?

  4. Purple pride took a dive over at Battlin' Bear Stadium.  First time in a long time that the Bears have delivered a loss to PN-G in HS Boys Soccer.  Leger with the hat trick no less.  Some amazing saves.  Defense is playing well together. Is Wedel trying to fine tune the machine for district play?  The Ned Tourney should tell a lot...

  5. Wedel really brought soccer to WOS. They had a few decent years before he got there, but he had them tie Nederland, PNG and LCM in OT that went into PK's. They have not even come close to that level of play since he left. Look what he did at LCM in the 1 year he had them.

  6. or how many dives they can take...waste time, run out the clock, roll arounl on the ground and hold their leg or side until the other players get back into a better position on the field. of course a coach that teaches or condones that kind of play really just shows his own weakness as a coach

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