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Everything posted by StepUp

  1. sad thing is it does not surprise me at all how Aiden acts considering he has the word "Woodville" in his address......that's all im saying
  2. Aiden1 Seriously you are mistaken. I have no respect for you at all now. You make you town look bad and if I was from Woodville and read this I would be embarrassed. "Played dirty"? Yeah whatever it's called basketball. If you don't wanna get hurt go play ping pong. ......."Scared to play"? No don't think so. You think Hargraves was scared after 2 doctors told her it was impossible for her to play that game and her coming out and putting everything she had in to it? NO........As far as Coach DeCello, yeah he gets crazy but it's cause he loves the game and has a desire to win that people in this area don't understand.............Coach I wish you the best of luck with your new team and hope that area appreciates you more than this one does. Awesome Job Coach
  3. MVP: Kayla Hargraves (Kountze) Co-offensive MVPs: Kaila Johnson (Kountze) and Lauren Deaver (Kountze) Defensive MVP: Shawntae Young (Kountze) Newcomer of the Year: Mya Williams (Hardin) First Team: Aishah Bilal (Kountze) Angel Hopkins (Anahuac) Tresley Nichols (Anahuac) Charla Thomas (East Chambers) Taylor Kurek (East Chambers) Amanda Vincent (Deweyville) Samantha Carpenter (Hardin) Brandi Burnes (Warren) Second Team: Kenna Cryer (Kountze) Shakita Webb (Anahuac) Cristina Palacios (Anahuac) Marley Moss (Deweyville) Jasmine Carrington (East Chambers) Shanice Williams (Hardin) Courntey Ellis (Warren)
  4. Kayla Hargraves is a senior this year.......I wasn't at the game last night I had to work. I did hear from someone that was there though that Hargraves did have a pretty good passing game, Deaver was shooting well, and that Johnson had a good game offensively in the post. Not sure on stats
  5. Don't forget Kountze did beat Livinston the first game and then lost the 2nd time they played.
  6. One big factor is Kountze's preseason schedule. They played some tough teams and went to high level tournaments. Woodville did more of the basics. This should pay off. Good preparation by the coach
  7. "Looks like Kountze may not want to play HJ if they win district..." Looks like Kountze won't have a chance to play HJ cause HJ couldn't pull off a district title without a playoff game
  8. Awesome Awesome Awesome game for Ktz. This big win will give them some momentum for the play offs
  9. Last year Orangefield beat Kountze by 29. Where was the big 3? Hibernating ;D Just to inform you.....last years game between Ktz and OF is not a good one to judge off of. Right before that game some stuff happened to the lionettes and 3 of the starters didn't get to start and when they did get to play no one was mentally there cause of the other stuff. Bad timing for Ktz. I think it would have been a close game without the circumstances.
  10. Let's see, last year OF beat you guys by 29 and you have the same team back this year. Kountze is over rated. Dibol is over rated too!!!! Don't get me wrong you guys have a decent team. But HJ will beat you and Orangefield will too. Maybe the first two times where not as lucky but the third time is a charm. Sorry but Kountze is average at best. ;D ;D The thing that I don't understand is that your saying Ktz is over rated yet you OF people are the ones that are always giving them props and pumping them up.
  11. Hargraves is averaging 25 points per game right now. Along with 49 blocks for the season and shooting 62% from the field.
  12. I think the final was Kountze 91 Buna 32. Not sure on any stats
  13. Ok, well I seem to have a problem with a coach and others who think it is perfectly fine to humiliate a group of 15, 16, and 17 year old kids. Call me crazy but that isn't teaching anyone anything. I have to agree with 1880. You didn't like it very much when it was happening to your boys. Besides like it was said these are kids. What satisfaction could you possibly get in seeing them get beat down that bad? Good post "kbmpkn". Look I could see it if the coach pressed the whole game. But if that was not the case then I say get over it and move on. You got beat by a better team. If a kid has character then they will take that loss and work harder to get better. Also you say they are 15,16, and 17 year olds well at 18 they either get a job or go to college. Both of those is a challenge for young people. If they are not prepared they will mooch and live off of their parents for a while. One more thing, at what age are they not kids anymore? Because at 18 they think their parents are stupid and they don't have to listen to them anymore. I did the same thing but I learned that my parent were pretty smart. ;D I agree. I have never lost a game by a large margin and thought the other team should have given us some slack. When you lose like that you have 2 options, either take it accept it and learn from it or feel sorry for your self and stay mediocre.
  14. Hard fought game. Good for both teams to play in game situations like that this time of year....I still think Ktz could have performed better. A lot of lost oppertunites due to turnovers but over all it was a great game to watch. Good luck on the season Lady Cats, Go show 3A what southeast Tx is all about. Now lets go head on in to district Kountze I have high expectations for yall this year!!!
  15. Well fought game..........I think Kountze surprised some people by making it so close
  16. I agree. Both teams have a lot to prove in this game.
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