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  1. When did they charging $10 to hunt Star Lake at McFaddin? and when did I miss the uproar over this?? I thought that is why I have to buy a fed duck stamp... >:( Do you still pay if you have a AHP?
  2. Lumberton - 40 PA Memorial - 46 This game had to go to overtime to be decided
  3. I was referring to the boys side.  All will receive the chewing they need when necessary, it is just the manner in which you go about it.  This will probably be the same or even more so of an issue on the girls side.
  4. I think one of the biggest things that gets over looked here is knowing your players.  Some may respond to a good butt chewing and others may react in an adversely to that method.  You need to know your players on an individual basis.  You can't treat each player the same in these regards. 
  5. where is Gholson going and how did this even get started?
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