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Dem boyz aint ready

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Everything posted by Dem boyz aint ready

  1. Well the team should have the video from last year and ya he was hurt the last couple of games. Everyone needs to quit watching youtube videos and just let the team watch the film. Im tired of parents and kids watching old youtube videos and getting their comments from there. Like i said good luck yall really are going to need it!!! ;D
  2. What we were saying is yall didnt even see video from last year, so how would you know if he was good last year, but yall can find out tonite. Well i wish you guys luck also, o and I think we are going to beat yall because we are more physical than yall. But like i said quit talkin mess bout us, and just let the teams do the talkin. Yall have had a good season, sorry its going to end tonite.
  3. Too bad the videos were from his sophomore year, and he was still a beast back then. Elgin is gonna beat Dayton, and all of Dayton should be shamed for talking so much trash...just letting everyone know karma is a bitch!!! lata
  4. Honestly, i think Elgin is going to win. Elgin is going to take care of business, and upset Dayton. And to all the people talking censored, Karma is a son-of-a-gun!
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