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SETXsports Broadcaster

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Everything posted by SETXsports Broadcaster

  1. 3rd and 10 incomplete pass 4th and 10 feild goal attempt 35 yrd attempt its up its high its good Livingston 27 Jasper 14 13 sec left 3rd qrt
  2. TD lions opps flag on the field....Jasper need to wrap up :!: :!: TD called back
  3. 3rd and 5 Jasper is playing themselfs....hitting the runner in the backfield but not wrapping up....runners breaking arm tackles,,,gonna be some tackling drills come monday :evil:
  4. kickoff Jasper on the 22 yrd line pass 28 yrd line limbrick to the 43 yrd line Lions cant stop Jasper yellow flags are stopping Jasper Jasper playing a lot of sophmores
  5. 4th and 7 25 yrd fg attempt Livingston has a good kicker good' Lions 24 Jasper 14 well I guess you can say that Jasper did stop them
  6. 4th down 3 for Jasper Jasper is using this freshman Bailey looks like trying to make a future
  7. Limbrick 17 yrd run 1st down and inches to go limbrick 1 yrd TD Jasper can move the ball if they keep the flags away Beck kick good Jasper 14 Lions 21
  8. pass complet to limbrick breaks tackles 30 yrd completion ellis running ball on Lions 18 yrd line 1:45 left in half
  9. Dominique Bailey Freshman return for Jasper to 30 yrd line face mask lions jasper ball 50 yrd line
  10. Jaspers defence is not wrapping up on the tackles 3rd and 5 livingston Jasper cannot stop the run missed tackles Livingston on the 1 yard line
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