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SETXsports Broadcaster

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Everything posted by SETXsports Broadcaster

  1. Jasper has a good kicker if needed, but I don't want it to come down to that
  2. sounds to me like the refs lost their contacts contacts or contracts?
  3. 28-22 Jasper... where do you get 25 from? I took the square root of the amount of inches in a football field devided that by PI then used the x = the quadratic formula then subtrated 3.......
  4. looks like Jasper is getting their second wind or wildcats have lost their wind.
  5. had Coach Spoon pop me upside my head many time in my short 4 year career in football.
  6. this morning Jasper coach said they are going to stay in the QB face every play, no matter what.
  7. I would not have thought it would go like this, I love my dawgs , just thought it wouldn't be like this, nice suprise so far
  8. Jasper D playing hardball with the Gilmer QB, not giving him to much breathing room. Bad punt for Gilmer,
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