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Everything posted by panther89

  1. listening to game , two good teams , c-mon k-ville , anahuac pulling for you guys
  2. two state champs from the same district , that would at least put a hush to which is the touphest district in 2a ball
  3. hardin and e.c. both gonna be tough , but ap has alot of athletes coming back , were only loosing a couple key guys and there replacments are pretty good , another off-season under our coaches is gonna make us stronger and faster , this district should be fun to watch for years to come , good coaches at 3 of the top schools should assure that , watch out for deweyville if they get a coach , they have the tools but dont know how to use them
  4. this is AP's district for years to come , everyone can fight over the scraps
  5. kville09cats , the "NO X " the panthers use as a shortened motto for no excuses , go get arp for everyone from setex , and arp , good luck to you , you gonna need it !
  6. them fellas from arp better get ready for an old fashioned butt whoopin , thats from a panther proud anahuac man
  7. k-ville doesnt have a defense , they have something more like an 11 piece rock wall , with speed
  8. dang , not only does crow taste bad , it leave a terrible after-taste ,
  9. the way them boys was hitting tonight im surprised not more injuries occured , prayers to your injured players
  10. not yet , heard something about eastern new mexico , i see his dad everyday ill keep yall up on him ,
  11. i heard one of yalls guys got a bad knee injury , hope not , good luck to yall
  12. he is a senior , and hes been fun to watch all these yrs , and i believe you are right , looks like we may see each other for a while , your 32 is a hoss hisself
  13. nice post rykerx , you guys have a class act there , good kids and they do play tough , luck rest of the way
  14. hey guys i would like to say that the k-ville players and fans were first class , we kick it around alot on here but ouy there tonight it was all sportmanship and respect , k-ville has class , tabasco dont even kill the taste of this crow ....
  15. alright , im eating it , good luck rest of the way , im still proud of our boys , they had a good year ,
  16. grizzly , i dont know what crow tastes like but i heard bear was greasy ...
  17. cameron mitchell l.b. 90+ tackles this year as a soph. blake duhon o.l. started every game on the line this year as a soph , cody johnson o.l.b. started as a soph , john kimble d.l. started every game as a soph , and justin albritton r.b.-d.b. is just a fresh and started every game , go ap beat k-ville
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