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Everything posted by mwm4795

  1. Okay WOGRAD, I went to the uil web site and read the rules for deterining Home vs Home and the flip( not that i undersand it all) but it gave me more of an understanding. Two questions: 1) In a playoff game like the one  between Huffman and Silbee they play in Beaumont but Humman is seated as the Home team. How does that work? 2) the game is being played on Thursday who's got to make that call?
  2. A lot of good stadiums around i can believe all the thursday games that is stupid,they should put games on friday and saterday to give all the Kids and fans a chance to go to the playoff games. Who decides the dates?
  3. With the Nov 1st dead line past and as of last report (that I could find)only 7500 of the 15000 refs signed. Do we think there will be a shortage of refs?
  4. Okay I am going to start out by saying right off the bat YES I am a die hard Huffman fan. But do want it said this was anyones game and the refs sucked but although in alot of cases they stopped momentem with bad calls and made me wonder if these were full time refs or scabs for the strike. In no way were they the only reason we lost. the game was ended and tehre should have been 2min 15 sec on the clock where they were hashing out bad flags and letting the clock run when they do so.The run back the kick off team alowed ended the game. I wish both Tems good luck in the playoffs but If you were to talk to the CS coach this morning in no way bwe he say CS should have won by more thatn 29 to 20 against a team like "Huffman" as he said this was anyones game and we had in on edge at times. So when you post thing like "A team like Huffman" next time look at the stats look at the game and use your head instead of your loyalty nif just makes you look like a dum ass
  5. Last night was one of the best games I have ever watched. Both teams (huffman and Coldsprings) played with heart the etire game down to the last second and I wish them both sucsess in the Playoffs. #65 on coldsprings is one of the bigest boys I have ever seen and as I am sure his mom feeds him blonds for breakfast, you would think they recruted him from a collage team. Refs did not cause anyone to win or loose but I assure you if these are the full time refs I say let the strike begain as it was the worst I have ever seen. Flags being thrown touch downs called back and as they are hashing it out letting the clock comtinue to run. This happened three times and only one was it corrected and that was only after fans on both side raised hell.  
  6. It will be a close Game but Huffman winning will depend on keeping CS line out of the back field huffman has one of the best QB in the state but if Cole DeBerry has to scramble to pass the hole game Huffman is on trouble.CS on the other hand they have to keep the Ball on the ground and if they get their Running game shut down and have to go rely on passing they will be done early I have Huffman in Overtime
  7. Oh Okay.... Now that I got all your attention I can admit that the hardest game you ever play is the next one you face and your biggest enemy is always yourself. Truth of the matter is I am from Huffman and I believe they have a winners Heart having said that coldsprings will be an uphill battle for Huffman and I never underestimate Silsbee or any other team that is in the Playoffs. Truth is What I have learned is High school football is at its most purest form as most players will never pick up a football again after high school and they play for the love of the game I stay with my perdition that Huffman will beat Silsbee but will have a second or third round exit I do believe that with this team anything is possible..... HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL ROCKS Go Huffman
  8. Okay I did have a problem with The chaple hill predition but I have the rest of them as is. Silsbee will be a 40 piont differance.... sorry(and thats the stats not because I'm a "Huffman newbe")
  9. WOS Grad who do you like in the game of the week Huffman or Coldspring Off Stats seem to make Huffman the more diverse team but Coldspring seems to have the deff edge. Your thoughts or predic
  10. Chapel Hill vs                  Chapel Hill Center                           VS                Chapel Hill China Vs                  Madisonville Madisonville                                                 VS                      Huffman Silsbee vs                  Huffman Huffman                         VS                    Huffman Navasoda vs                  Navasoda Sealy
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