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Bud Kilmer

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Posts posted by Bud Kilmer

  1. I went down there for the first time in a long time on sunday...didnt fish rollover but stopped and got a breakfast taco from the stand there...walked and and was amazed how trashed out the place was..dead bait from shrimp to cut bait to shad, it was gross...I cant believe the state doesnt charge an admission or something to help keep the place clean.....people are pigs...

    on a side note, tried to wade fish the back side and the bottom was real mushy....is it always like that?

    ended up finding a spot in the surf to wade and caught a few...water wasnt great but it was good to get out

  2. True RSS hasnt been good in football in a long time but I promise you if you had their kids in a 3a program back in the mid 90's they would have been. The point being both Baytown schools have a lot of athletic ability, whether or not they were able to accept coaching and do anything with it is another argument.

    Back in 97 I believe, maybe 96..a kid transferred out to BH from Sterling and was a stud on the football field and on the baseball field..and couldnt even get on the field in either sport at RSS.

    Lee or sterling are you kidding me.  sterling hasnt been any good since the mid 80's, and lee is average at best

  3. I dont have a dog in this fight but I think it is somewhat amusing the BH people think they have had loaded teams over the years. All those years playing in 3a wouldnt have meant squat had they been in lee or sterlings district in the mid 90's. When I came thru, the kids that couldnt hack it at RSS moved to BH..one couldnt hack it in baseball or football and transferred out there and I beleive made all state.  Just wait till in two years your are 5A! The we are better than you attitude is old and nothing you have done recently backs it up.

  4. Great game. I was glad to see them come back.

    Buddy of mine from first colony was telling me BC has three guys over 70 MPH? He said roddy, maybe watts and someone else? He said shugart was mid 60's but had a nasty curve? That is stacked pitching staff..if that is true than these guys have what it takes for sure.

    Does anyone know are some of these kids kids that got another year because of the BD change LL had a few years ago moving to may 1? Must be some mature kids to be bringing it into the 70's like that....I cant wait to see them on TV.

  5. Thats what I figured..but sounds like they hit 5 bombs the first game too....they are always solid. Being able to spot pitches and pitch backwards at that level is lethal..its impressive. Whats funny is I though this was john hudeks team but his lamar american team didnt even make it out of district.

    How did FC look? I think my online buddys kid pitched the first game against austin...supposedly throws 67-71.

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