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  1. thats good that everyone is coming into the season healthy...by watching last year the horns werent on the lucky side with there injures..they had a fatal blow to there infield, when there shortstop t. eaves got hurt...he had that team goin he was hitting over 600 and him and derek L. had the double plays going up the middle..but from what has been going around it seems to be that taylor had made a full recovery from that injury and is back 100%..and the team is looking pretty promising this year looking to make a playoff run..they have at least nine of there players back this year...they got koenig coming back from a very successful year last year and has been throwing very well from what i saw during gt..and logan johnson as there number 2 looking very good as well...there outfield looks pretty set this year with daigel and pinder coming back with the speed from both of them the field should be covered pretty well...there catcher should be returning havent heard to much about him latley...but the horns should have a great exciting year ahead of them. good luck!
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