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little d

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Posts posted by little d

  1. Chester finished last year with 11 players 4 were seniors that leaves 7 they have 2 kids that didn't get to play last year so 9 and no freshmen coming up. There will be 1 freshmen boy but don't know if he will play. The other boy that would have been a freshmen is moving away. They have better numbers in the Jr High. There are others things that factor into the low number of boys playing at this time. :'(
  2. [quote name="ECBucFan" post="1107661" timestamp="1320680161"]
    The UIL needs 1A to have just two divisions, one 11 man and one 6 man, period.
    [/quote]I disagree, some 6-man teams have 25 to 30 kids or more on them and with all the running they do in 6-man a team that only has 8 or 9 kids is out of it by halftime. That's like putting a 2a team in with a 5a team. If you don't believe it come to Chester and see for yourself. Maybe they need just the district champs to go to the playoffs!  ;)
  3. It was a well played game by both teams and although Chester had two of there better players not there I still congratulate OCC on the win. OCC has a bright future in 6-man football they have some really talented athletes there. I hate for there to be a down side but I must add that the boys played a great game but the officiating was horrible.  Of all the 6-man games I have seen I have never seen anything quite like that. :o
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