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Everything posted by AstrosDawg07

  1. The Berry Center has to be one of the finest HS stadiums in the country. Look at this place...
  2. I just don't know if Jasper's starting qb is the passer we needed to go with if we were going to pass the ball.
  3. Does anyone call into question the play calling in the second half? For some reason Jasper kept the ball on the ground the 1st half and had success. Yet when the second half came Jasper went to the air after trying to run a few times. I just feel like Jasper should have tried to manage the clock better...
  4. Steadly raining now 5- 10 minutes old here in Jasper.
  5. I thought they played twice splitting the two games...
  6. 3rd out recorded [move]----Top 2nd---- Jasper 2 Bellville 0[/move]
  7. 1st. Pryor 2nd bradley 3rd Phillips ss reagan lf Parsons CF. Hart RF. Shellhammer C. Weller-Alexander P. Ellis
  8. Weller-Alexander flys out (3 out) [move]----Middle 1st---- Jasper 2 Bellville 0[/move]
  9. Well I won't be on for the whole game take it after I go... ;D
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