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Posts posted by RustedCutlass

  1. Four fumbles turned over so the Panthers can score ... we played horrible. Horrible!

    And then the poor clock management in the fourth ... inexcusable. The players need to run bleachers until they puke for that sorry showing. And the coaches should too until they learn how to manage a clock! >:(

    But to the Panthers, I say good game. You outplayed us, plain and simple.

    If you think you can do a better job of coaching fumbles, interceptions, and clock management, Rusted Cutlass, practice starts at 8 Monday morn I anticipate your arrival to see just how tremendous of a coach you are. But if your going to get on here and anonymously bash a team that you "support and have love for" then stay at home and hide behind your cowardace facade of idiocracy. Is that what your coaches did run y'all till y'all puked for making a mistake that happens in high school football all across the nation. If so y'all must have been pretty good at track because y'all obviously never had anytime to run plays and learn y'alls criteria. To everyone who asked about #22 benching it was because of his inability to hang on to the ball. I don't want to hear anyone bashing him either cause I love him like a brother and light into anyone that does so, but it was not his ankle. He never had an ankle problem.

    LOL! I love how when any Vidor fan is critical of continued mistakes you start saying we should try to be the coach. What a dumb answer.

    Mathews and staff did NOT properly manage the clock, cutting down on our time to run plays. If you find that acceptable, well, I guess no one can help you.

    Vidor hasn't played in the postseason for so long you are used to it and find it acceptable. I still think we can do better. Maybe one day you will get on board and realize that I only criticize so that fans like you cannot continue to make excuses of why we are not in the playoffs every year. Get used to it.

    But we'll never get there with the poor showing we had against Ozen. Sugarcoat it all you want, but it was horrible.

  2. If we don't fumble we win, PN-G couldn't stop Livingston they sure not going to stop our running game. They key will be our turnovers.

    Exactly. We have to stop beating ourselves which in turn allows our opponent to finish the job. If we get another massive case of the butterfingers like we did against Ozen, we will lose. There is no way to sugarcoat turnovers.

    If we play like we are capable, minus the turnovers, Vidor by two touchdowns.

  3. guess you werent shown enough attention as a child. they do have anger management classes that i hear can do wonders....

    Wow! Just for pointing out the obvious? I'd rather be angry than be in denial.

    The day we can fumble the ball away four times, throw an interception, and not manage the clock correctly giving us under 40 seconds to try and go over half the field, I'll think that you know what you are talking about.

    Quit coddling the boys when they play bad. Hopefully they'll ignore your pleas for mediocrity being enough.

  4. Four fumbles turned over so the Panthers can score ... we played horrible. Horrible!

    And then the poor clock management in the fourth ... inexcusable.  The players need to run bleachers until they puke for that sorry showing. And the coaches should too until they learn how to manage a clock!  >:(

    But to the Panthers, I say good game. You outplayed us, plain and simple.

    Wow what a classy post about a bunch of teenage boys playing a HS football game!!!!

    Oh, I'm sorry. Let's just settle for mediocrity like we do every other year.  ::)

    No thanks! Its called tough love. I call it like I see it. And I saw them fumbling away another season. Do you want to see us play that way every game or perhaps do better? I hope that every member of the team comes on here, reads that post, gets PISSED OFF and sets out to prove me wrong.

    I'd love that. But I'm not gonna coddle mistakes. You can do that I suppose.

  5. I'll store this post out by giving Lumberton their props.  Hanna was a man tonight.  Lumberton's Offense was effective, they blocked, and they executed.  They looked every bit of a playoff team to me. 

    On defense, they basically kept everything in front of them.  They knew we had speed and played their cornerbacks 15 yards off of the line.  Their OLB played containment the whole night to stop our runs to the outside.  Excellent coaching all night.  We blitzed in the middle, they did a screen pass for big yardage.  We blitzed on the outside, they did a delayed handoff for big yardage.

    Our coaching went braindead in this one.  I mean, we sucked to the lowest level of suckage.  You keep running the same play that they are expecting.  We could not move the ball at all in the first half.  Hello!!!  Lumberton's DB's are 15 yards off the line of scrimmage with NO  safety!  We don't throw a slant untill the 4th quarter, where our receivers dropped the passes.  In the third quarter I believe, we have been moving the ball better.  It is 4th and 1 and we're driving.  YOU CANNOT GET THE PLAY IN.  Kids are asking for the play, you just stand there.  You take the delay of game instead of calling a T.O.  Then you punt.  Possessions later, you call a T.O. on 3rd and long just to come back in do a RUNNING PLAY that have not worked all night!!!  Lumberton kicks the ball off to us while it's a 1 score game.  Returner bobbles the ball in the end zone.  Instead of kneeling it, you take the return and reverse field and get tackled on the 1 yard line??!!!  1st and 10 on  your own 1 foot line and you do a run play that have been getting stopped all night and your get tackled fumble and give them a dang TD.  Your killing me.  Almost all of the Jag fans left after this point.  Couldn't bear to see the trash coaching going on.  It's almost like the coaches wanted us to lose.  Almost like they made a bet with someone from Lumberton. 'I bet I can cause us to lose.  Just watch.'  It's truely pathetic because our kids shouldn't be forced to go through this.  One more thing.  Where in the heck was our starting QB in the second half?  He wasn't hurt, but mad on the sideline because he couldnt' get in and make a difference. 

    Game ball goes to Beard from Lumberton.  This kid was everywhere making tackles and making everything difficult for us.

    BTW, We will get crushed like a Fanta orange can next week.  I bet somebody that wears Maroon and Gray will like to hear that... >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

    Man, you were not kidding on the phone, bro. You told it like it is. Hope that you guys bounce back next week.

  6. Four fumbles turned over so the Panthers can score ... we played horrible. Horrible!

    And then the poor clock management in the fourth ... inexcusable.  The players need to run bleachers until they puke for that sorry showing. And the coaches should too until they learn how to manage a clock!  >:(

    But to the Panthers, I say good game. You outplayed us, plain and simple.

  7. Lumberton did a AWESOME game.

    we wooped up on some jaguars.

    dont under estimate our raiders!!

    and vidorians can SHUT IT.

    everyone has off games.

    be prepared next time :P

    That wasn't no down game. You got your butts handed to you in the second half and were outcoached. That's a fact. Just get used to it and move on. Your coaches obviously did.

    Congrats on the win. I really thought Central had that one sewn up. Just goes to show you never know. Now make sure you guys knock off some Bulldogs and Indians, alright?

  8. yall did to great in the secound half. ( but we did great in the first)

    If we hadn't fumbled on the five yard line, it would have been a lot closer in the first half. But, you can't live on coulda, shoulda, woulda...

    I still think we did a good job wearing down your defensive line in the first half though. (That is what we do.)

    Central is the second team that I pull for in district, so I'm taking them to win tonight. But for the remainder of district, I hope Lumberton beats the snot out of everybody else...


  9. I guess, what I meant to say was that I think Vidor will be a playoff team this year, therefore "spoiling it" for one of the other teams that is counting on being one of the four teams..... such as Lumberton, or maybe Central.  But I do agree... it is really too early to say.

    I doubt we spoil it for Central. I don't think anyone can beat Central but themselves. I really feel that we lost by one point to the best team in the district. But that is just my opinion, based on what I've seen so far.

    I think we have what it takes to make it past bi-district should we end up in the playoffs: A tough offensive and defensive line (you are only as strong as your line) and a bruising running game that wears down the defense (which is what happened to Lumberton in the second half) along with a few passes thrown in for good measure to throw the opposing defense off balance once we have them keyed on the run.

  10. If your the Jags Defense, you come out and hit Hanna up high and hit em in the mouth he'll lay down. but if not he'll make you pay. If Hanna runs hard all night, he'll wear out that Jags D!

    I'll take Lumberton by 3, 24-21. L-Train

    come on now man, central beat us and we dominated lumberton...

    if you dont remember correctly we dominated yall in the first half...

    sorry we didnt give yall our best game

    wish we wouldve!

    I wish we would've given you our best game too. All four quarters should have been like the last two.  ;D

  11. let the kids have fun, there not hurting any one.


    Next home game, every male fan ought to take their shirts off once they are in the stands.

    I can tell you this: If I was still in school, and they had told me I couldn't attend my senior homecoming, I would have gone in on the visitor's side. They couldn't have kept me out. I hope that these kids press the issue. That principal needs to quit makng up rules. And if not, that principal needs to be booted out of town. If they'll do that at a football game, no telling what they'll try to make the kids do in the classroom.

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