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  1. Mod edit: player bashing is not allowed!!
  2. The injured Stanley can single handely change the outcome of a game. I've seen him do it before against my son.  ;)
  3. I think there are two Stanleys on Lumberton. One is a senior and one is a sophomore.
  4. Your right, I don't have many posts but I just created this because I see some of the crap people put on here so i figured I would voice my opinion.
  5. I'll tell you what's a great attitude to have, finishing second. At this household we live by the motto if your not first, your last. You may be fine with your son being on jv but we're not losers here at nederland. Do you remember dayton's jv record last year? Nope, didn't think so. No one cares about jv.
  6. My boy's on varsity... who cares about Jv. Go Dawgs!
  7. My boy plays for Nederland and I must say I was very impressed with Lumberton's play. They have one of the best 3rd basemen in the area and I heard their star player was out with an ankle injury so they'll be tough to beat next go-around if he's back.
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