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Everything posted by Morgan

  1. kentucky needed somebody to replace their legendary coach and they found him........he will make kentucky back into contenders
  2. wow i didnt even notice somebody has a lower karma than mine lol
  3. i didnt think stringer was as good as he was, but went all 7 innings and put on a great pitching performance
  4. he hit pretty good, he walked a couple of times......
  5. wow im kinda surprised K-ville won but congrats to them on the win......
  6. both teams played very well........the top 5 in the lineup hit for BC.........congrats to jasper on a hard faught win and congrats to Travis Reagan on a great pitching performance......
  7. that is very good news......she is a great coach
  8. yea vince and his new haircut lol.......
  9. it will be a very good game.......jasper will come out on top by a couple in the end.....maybe in extra innings
  10. i meant to be able to handle big game situations like tonight........he has always been a great pitcher.......
  11. even though i wanted BC to win, i have to tip my hat to schooling to be able to beat one of the top teams in the state in 3A......he proved himself tonight
  12. thank you for repeating pretty much everything i have said in the past 2 or 3 posts
  13. i was wanting BC to stay undefeated so that jasper could be their first loss lol.......doesn't look like that is going to happen though
  14. i find it weird that it is 6-6 in the 6th.......think about it
  15. hey i heard this personally from one of the seniors so unless he doesn't know what he is talking about, you are wrong.......
  16. he is doing nothing but ruining his HOF resume.......he shoulda retired 2 years ago after his good year but he insists on coming back, he is a great pitcher but he doesnt have it anymore, he should just hang up his spikes and call it a career
  17. the only k-ville senior i know is beau parker and hes a real good friend of mine......even though ur post got deleted ragingbull im gonna go ahead and say this, if you knew beau parker you would definitely not say he is a coward......
  18. i dont mean to offend kville, but im just saying that the seniors were the heart of their varsity....
  19. 2 of the best teams in the district.......GO CARDINALS.......
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