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Everything posted by png_ndn_fan

  1. I think of a couple of coaches at PN-G that did not have ties to the program before coaching there. One was Danny Malone, I believe Doug Ethridge was another (came from TJ).
  2. He was planning to get a new headdress made for the upcoming season. I know that his outfit and headdress is a family heirloom but I could easily see it being displayed in the a trophy case in the high school hallway someday.
  3. There is just something about having "State" in Austin that makes it cool....And for simple travel reasons, the Austin area is a good place to hold the contests.... Yep, when you look at the population density of the state, Austin seems to be the ideal choice with respect to travel and available facilitates.
  4. You do not "get it." Because the Law says you release the names. I really do not care. But you can't pick and chose what Laws you follow. What next? You just pick what laws you want to follow? Exactly, it does not matter if someone in El Paso wanted to view the names, it is their right to know. The ability for many sets of eyes to view the list can only help the vetting process. As the law says, delegation of authority does give elected officials the right to decide what the people should and should not be concerned with. I have heard many arguments about protecting the privacy of the coaches etc, this does not fall within the exceptions covered by the law, but if you want to play that game, consider the following argument: What if you resided in district where the coach was applying for position elsewhere, only you did not know because the hiring district was attempting to circumvent the spirit the law? How would you feel? Would you not want to know (or your school board to know) that your coach was looking to leave? Would you not want your school board to be prepared for the possibility that they would need to initiate a coaching search in February after number best available coaches have taken positions elsewhere? Come on folks, take off the purple shades. I am PN-G fan, but some things supercede school support, this is one of them.
  5. Even though the Rio Grande Valley may have facilities, having state competitions anywhere but the central portion of the state is not a good idea.
  6. No disrespect Coop, but what would be the point? I agree, what would that accomplish? It would allow constituents to form opinions of the quality of the hire. For example, if a hired coach is one that, in a reasonable opinion, would have been judged inferior to several other names on the list, the constituents would be able to say "hmmmmmmmm" and take that into account in the voting booth in the next election.
  7. This is too easy.. "Jeff The Jet"
  8. They may gain nothing, but it is the law. The preamble to the public information act of Texas says it best... The people, in delegating authority, do not give their public servants the right to decide what is good for the people to know and what is not good for them to know. The people insist on remaining informed so that they may retain control over the instruments they have created.
  9. A public company is owned by shareholders that voluntarily put their capital at risk, but it not owned by the general public. Not sure how you would go about getting those details I think a better comparison would be list of applicants for the position of like that of city manager for a municipality.
  10. I don't believe it is about teaching per se, but the adminstrative duties associated with the job. Not sure if it was a requirement, but I think it was because I recall people being surprised when MB was named HC without the Masters.
  11. The article quotes Dan Hooks as saying.. Actually, there is nothing new about the requirements for HC/AD at PN-G. In 1977, Doug Ethridge was coaching the Indians and held a Master's degree. His predecessor, Ken Watson, who coached during the "Jeff the Jet" days, also held a Master's Degree. Three coaches following Ethridge (Butch Troy, Danny Malone, and Tim Owen) also held Master's degrees. Burnett apparently was an exception to the rule.
  12. Correct, he does not meet the qualifications listed for Head Coach and Athletic Director at PN-G. I don't think anyone argues that there are outstanding coaches without Master's degrees, but it is a qualification outlined by the board. This is nothing new, as the five coaches prior to MB (Ken Watson, Doug Ethridge, Butch Troy, Danny Malone, and Tim Owen) all had Master's degrees while serving as Head Coach/Athletic Director at PN-G.
  13. Scroll down the page at this link, it's there and outlines the requirements. [Hidden Content]
  14. Have you been to any of their playoff games? Did you see they had open all the sections of the dome against Stephenville.Granted this is due to all the support from the sorrounding communities. We have to give credit where credit is due.We don't even have the population to support some of the crowds, but for some reason when we go everyone in the area supports( and it is much appreciated).
  15. 8) Regardless of what Chertoff said, I would think that eligibility is predicated on your income, insurance coverage, and the amount of damage you suffered, since they ask for that information when you register.
  16. Thank you. Just put a new wrinkle in the ole gray matter! No problem, I actually pasted that from wikipedia. .
  17. Mean sea level (MSL) is the average (mean) height of the sea, with reference to a suitable reference surface.
  18. Audrey Surge at SP... from [Hidden Content] History has shown that the Port Arthur area is vulnerable to the occurrence of destructive storm surge associated with tropical cyclones. The vulnerability of the area has been proven by two storms of recent memory, Hurricane Audrey in June 1957, and Hurricane Carla in September 1961. Audrey, which moved inland some 16 miles east of Sabine Pass, was one of the most severe hurricanes to strike the coast of the United States in the month of June. It generated a surge of 9.4 ft above MSL at Sabine Pass, with 5.6 ft above MSL recorded at Port Arthur and 4.5 ft above MSL recorded at Beaumont. Several lives were lost, and over 1.5 million dollars of damage was suffered in the area. Hurricane Carla, the largest storm to strike the Texas coast since 1900, crossed the coast approximately 200 miles southwest of Sabine pass, but surge heights of 9.4 ft above MSL at Sabine Pass, 7.6 ft above MSL at Port Arthur, 8.5 ft above MSL at the mouth of the Neches River, 8.1 ft above MSL on the north shore of Sabine Lake, and 7.4 ft above MSL on the Sabine River at Orange were recorded. The surge inundated 40 percent of the Port Arthur area, with millions of dollars in damage suffered (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1979).
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