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Boyz N Da Hood

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Everything posted by Boyz N Da Hood

  1. Dude asked who would you like, and I answered... anyone outside of Jeffries, Mccarthy and MAYBE 1 or 2 others have NO chance... what? Was I supposed to name 1 of those to seem rationale? No, I named a few I'd like as Speaker! Hell I said Obama knowing he'd never be speaker, doesnt change the fact those 2 are 2 I'd like.. Shouldn't have wasted this time on this response, keep thinking ppl don't know what's going on, R party is trash along with probably 80% of its base... #2024 landslide coming mark it down
  2. I enjoyed the humor I got on here from the circus 🤡 's! Tomorrow I'll be sad I won't get to tune in much, got a busy day
  3. You can always know you failed a joke when you're the first to laugh... back to topic #Day 2 fail
  4. Crawfish? Pshh plz I'm just enjoying the 💩 show the R's are putting on for us, ensuring that they won't get anything done like they promised... hook line and sinker to the cult
  5. Glad to know it ain't me, don't have a facebook
  6. I Literally said I know that.... SMH I threw names out that I'd like, at this point it don't matter anyway R's can't get the votes for the nominee who CAN win the position Been hearing how the big change was going to come when R's win the house, they can't get step 1 down LOL Day 2 fail
  7. Lol OK, this is what the right calls working for the ppl.. keep thinking every day Americans don't even know what's going on.. hand the R's everything on a silver platter and they fail 2 days in a row.. D's going have house,Sen, presidency 2024 .... write it down
  8. I know they'd never be, they don't even want it... I answered the question, hell I'd like Michelle to get it honestly... imagine the meltdown
  9. She embarrassed herself with that comment.. has to be from Florida
  10. how bout kari lake? I mean she is a free agent 🤣
  11. Stay on topic if you can, not really interested in going back and forth with you... instead I'll just laugh at you
  12. So what's next? Obviously another defeat for kevin
  13. Only folks I see in their feelings is the hard right wingers... they know who they are no need to call em out 👀
  14. When did I speak on richness? Find that quote also.. straight up liar
  15. When did I say it wasn't good? Can you find that quote for me? I said keep living in the past, which obviously you are as well
  16. R's if they had elected someone already= see libs this is how you hit the ground running and get things done! R's now= see dumb libs this is how you debate and govern!
  17. She's at work, I'm off today... do whatever I want today and I chose to laugh at clowns on here
  18. We told you long ago DeSantis would be the candidate... you were blind, welcome to reality
  19. Need some more behind the scenes deals made... enjoy the show
  20. Keep living in the past man, your bound to get somewhere
  21. That's the problem, red wave was supposed to come and save us, listening to a few on here.. yall won the house lost a seat in the senate, and nothing will change... Not a good look for the new congress
  22. In all honesty I'm surprised got to at least 200 votes.. I've heard nothing but how he's a RINO etc, him getting the votes is a win for the D's IMO
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