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Everything posted by queenb77630

  1. i don't know about the #4 jibberish as you say; however, I'm sure everyone's hands who were there today are still trying to defrost!  Man it was cold out there!
  2. [quote name="Gusher" post="905473" timestamp="1289592490"] Just don't let him get too big for his britches. ;D [/quote] wow, you are on a roll today aren't you?  ;) :D ;D
  3. Thanks!  I will see  you at the field.  HOpefully it isn't raining too bad tomorrow.  When my husband and I told our son he made the team; he started jumping up and down and was sooo excited!  He was not ready for the season to end. 
  4. [quote name="Gusher" post="905324" timestamp="1289582007"] Just pants, especially if he is a center.  ;D The junior team was told they could wear any color. Don't know about the others. [/quote] ;D ;D ;D ;D I hear ya on that one!  He's not the center though  ;) guess I will tell him to wear his blue game pants and bring the white ones in case he has to change into them.
  5. I just found out last night that my son will be playing in the ProBowl this Saturday.  We had practice last night and I'll be dog gone if I forgot to ask: what are they supposed to wear?  I know their helmets and STJFL shirts; but what about pants?  White practice pants or their colored game day pants? I don't have a number to call the coaches and I really want to know so I can make sure he dresses right. Please, someone tell me.
  6. [quote name="videoguy" post="905122" timestamp="1289568815"] Yes, the field is nice, but the idea of predictiing rain 7 days away is a riot in South East Texas.   Anyone notice the predicted chances and actually showers the past few days?   Anyway, the Res had the game last year but the videoboard was not part of the package.  Ned allows STJFL to use the board and Sheffield Productions camera views will be displayed on the "Tron" along with all replays by our very experienced camera crew.  We also have permission to use the video board at the Super Bowl and Pro Bowl games this Sat.  Thank you NISD for allowing this and sharing the video view with the fans and parents.     Wannna watch a future star light up?   Watch him as he sees himself or his team displayed on the board after a big play.      Good luck to all the teams tomorrow.  see ya on the field and on the video board, videoguy [/quote] videoguy: will you be taping the pro bowl?  If so, are the tapes $30?  My son is on the pro bowl and you know me, I want a video of it if I can get it!  Let me know okay?  Thanks
  7. [quote name="JWB" post="900460" timestamp="1289148555"] HOW BOUT THEM CARDINALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!Gonna be a great Superbowl,two tough teams,should be a another great game.......[color=blue]what happen to the Stangs all the way[/color]??????? :o :o :o :o :o [/quote] I think that was uncalled for!  >:(  As a parent of one of the players that got out there and played his heart out, I don't appreciate the "taunting" that I feel your comment was.  As far as I'm concerned, the Lil Mustangs are still #1 in my eyes just as I'm sure that your team would still be #1 even if they lost.  Now, to be the mature one between the two of us: I want to say Congrats to the PNG players and coaches.  It was a good game.  I hope that both teams that are in the Super Bowl (Sr.) have a good game and none of the boys get hurt.  This past Saturday was a beautiful day; I hope the 13th will bring you good weather as well.
  8. applaud and hats off to the local TV station!  What an awesome thing to do!
  9. I bought the video and as always, was very pleased with it except one thing that I have already addressed to video guy in private message.  NOT his fault though!! I beamed with pride when the camera zoomed in on my lil mustang and stayed on him for a bit while he was doing some coaching of his own on the field!  :D By the time I got finished with the coaches/parent meeting on the sideline; gathering my things; and buying my lil mustang some food from the concession stand, the DVD was ready to go!  I watched it within the hour of being home and it was as I have come to expect ... incredible!!!  I liked the "scoreboard / banner" this year video guy; very very nice touch. Unfortunately; my lil mustang's team lost!  Even better reason to buy a video -- to remember how hard he played.  It happens every year: as I'm watching the DVD I see plays that I didn't see as it was happening.  Saw an awesome quarterback sack he made!  I'm so proud of him and of the video!
  10. [quote name="JWB" post="896903" timestamp="1288919342"] Who do I talk to about ordering a DVD of the B.C. vs Lumberton game Saturday night?......Thanks [/quote] [color=navy]find videoguy and the nice ladies who work the tables and order from them when you get to the field.  You really can't miss them; just look for all the video cables and trailers!  Just make sure you order .. they are GREAT!!!![/color]
  11. I hope that all of you who have predicted PNG winning over WOS are proven wrong!  Just a mother's comment; no scientific stats behind that  ;D
  12. [quote name="football04" post="895534" timestamp="1288799299"] BC, PNG [/quote] :o  ??? wos baby!!!! ;D
  13. [quote name="Txdragon" post="894804" timestamp="1288721084"] I am sure Wade Philips is sending a scout down as we post.. [/quote] Dragon: I know the comment about the 11 year old being big and dominating the other team was not made by me and not in reference to my kid but I just have to comment on YOUR post because that does describe my Lil Mustang as far as age, size, and weight: Ummm, Wade better look elsewhere when looking at my Mustang -- let's just say that despite my best efforts, he takes after his daddy when rooting for his professional football team!  ;) :D >:( :o ::) :'(
  14. [quote name="Txdragon" post="894460" timestamp="1288701636"] Any league my boys are playing in is the best to me.. ;) ;) ;) ;) [/quote] EXACTLY!
  15. I will get with our head coach tomorrow and make sure you get that!
  16. [quote name="ICEWATER" post="893908" timestamp="1288642830"] I wanna be security, so I can pat them down repeatedly before the match!!!! hehehehe and rinse them off afterwards!!!!!! hehehehehehe [/quote] perv! ;) ;D ;) ;D ;) ;D
  17. We were there during that time!!!!!  Yep, I know who you are.  I see Nellie every now and again.  I see her daughter a lot when I stop by (Name withheld) to buy a soda.  After TCLL went under (or whatever you call it), the boys played in BCLL for several years.  My youngest (the football player now) decided Baseball was not for him so he quit.  My oldest played there until he hit high school and now plays strictly for the school.
  18. [quote name="elhector1" post="893861" timestamp="1288640445"] We have to do it somewhere that allows alcohol sales...tequila shooters. a mud pit, and angriest, toughest, craziest football mamas, single elimination, winner take all... ;D And I KNOW td knows some mamas that could compete, heck, take the first prize! [/quote] TD: I would suggest you keep quiet on that comment okay?  ;D
  19. MoFo:I will probably get some grief for saying this since I am WOS, but have you had the burgers from Bridge City Little League?  My kids played baseball for them for several years and I have to say, they made the best burgers!  Just asking .. and you're right .. all this talk of food is making me hungry right about now.  Sigh, where are my crackers?  ::)
  20. I have volunteered for the concession stand in the past (not football season; baseball season).  At that time, I was not concerned about what was being offered because I had no reason to be picky about what I ate or drank.  Times have changed for ME. I may not do the concession stand but I do contribute each game.  You often see me picking up trash in the stands and throwing it away.  If there are no stands and we, the parents are sitting in our own chairs, then I am going up and down the field picking up trash there too.  More then once I went into my cooler to make a quick ice pack for an injured kid (mine, yours, doesn't matter who he is playing for; he's a kid).  I hear a child crying near me because he/she is hungry and the parent says they don't have money, you bet you I'm going to give that baby something to eat from what I have (cookies, crackers, etc).  I do that so often that some of the kids tend to look for me at the games just to see what kind of cookie I can give them.  It's almost a game after a little while.  Trust me, I also buy from the concession stand; just not for myself.  My kids love it when I am leaving the fields and ask the concession stands what do they have left; 9 out of 10 times, I buy the links or hot dogs and such that is left over and bring them home.  Dont look at me and my cooler and think I am cheating the kids out of support.  That is far from the truth.  Not everyone who brings their own food is doing it to be mean.  They simply have no choice. A parent does not have to be working the concession stand to be a benefit to the team or fans.  Please understand and accept that. No harm done.  I just felt that I needed to get the point across that not everyone who brings in their own food is trying to hurt the league and kids.  There are circumstances that require the parents to be more picky as to what is eaten.
  21. [quote name="Bridge City Kitty" post="893801" timestamp="1288635578"] ;D  Queen [/quote] ;D ;D ;D ;D Good to meet you this past weekend Bridge City Kitty.  Always good to meet those that I talk to on here.
  22. [size=10pt]"Do you go up to the ticket taker and tell him that since their food is "too spicy", you're going to bring your own in?  Nope..." -------------- I do believe this is in reference to something that I said.    First off, I do complain about the prices at the stadiums you referred to elhector1.  I think it is outrageous so therefore, I do not buy the stuff.  Yes, I do bring my own snacks when I am fortunate enough to go to these places; thank you for bothering to ask and assume that the answer is NO. Have you thought that there are people who have medical reasons that prevent them from eating the spicy, greasy food that most concession stands offer?  Has it crossed your mind that there are people who have medical problems that prevents them from going without snacks for very long (i.e.: diabetes)?  When a concession stand does not offer diet drinks, and this happens often, and that is ALL you can have and you want a cold soda; you are dang right I am going to bring my own personal cooler.  I have a right to drink what I want just as much as the next person.  If my bringing my own bag of chips because it is healthier then the fritos that are offered .. or I bring a ham and cheese sandwich in case the concession stand is on the other side of the field and I feel myself bottoming out and I know that I will not make it across the field for a candy bar (SUGAR), you are dang right I'm going to get into that cooler and eat whatever I need.  Everyone is saying coaches are at the field for hours; guess what?  So am I!!!!  That is just at the field.  Not counting the time I spend before the games so that my son can practice with his team.  Most Saturday's are spent "footballing it".[/size]  Just because I provide for myself, and you see me with a cooler, that does not mean that I am not supporting the team or league.  It simply means that I cannot eat what is offered. 
  23. hmmm, WELL, my kid plays both Offense and Defense and I think he is pretty dog gone good too.  Would I get on here and say he's the best?  Of course not!  I may think so but to get on here and single him out when there are so many equally good young men playing on the field is just plain .. well, stupid! >:(
  24. I would like to say that yesterday, during the 1st round of the playoffs in Orangefield, I found the prices to be reasonable.  I did not bring MY snacks like I normally do so I had to buy from the stand.  $2.50 for nachos was a good price.  I dont normally buy nachos because of the spicy nature; however, I did not find them spicy at all.  AND they offered Diet Dr. Pepper!!!!!! If the concession stand prices were more reasonable, I'm sure more people would buy. Of course, if Bridge City Little League Baseball people would be at EACH concession stand selling their hamburger baskets, well, I'd buy everytime!  I miss that!  :P
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