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Posts posted by Rake1

  1. Sure look forward to seeing the Tigers actually get challenged because they have a very talented team. No disrespect to Buna, Chester, Woodville, Hardin, and Kountze but that's not exactly the kind of schedule that will prepare them for an always tough district race. Gonna be fun when that stable of good pitching gets to show what they can really do in the very near future. Looking forward to seeing some great pitchers duels.
  2. Wow?? 103 pitches in the first game of the season? With that lead?? And staring at a tournament this weekend? Leaves one shaking their head in disbelief. Of course this is only a by standers view, coaches and players know their situations far better than those of us in the stands. Awfully easy to sit back and second guess. I'm sure there is a plan. Still makes you wonder. Either way that's an impressive performance.
  3. Several local Freshmen to watch for in seasons to come, some may make a difference this year and some may still be a year away but worth looking for.

    PNG-Ledoux is definitely on this list. Great competitor and really smooth on the hill. Good command of all his pitches, change up is money pitch.

    Silsbee- Tyler Powell, Really live arm, has a plus curve ball, and an outstanding athlete. Great speed and handles the bat well.

    Silsbee- Colby Leblanc, excellent catcher with a strong arm. Swings a good stick from the left side. Tough kid, and an animal on the football field as well.

    Silsbee- Jordan Gore, big arm. Hits the ball well, turns on fastballs in a hurry.

    Orangefiled- Westin Crain, big stout lefty who can throw it well from the hill. May get a look this year since OF graduated the world last season. Can hit it a mile from the right side.

    Bridge City- Hunter Uzzle, good/quick defensive catcher and a real competitor. Switch hitter with pop from both sides of the plate.

    Bridge City- Blaine Mcelduff, good athlete with a big arm. Should be a help in the middle infield and center. Has lots of potential on the hill.

    Bridge City- Keaton Langston, ton of speed and a big arm. Could patrol an outfield spot or play middle infield.

    HF- Blake Hicks, a big strong catcher with a nice arm. Not a park around here he can't hit it out of for sure.

    LCM-Kayl Simon, country strong at the plate with good discipline. Plays a solid 3rd base. He should enjoy that jet stream to left center during home games because he's gonna hit a few that way.

    I know there are more good ones out there, these are just a few I am familiar with. Looking forward to watching them play at any level, from Freshmen to Varsity.

    Good luck to all of them.

  4. Just out of curiousity ???..... after reading this post from sportsfreak2008.....

    "Let's be sensible here.  The only reason the 9th grade team lost was most of the team played up on JV.  Next year add in the incoming Freshman, who are undefeated as 8th graders and Silsbee doesn't stand a chance.  Nice try though."

    I was left wondering who exactly or how many exactly from the freshman group were moved up??? I know a bunch of those guys in that class as well as their parents and that was never a topic of discussion. I'm not saying it didn't happen, just curious as to who these freshmen are that were allegedly moved up. I'd like to keep an eye on them in the future.  ;) ;)

  5. WOS 92....WOW!

    First of all nobody said you had to admit any guilt or you were wrong, untie the knot in your undies and read the post for what it was intended. It has been well documented what went down from your stand point and if indeed that is "the complete story" then you have every right to be bent out of shape, I agree with you. Unfortunately there are two sides to every story and one is missing. Now before you twist off again I'm not defending the police or you, I'm just saying that the last time I looked there are "2", count them "2" sides to the story and by generalizing anyone or a group you make the situation worse. The only thing I know for sure is that this is a bad deal all the way around and somewhere in the middle of all of it is where the truth can be found. If you are still torqued about all of it and feel you have been legitimately done wrong there are ways to go about making the situation right. Follow the proper channels and seek resolution, you sound like you have witnesses that will back you. The one thing that I know for sure is that it won't get fixed on this board by complaining, griping, and whining etc. Do something about the situation or get over it.  Looking forward to the end of this drama, I'm done.

  6. Maybe not a "conspiracy" but certainly entertaining none the less. Please read this with a smile...when is last time you ever recalled a a "suspect" on COPS say "I was wrong...it was me..." and admitting any type of guilt. It's always "wasn't me"! LOL! On a serious note it's a shame that any type of behavior from anybody, I mean anybody, at the stadium would generate more talk than the actual game. The whole episode is a mess and regardless if anyone wants to admit it there is probably blame on both sides. Here's looking to a happy ending to the story, and if not happy maybe just an ending.
  7. Oh please tell me someone has contacted Mel Gibson about this thread, Conspiracy Theory 2 has to be somewhere in here!! Black silent helicopters hovering over the WOS stands, military spotters on the light towers, and was that an intel truck in the parking lot loaded with more surveillance gear than the last spy movie!! All we need is the droid army that is stored under the football field to make an appearance and all order will be restored! The sub-plots on these pages are comical! Thanks for making my day go by, I can't wait for the next development. I'm not sure if this is real or some hyped up paranoia ;) ;). Either way it makes for great reading ::).
  8. I, like many folks, believed this game would be closer all the way around. Hats off to a great WOS defense that showed incredible speed and was, as always, well prepared. Even though it was 14-0 I thought if BC scored after the long int return it may turn into a game, but again the Mustang D stood up. Just a textbook game plan that was well executed. In defense of BC they played it tough all the way to the end and can be proud of the effort. Congrats to both squads and good luck for the rest of the season. The playoff picture is crazy and should become  very interesting now.
  9. Bleed Orange.......

    No Homer glasses here my friend. Not sure how you figured I was wearing those?? No outlandish claims of superiority or greatness towards any team or either team for that matter.On any given Friday night I may be at either WOS or BC watching a game. As a matter of fact I thought I was being a little "middle of the road" but I guess that's not what it looks like to some. All I wanted to do was try and look at the game objectively if that is at all possible. For some it's absolutely impossible!! I believe I actually pointed out both pro's and con's for both sides so being accused of being a "homer" is way off base. Just because my opinions are not radical like some others I guess they don't work here, my bad. Feel free to continue the high spirited, tunnel vision conversations that you obviously find more appealing. I will keep trying to find those who can seperate themselves from one side long enough to really discuss the game and the possibilities without being so blind that they can't see another side of the topic.  
  10. WOS92....Wipe the corner of your mouth, there is a bit of rabid drool still lingering around. Take off the "homer goggles" and jump into a big boy conversation where you can at least be rational. Regardless if you want to admit it or not BC has a good team and WOS knows it as well. All of the WOS coaches I have spoken with give BC their respect and I know BC does the same towards WOS, they are the standard by which most teams judge their season. This game has been circled on the calendar for both sides and it has the potential to live up to the hype. It also has the potential to be a blowout, remember these are high school kids and anything can happen. If you feel like having a grown up conversation about the game I look forward to your opinion. If you want to continue the over the top banter by an alumni with blinders on have at it ;D. Again I hope the game is competitive and injury free, good luck to both sides.
  11. To AAW

    I knew someone would correct me, in this case it may be a little pre-mature. ;) I meant to say that class, not all the individuals. Yes the ones who were promoted to varsity as sophs did lose, point taken. I don't think the class (this years juniors) has lost to WOS. Someone who can search those results from when they were in 8th,9th,and last years JV game feel free to enlighten me because I don't know that for a fact.

    To Kville Kats

    you need to brush up on your Adam Sandler movies, that was from Anger Management.  :D
  12. All of the jaw jacking and trash talking aside this game could turn out to be much better than most people want to admit. It appears that the first thing any of the folks trying to dis-credit BC will point to is the strength of schedule compared WOS. No doubt WOS has played a tougher schedule, tough to argue that fact. Next logical comparison is common opponent and that leads us to Kirbyville. There is no debate from anyone that WOS was in a very tough place both mentally and physically when they played Kirbyville. A young QB making his first varsity start under very difficult conditions, enough said. On the other hand it is really hard to discount the fact that BC dropped 31 points on a really impressive Kirbyville team, a fact that even the most faithful WOS fan has to acknowledge. The WOS defense is playing extremely well right now and gaining momentum every week. BC's offense is a well balanced bunch and that will pose a problem because WOS will have to respect the fact that they are not overly depending on either the run or pass. I'm sure Coach T will dial up an interesting game plan to combat both phases of the game. From a historical perspective WOS holds an incredible edge on the series, a whole bunch to none I think. But there is another side to that fact, I may be wrong and I apologize if so but I don't think the current group of BC juniors has ever lost to WOS. I'm sure there are some here who are much better at looking up results than I am and I fully expect some of the Mustang faithful to check this one out and report back! LOL! The last bunch that never lost to WOS (BC dropped to 3A during their soph year) wound up going to the state semi finals I believe, 2001 or 2002 I think but not positive.  With all that being said I am personally looking forward to a good game with no injuries and no excuses. Good luck to both the Mustangs and the Cardinals.
  13. First off this is not directed at the entire Silsbee fan base, there are some really good folks over there, but nobody chokes on "crow" worse than Silsbee fans on this board. When you see others (for example the WOS faithful Gas, Td, and others) give credit to the other teams it shows a great respect for not only the sport but for others involved. Some of the comments made after the BC game just are mind boggling! Lots of sour grapes and temper tantrum toddlers out there lashing out. Not a real good look for anyone, that's a shame any way you slice it. I'm sure Silsbee will continue to be a good program and be in the hunt come playoff time, they have a solid team and some really good athletes. It just so happens that they came out on the wrong end of the score tonight and BC played a better game. Give credit where credit is due every now and again even if it means giving it to the opposition. To all my Tiger friends good luck next week, to all those who are angry and pouting good luck to you as well.
  14. I can't think of any other time when it seems so many schools don't have 9th grade football teams!! It seems like every time you turn around schools are scrambling to find teams to play due to the lack of sub varsity teams. I have spoken to other folks from several schools in the triangle who are running into the same problem, what in the world is the story??? It looks like any team with more than 30 players is huge!! I know bigger schools like PNG/NED/etc have big numbers but it appears they are the minority in this case. The smaller 4A schools and especially the 3A schools seem to be way down as far as football participation is concerned. Is it just me or has anybody else noticed this???
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