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Everything posted by u_da_man

  1. i totally agree with that. puts everybody in an akward situation, causes bad feelings with people in their current schools and towns. there are always going to be rumors about who is applying for jobs, but lets let them be just that until someone is hired.
  2. heard he was interviewing for the center job this week....
  3. just because someone from the community stands up a a board meeting and says I would like to nominate coach harper does not mean that is what is going on...alvarez aint coming...why would he come there and have someone else be his boss. they cant pay him enough. jasper is not the high profile job that some people think it is. good luck with your search though.
  4. Coach Harper The old Coach from Burkville.That what I have been hearing. I think coaching again is the furtherest thing from his mind. i think your sources are way out of line here.
  5. your daddy you are part of the problem not part of the solution. two words accountablility and commitment, alot of kids today are lacking in both because of attitudes like yours.
  6. hasnt this one been beat to death already. the jasper experts have already determined that all the blame falls on the coaches. just as they have in png, lcm, hemphill, west sabine,,,and anywhere else where the experts think they have nfl caliber players with great heart and desire, when in all actuallity they have very average players with very average heart and desire. but good luck to jasper and all the other schools this weekend may they all travel safely. remember children are our greatest resource.
  7. It is amazing with most of your pee wee coaching experience and titles that this current staff could have screwed them up. im sure your pee wee two back offensive system gets 10 to 20 every play and your 10-11 year old secondary is "shut down" every saturday morning. keep up the good work and maybe someday jasper will hire a coaching staff worthy of carrying on your saturday morning football tradition.
  8. so you think they are not trying to stop the pass? you think going into each week the plan is to just LET the other team throw the ball. at what point in time are the players suppose to cover the receivers? and the most ridiculous statement was that they gain 10 to 20 yards every time they run in the two back set...wow,,they must be gaining about 1000 yards a game with those numbers. what is that beeping noise i hear,,,wait the fries are ready you better go dump them out and salt them up.
  9. Im confused about this one. Wasnt Hamphire schedule to play Jasper this week? It seems to me if they were going to play this week they should have honored the schedule. I saw where jasper is having to play Nacogdoches. What happened here?
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