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Everything posted by khan.92

  1. I am a big part of both the "Nederland Drill Team", or as most people call us the Westernaires, and a part of the basketball program as well. Coach Jardell was not just at Disney on vacation. He was there watching his daughter, who is the Senior 1st Lt., compete for the last time. His trip was paid for, in full, before basketball season had even started. Coach English told him that as long as he got them to the Regional Tournament, he could go be a dad to his daughter, and Coach Jardell did just that. If any of you are parents yourself I would hope you would pick your child over your job as well. Khilchrist, Jardell, and Joshua Pillitere have both been great assistants to Coach English this year. This has been a great season for both the boys, coaches, managers, and myself. This will be a season they remember forever. Congrats Dogs on an awesome season! The city of Nederland could not be more proud of every single one of them.
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