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Posts posted by cooligan

  1. Didn't mean to offend ---The Almighty comes strictly from respect and me being a little funny. I guess I should have known better since we are not that familiar with one another. It just seems you are the man in the know in HJ. By the way, you won't get an argument out of me in re the benefits of playing basketball. It just happens to be, this year, the game of BB has been ill advised for one of the Nederland FB players to participate in. He made a tough decision, but it is the right one for him. It is just unfortunate folks make comments without knowing the full story.     
  2. Scapegoat save your breath. You need to realize you are arguing with dads who get upset that a coach might make their child lift a two pound dumbbell during off season.  ;D  :P  With that being said, no doubt BB will help a kid with his footwork among other things. I do have a question for Almighty Nash--- When Persohn (sp) would finish his football season and go onto BB did the community of HJ refer to him as a FB player or was he considered a BB player like the rest of the team?   

    Back on topic --- If Silsbee is allowed to play aggressive they win by 15+  If the refs call a tight came, which favors the Dogs, Silsbee wins by 6. It will be fun to watch -- I have never been to the Tiger Den. Good luck to both teams 
  3. Actually Stampley only had 1 pick 6 in district the other was against Angleton. Wood had 1 pick 6 (PNG) and recovered a fumble in the end zone after taking the ball away from the punter in either the Central or Ozen game.

    My choices for Dist Superlatives are:

    MVP -  Montana
    OPY -  Sezar
    DPY -  a Ned player. It's a toss up between Stampley, Couron, Pryor and Washington. Washington is probably the most popular of the others, but his district #'s weren't as good as the other three. If I had to go with one it would probably be Stampley. He was the most consistent every night and led the team in tackles.
  4. You are so right Matt. You can't have any bad apples in the basket cause eventually it/they will all effect the rest of the bushell. I am not close to Dayton's situation, but I did read a few points on here. I believe part of Ned's success this year was because of the great comradery between the players.

    I never had a chance to watch your outstanding fresh play, this year, but it sounds like the talent will be around for years to come. Hopefully, these young men won't get cheated by lack of coaching. 
  5. There is too much talent in Dayton to be so basic. I don't know your OC, but not enough creativity. Maybe I can send him my play book from JR football.  I'm not joking either. My 12 yr olds ran a way more sophisticated O than your team. All  you showed, the 3 games I watched, was run left, run right and the occasional backyard pass. Maybe the personnel couldn't run more than that IDK. With that being said, I knew you were going to miss Herrera this year and maybe that was the biggest problem. Your D is pretty good, but I don't understand the tight 3 man front. I don't believe I witnessed a blitz in any of the games I watched either. 
  6. Ned is home, but will wear their white away jersey's. Apparently, Dawson indicated they did not have enough light colored jersey's to suit up their team. Maybe they moved up a lot of JV and not enough to suit out the team.  I hope they wear all red --maybe it will inflame our boys.  ;D    Last year we were visitors, wore our white and Dawson came in Light gray --go figure.  I believe Dawson is the Oregon of HS football -- they have about 8-10 different combos of colors they have worn in the past. 
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