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Posts posted by ThaGhost

  1. 2 hours ago, DEM BOYZ said:

    We dont overlook anyone. Just saying all those 39-0 wins PA-B has against bottom teams is not a good indication of things. But we shall see......like I told PA-R, both teams will show up and the kids have to play the game.☺

    To that I say "home cooking." It could have, would have AND should have been worst. Good luck and hope to see you next round. 

  2. 17 minutes ago, Pngfan2014 said:

    I don't get it. 3 stooges? Kept the score down? Since when? And what does the "facemask" call have to do anything?  Just wondering. 

    Was calling the refs the 3 stooges.(I called them that because the head ref actually stopped the game to go back and forth with the fans. When should've only been concerned with the two HC's and one ref never even thought about throwing his flag on EITHER TEAM) The ball carrier is tackled low, there's a really slim chance of a facemask. (Which resulted in extra yardage for a team that struggled to move the ball.) 

  3. 2 hours ago, Pngfan2014 said:

    Wow. Sounds like a close game 

    It really wasn't. The 3 stooges were ridiculous as they kept the score down. Our CB made a tackle on a Ned runner, and wrapped up the runners LEGS. Ref threw a flag and called "facemask!" I yelled and told him "man, you're full of it", and he dang near threw another flag until he realized I was just a spectator. 

  4. 1 hour ago, DEM BOYZ said:

    It's all in good fun. Lol. I walked with alot of people today. Which coach are you? #12 Dad? Kids a beast.

    Not a coach. Walked out the gate with you while you and another coach were leaving and your son called you and you said "I thought your ankle was hurting" (I coached Colby in baseball when he was 7 and 8)

  5. 1 hour ago, BoGip7387 said:

    That's that double edged sword that you have to deal with. That's a tough decision to make. To me it comes down to how much of a drop off you have in talent at that position. If he did that, fans would kill the coaches for that too. I can hear it now, "he took 3 of the best players out of the game when they needed them the most!" Do I think the refs had an agenda? Yup, but I also feel we need to show more restraint and self control as a team. Only 2  flags really bothered me. Ned dropped a pass and might have cursed, no defender was around him, they throw a flag. Crook, pushes a guy out of bounds, he may have said something I don't know but he wasn't facing anyone, flag. I can almost guarantee that on Friday Porter is gonna try their best to get under our skin. We have that reputation for taking the bait now.

    After what happened this morning, it'll be a different outcome. (Ask lil Gip when he gets home) 

  6. 14 minutes ago, Omegatron said:

    Man you guys make me wonder is it really about the kids with you guys or y’all egos man. Smh we looking for scores and this post done went left field. 

    Can't speak for others but as I stated earlier, I do support and try to keep tabs of all SETX youth. Got alil wrapped up with BMF. (For the record, TJms football hasn't been the same since you left) 

  7. 5 minutes ago, BMF said:

    You know as well as I do no one else scores matter. Good luck my man. Keep that “cayenne” in your pantry 

    Sorry you're incorrect. UNLIKE yourself I care about the kids of SETX and the competition levels. I want them ALL to succeed in the game I LOVE and respect. 

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