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  1. If u only had a clue!!! I am suprised that you people can even spell "CLASS"!!! I am glad to know that u people have nothing better to do and that I have given yall something to talk about. It must be really boring in Vidor!! I can see saying something once but eat ur own words u and 1arm pirate keep repeating urselves on here. Take ur own advise
  2. Well since u r so hung up on me!! I was sitting next to some of my family and if I remember I was not directing anything to the catcher just the umpire. We all know how Vidor likes to try anything they can to win even running out the time. I was there to watch my nephew and he loves for me to cheer him on. My brother is one of the coaches from TC so watch what u say about them. Since I am such a monster please let me know ur childs number so I can cheer him on. By the way my brother in law and step sister r from Vidor and I have been to many of there games over the years to watch my nephew play and as I recall Vidor parents can make TC parents look like saints!!! So the threat you made to me about ur kid, am I really suppose to be scared of that comment? I mean if u think knowing that ur from the trailer park is gonna scare me well I guess I will see u Friday night.
  3. To the 1armpirate. Well I am the white shirt lady and I never holored at a kid from vidor. Blue was the only ones I holored at. We were just wondering which car from Vidor they rode in. You can call me classless all u want I really dont care what you think I mean u r from Vidor!!!! So next time u want to post a remark on a stupid web site why not just confront me to my face and be grown up about it. By the way I think the whole night I was cheering on TC isn't that what u do at a baseball game. Dont bother bringing your camera Friday night I will bring mine. And I will make sure to send u a copy!! Have a wonderful day.
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