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Everything posted by superflyguy

  1. Any predictions anyone??? (for fun, no money involved!) :-X
  2. Now that is some FUNNY stuff!!! By-the-way, what is the official age these days when it does matter??? Just wondering because I can testify to the fact that there are 10-12 yrs olds that dont have the clue or passion that some of these younger boys have! 8)
  3. I am gonna have to go with Vidor on this one. Either way I am proud to know that the "Golden Triangle" will be represented WELL! To ALL the FANS, PARENTS & COACHES- 8) PLEASE show your SUPPORT for the winning team & congratulate the other team for a HARD Fight! It gets much, much harder & more competitive from here.
  4. That is correct. Vidor will advance if they win the first game Fri against either Groves or TC.
  5. Everyone should refer back to Daddy23's earlier statement. I think he put it very well. Let's all remember that the kids are looking up to us & we should always do our very best to convey to them the right messages. These kids have done an OUTSTANDING JOB representing their towns & so should ALL the fans & coaches alike. Still two to three games to get it right. Things could go either of three ways. Groves still has a chance to knock TC & Vdr out!!! 8)
  6. No-ONE said I was from Vidor!!!!! What is your hangup on people's residence? Does where one lives determine their selfworth? Do everyone a favor & stay at YOUR residence with your own & LEAVE others ALONE!!!!
  7. Well the "white shirt lady" or "unlady" has managed to make an a** out of herself once again! How can you defend youself as being any kind of a decent person when your words say otherwise? Your little comment "come on, your from Vidor" shows me & everyone else that you are definetly just what has already been said- CLASSLESS!!! Good Luck to TC as they have a good group of Kids! (What it is suppossed to be about)
  8. Bring out the Scouts!!!! No doubt future College players in the mix! (If not beyond that)
  9. Littlehawks, That little stay in Dallas was brief but not near as brief as your stay. Obviously!!!
  10. Are there any Baseball camps any where in the Golden Triangle going on anytime soon? Local Schools etc?
  11. I think the Little Groves team should be pretty good but not sure how they will stack up against the others.
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