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Posts posted by Roper84

  1. Welcome back Roper! And belated happy anniversary. 30 years in this day and age is unfortunately a rarity.
    And you picked a great time to go to this islands. Makes those losses a lot less painful. Only been there once but I'll bet football seems a lot less relevant while you are there?

    My wife was like "You're not too worried about football over here?!?"
    When the wheels were falling off against OleMiss, I just clicked off and headed to the luau....
    Met Texans all over the islands. Great elderly couple from Beaumont at Pearl Harbor Memorial.
    Some nice PNG retirees in Waikiki.
    Some class of 97' Ags in Maui.
    Funny note: most every time a Hawaiian found out we were Ags, they wanted to know if we got to see Johnny Football live. Hawaiians love them some football.
    They were gearing up for hurricane Ana, thankfully didn't affect them too bad.
  2. When I read the title I thought you were looking for me..........
    I've been in Hawaii for almost 2 weeks. I highly recommend the trip if you can ever make it happen.
    Our 30th Wedding anniversary.


    Will the Aggies win another SEC game this year?
  3. Ole Miss said they are coming into that tackle box and beating that Aggie behind. Then they are going to charge the field, beat up some pseud-gi joes, and tear down the goal posts. Then they are going to ram it in the 12 man Tech style. That's what they told me anyway.

    Just when I was starting to like you........back to my senses now.
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