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Everything posted by no-look

  1. Last year we had a private school to cancel the day before the game........reason was they didn't want to travel two nights in a row....coach was able to lure Cleveland to fill the spot.......smooth move....
  2. Who likes this press? Different from a 1-2-2?
  3. Schedules shouldn't be changed this late unless its something that cant be helped. If they make commitments they should hang with it.....If they want out, change it early so it doesen't put the other team in a bind....backing out this late for that reason is not exceptable....thats my story and I'm sticking with it.......
  4. You will see, they have grown. Do we need to check you guys for performance enhancing drugs?
  5. Are card sharks athletes? How about if a run around the table once on every deal? lol !
  6. Nov. 2nd This is just too long to wait for basketball. They should shorten the schedule for football. No one knows whose screwing up anyway, because they all have helmets covering their face. Went to the fb game the other night, seats were wet, pop corn was stale, night air was miserable and got beat by 30 plus.........
  7. please take your rooting somewhere else, u might jinx the dogs! ;D J-dog, I tried every way possible to jinx the dogs when yall played us last year...just didn't work.... ;D
  8. Are we getting ready for a love fest?.... ;D
  9. Didn't coach Jackson run the 5 out @ Chireno a few years back?
  10. Spurger runs it at times and do a good job with it,but they have a few pretty good shooters. If they wont come out of the zone they play some 4 out 1 in. With a good G you can break down their zone and kick it out. On your 4 out 1 in where is most of your screening done?(to make room for cutters coming off screens?)
  11. Was it Tenaha that knocked Yuga out last year?.......I think the fb AD keeps a lid on the bb program......Jenkins is a good coach but he gets his players late......was the move-ins for academic purposes?... ;D
  12. I believe thats correct...their stud was out last year with a torn acl....but I think he's back this year......they are a 1A with 4A athletes.
  13. I didn't say a 2 man team.I was talking about the type sets they ran to get these 2 guys the ball.I wasn't saying they didn't play as a team.I usually watch clubs and try and see what different kinds of things they could do to be better.I just happen to think that this club has a TON of potential that could be used in different ways.If what the Sharks are doing suits you guys that's what you need to keep doing.As far as other clubs in this region Normangee will be good as always and I hear Cayuga is loaded with big time athletes again. Saw Cayuga play this summer....they are loaded.
  14. Some run it if they dont have a true post........why is it no good?....
  15. Pros and cons?.........what are the rules?(best way to run it)
  16. Moving for athletic purposes....UIL says no. Can you blame a player for wanting to go to a good program?.........what say ye?
  17. They didn't parole Charles Manson did they?........... ;D
  18. Yes.......heard it was $40.00 a head for Cleveland fans....
  19. Maybe the field will be muddy and the game could be closer........
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