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Everything posted by lcm93

  1. Alot of that was weekend games in houston #26 will be lcm/chapel hill Friday night !!
  2. Thats the same stadium jasper and lcm had there playoff game in 1995!!
  3. Texas is a huge state i guess if we was the size of Louisiana I would understand!!!
  4. In Louisiana the higher seed gets home field all the way until the championship game !! All championship games are played in the superdome!!!
  5. 1994 lc m went 10 0 district champs beat New caney in bi district lost area game to willis that game was at the reservation at png in 95 lcm went 9 - 1 played jasper in bi district in Louisiana and lost finished 9 - 2
  6. Lcm played jasper at abe Martin stadium in Lufkin for bi district in 92 no Louisiana it was my senior year class of 93
  7. Wow !! This thread is dead quiet!! Lol
  8. I'm just saying lol I have nothing but love for png my son grad from png in 2017 !!! I hope png wins !! BTW lcm has a 2 game win streak against png !!!
  9. The last time the Indians played the bears ( lc m ) homecoming 2013 the Indians got whipped !! Lol
  10. Will there be a live stream for this game ? Texan live is not streaming this game !!
  11. Houston texans suck !! The whole organization sucks !! That is sad not to give kids in the area to play in a nfl stadium !!!
  12. I've been to 6 png games and 2 montgomery games this season!!! I see a great game !!!
  13. First high school game I saw in the astrodome was in 1989 when pn g played a&m consolidated in the playoffs!!
  14. He grad in 2017 this year I've been going on stadium tours mostly in houston I love going to watch a game in a new stadium I never been I've made 23 games this year !!
  15. I stopped going cause I hated the way crouch was doing to the program so I started going to my sons school games png
  16. Crouch made that program soft and undisciplined and brought it down !!!
  17. Its amazing what a new coach can do to a program !! What would lc m record be this year if crouch was still there ?
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