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Posts posted by besbolbenbedygud

  1. S88 is correct......you would play this ball live as if it were on the ground.....no "human control" of the ball yet...lol

    Some might remember the line drive back to the pitcher in the pro's........ball got stuck in the pitchers glove....so....he threw his whole glove over to the first baseman to get the out.........first baseman caught it so that instituted "control"

  2. not all come back but the majority can.

    ScienceDaily (July 14, 2008) — Eighty-three percent of athletes who had "Tommy John" elbow reconstruction surgery were able to return to the same or better level of play, according to a study released today at the 2008 American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine Annual Meeting at JW Marriott Orlando Grande Lakes

    I'm sure Svoboba is a great competitor and it will be driving at him to comeback stronger!!

  3. One of the most inspirational people for Svoboda to grab on to would be, former West Brook stand out David Murphy (UH).  Sometimes when one door closes on you, and your not ready for it too, some people don't waist time looking for the other open door.........They go head first busting down the one that closed in their face!!  You can do it Nate!!

  4. I'm disappointed in the coaching staff at PN-G high. There is a coaches son who is put over better players. I can not stand to watch this kind of crap. Hope it does not hurt there team in the future.

    talk about speaking out of the back side of your shorts!!!!!....make a statement with no facts, no given knowledge of any situations........playing for any coach is hard enough sometimes.....imagine it being your father.........then crap like this from the public gets thrown out there...........I'm pushing for this whole topic to be band......or at least this posters post be deleted!!!

    absolutely ridiculous!!!

  5. I know I'm coming in on the tail end here....but isn't the argument confirming that two umpires looking at this same situation can see it completely different?

    What if a batter moving back ...(which appears to be an attempt to avoid being hit).... is actually moving in the direction of the ball to purposely be hit??  Are we going to have to start looking at that also?......hope not..... umpire have enough their being asked to do and to do it in a split second. 

    The one that gets me is when  a batter will bend at the knee, making his front knee, cross the front corner of the strike zone and takes a curveball on the leg and gets the base.......

    Or even better.....the batter ducking out of the way of a curve ball placing his head right down the middle of the plate.......gets plunked in the ear hole and gets awarded first base........I love that one!!...lol

  6. Does anyone know the attendance from LU vs UT on March 22, 1992? I remember that game being packed as well.  Going way back..... I remember watching "the San Diego Chicken" at Vincent Beck when the Gators were here and the stands were full then also.

    I tried to research it to no luck.  Just curious.

    In that game with the San Diego Chicken, they actually had roped of areas in the field of play.  I have pictures of the Chicken, with fans, in a roped off area along the right field wall...... we were standing in that right field area........lol.....take'en me way back......lol

  7. So says someone with 2 posts and no name attached. They are my school board, I voted for them and I stand by what they have done.

    Its the outsiders have the problems.

    i am not an outsider, i was born , raised , grad of PNG and still live in the city, and I VOTED AGAINST the current board members, therefore i have a right to say what i have to say!  I may not work for a media outlet but i do have FREEDOWM OF SPEECH just like you guys!  This whole deal has made PNG look bad , and i for one am not a thumb my nose kinda of person to the others, the board memembers ,not all of them but a few that i will not name names have an attitude that they can do what they please without anyone questioning them. Trust me on of them will be elminated at this year school board election , time for new ppl on the board that can communicate with the public and do not treat the public like we are nothing!

    wow.......hmm.....lets get ride of board members who don't run the hiring of a football coach the way YOU think it should have gone?  meanwhile the district maintains itself as one of the better educational institutes in Jefferson County...............boy that's priorities for ya...........forget education...............LETS PLAY'SM FOOTBAW!!!        lol

    Sorry to hear Chuck getting mixed up in bad stuff........He was a great football player at WB...........

  8. You know what I pictured as i was reading this.........lol.........Morgan Freeman when he played the hard nosed principle and the fire marshalls wanted the chains off the doors............."You know what he's sayin' right know.......................that sorry sob can throw me out..........you know where he's sayin' it......OUT SIDE!!"  LMAO!!

    This is great stuff.........


  9. nothin' has changed MIF04.........Brook has been in their rankings the past couple of years...they are looped in because of the district they play in.......preseason is just that........has to come with last years performance vs. what your losing and what you got coming back......highest WB could have been, looking at the list is maybe in the 21 to 25 range.....losing to LP in 3 last year...........

  10. that's a little harsh........some people can handle college life and athletics and some can't.......its not all fun and games when you get there............no matter the reason, I hope he comes out ok!    Maybe he wanted more time to become an All-American poster like you, baseball4life09...............lol

  11. I'm not voting because who knows what will happen...we don't know who it is yet or how they will really be chosen......But IMO......

    If you want them to build from the ground up...[yes we all want a winner now and that is understandable.  He should still be held acountable for the success of the next three classes coming up.]........... the real judgment should start in his fourth year.  This would be the first full year ALL players would have been under his system and his system only.  HE is going to have to balance his time between the success of the NOW with the instillation of what he want the younger kids to come in knowing before they get to him........the fruits of that vine would not be seen until his fourth year (next years freshmen class). 

    Here is what you have and again my opinion (as a PNG grad)........You have the PN-G greed that will want to win now vs the PN-G faithfull who will be understanding that change is going to take some time...........

    Like I said he must balance the now for those kids he will have for the next three years........ They should not be neglected the opportunity for success for the sake of later success.....balance of both is going to the most important......especially if we are looking for longevity in a Coach!!


    ps:  I think WB is a case were this was done the best!! ( the balance of now and future)

  12. I said this summer, when coaches were getting thrown out of 5 and 6 yr old baseball games and the BC coach was thrown out of 11 year old  baseball game, in all-stars..............Even saw the whole thread VANISH and have been wondering WHY?? Probably because the rules were found to be correct when asked to be found!! ;D!!   It's because we want it to go away.....but the only way stuff like this goes away is if parents become vigilint towards who is in controll of their kids.  EVERY move this league takes now should be done in public and they should want it that way to prove they are doing everything in their power to do what is right.  You start closing doors and questions will arise.......leave it as a glass house and do what is right.  

    Again.......How many High School coaches from this area do you know of that have had to make a trip to Austin for being ejected from Baseball, Football, or Basketball....and fighting.......(I'm guessing loss of certificate and job at an ISD anywhere would be brought up!!!)    Here is the Problem.....each league has it's own board, half of them laugh off the fact that they were ejected from games.......blaming officials for their poor conduct.......like it's no big deal........THERE IS NO REAL BODY FOR ANY OF THESE AREA YOUTH LEAGUE COACHES TO ANSWER TO!!!   Before a high school coach opens his mouth the ride to Austin has already calmed his approach...towards an official or coach..............no one wants to take that ride...these coaches escaped the only ride they should have been given and that in the back of a police car!!!

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