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old doc

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Posts posted by old doc

  1. To much interference from parents.  They think they know more than the coaches, always trying to find a way to get their kids out of the work.  Instead of parental support they kill the program.  Coaches want to go somewhere that they can work without constant interference.  Parents should support not interfere.
  2. He left a winning tradition.  A playoff team and not a team who has not had a winning season in a while.  You say that the statement is assinine but any coach would rather take over a winning program thatn a losing one.  The hadest thing for new coaches to do is toget kids to believe that they can win.  That is why it takes a few years.  Your dislike for Coach Price for whatever reason is your problem but I have seen Barbers Hill for years and you people are never happy with anything.  You have had one of the most successful runs in football during Coach Price's tenure and yet you say that he didn't do anything well.  I can't argue with ignorance or closed minded people. 
  3. I find it funny that kids are released to participate and they can play the games but cannot practice. The mere mention of an athlete running a mile sends them into panic mode and their knees swell up and they are done.  They can always make to their little dribblers practice and play in those games but they always get hurt at school.  They cannot practice at school but they are released for games.  Times have changed and if you were an athlete you had to earn your spot on the team and practice everyday and give it your best otherwise there was someone waiting to take your place.  Now if you work a kid to hard they want to go to the school board to complain.  Next thing you know all of our games will be played on the Wii or Xbox in an arena for people to watch on a big screen. just my opinion
  4. I have talked with alot of coaches and worked with them as well, and the consensus is that no varsity player lifts weights on game days.  The change that seems to be coming down is that all students are in a strength and conditioning class and that athletic teams workout after school.  There is no longer a so called off season program.  In schools like HF your better athletes need to play all sports and the situation was that if enough pressure was placed on certain people then they would not have to do any weight training at all.  When you have 30 straight basketball players and 20 straight baseball players there is a problem.  How do you convince them that they need to get stronger and the only way to do that is by pumping iron.  To my knowledge there is no lifting on game days.  Some coaches have told me that they will have Freshmen and JV players lift on game days, even football.
  5. Parents want to control all aspects of sports from the youth league to the varsity level.  They think they know more than all of the coaches who have taken college courses on anatomy, physiology, strength and conditioning of all ages and so on.  These school coaches go to workshops and clinics to refine their skills and learn know things.  Parents are still in the dark ages about recovery time of athletes.  I don't know if any of you have seen the gatorade commercial about their lab that they have and how they study the human body under all conditions.  Kids recover a whole lot faster than you think they do. Parents need to realize that coaches are not ever going to intentionally do anything to hurt kids, since they are their job.  Non-football people need to take a good look at some of these college and pro athletes and tell me how did they get so big and strong if they do not lift weights.
  6. One of the best games I have ever seen.  Neither team quit and it had a little bit of everything you can imagine in a ball game.  Lots of great athletes on both sides, sad that one team had to lose.  If was fun to watch and enjoyed the school spirit on both sides.  That is what it is all about.  Never give up and never surrender. I'm glad my daughter asked me to go.
  7. [quote name="CTR*LPlayer" post="699051" timestamp="1257537269"]
    In my opionion i dont think you have the right to say that while warren is in playoffs! She has done sooo much for the players this season........
    This is what I was talking about.  There apparently is a lot more than the initial question.  I don't know what the reference is to "she has done sooo much for the players"  but If they are allowed to be there then everyone may want a chance to be there.  Then the coach loses control.  Appearantly someone does not have a problem that this person is on the bench.  Sounds like trouble to me.
  8. I think some clarification is needed.  Is it a school employee who just sits on the bench?  Is it a parent? Is it another coach who thinks they are helping? It was not quite clear.  If it is a parent they need to be in the stands, if it is any of the others either the head coach or athletic director needs to be informed as to the reason they are there.  They will cause confusion with what is going on, but in order to really say more info is needed.
  9. I totally agree since I have known Coach Hooks for a long time as well, but we know him and know how he feels truely about his players and would not do anything to hurt them, but there are some coaches who feel this way.  What the UIL should do is try to find a way to help the coaches work with there player during the summer months.  7 on 7 helps a great deal but there is little input from the coaches.  It does not really matter what type of spring off season you have if they do nothing during the summer they will not be in shape in August.  We are not here for the convenience of the coaches we are here for the kids.  If you had to wait until ideal conditions you might be waiting until October. :)

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