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Posts posted by Makemineaconvertible

  1. 2 hours ago, yepyep said:

    Lol what? Is this how the game ended? Tell me that’s not true.  Who is Christian Academy and where are they from?

    I am not a fan of playing stall ball one game into the season because there are so many other things to work on this early, but that’s absurd if the other team just walked off and quit. 

    That’s how it ended. We held them scoreless in the first quarter. They weren’t very good needless to say but we are not either. I couldn’t believe it either. Lots of things to work on besides stalling with the ball. I don’t blame them they come to play not stand on the court and watch the clock tick down. 

  2. Didn’t show up in all aspects of the game. Defense stunk , offense more than stunk, kick off receiving team don’t block. On a bright note this the last week to the end of a rough season. Changes probably need to be made and it’s time to hold some folks accountable. 1-9 and 2-8 is not my way of saying the program is coming around. They have their spots where they look really good one week and it’s like we regress 2weeks and look like Ned and the first reader. Just not consistent on what we do offensively and defensively. When you have offensive linemen for Woodville running the ball the last 5-6 minutes and to top it of they score then they put their entire secondary out and replace them with lineman. I looked over at my son and he had #64 playing cornerback on him. I guess they were trying to let us score. We ran 3 run plays and called it a night. 

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