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Posts posted by prepballfan

  1. I have been to some of our practices and from what I herd about the scrimmage we still have some work to do on our positions I do not think this spells doom for PN-G Jasper is extremely talented with good coaches and players. Jasper is going to do well this season and I think PN-G will also. We had 3 or 4 starters missing according to someone I spoke to who was at the scrimmage. I think Jasper deserves a congrats on there play but I dont think many people expected much less from them. We have a new group on defense and it will take time for them to gel. Once again good job Jasper Ill be pulling for you guys in the Playoffs this season

  2. The loudets game Ive been to was in 1999 in the Dome pn-g vrs stephensville or any Ned and PN-G game  but my favorite was when PN-G lifted the Lamarque dominance over SE Texas in 1999 now there was a hard hitting game Gohlke was on fire that game he was layin them out. I remember coug4life sending me an E-mail after the game sayin congrats and we all know that was something he did not have to do often in the 1990s and early 2000s.

    Dustin long was such a pleasure to watch such a smart football Xs and Os kinda player

  3. You know its funny how when a local team goes to the playoffs and I attend the game (other than my school) that you see fans from all the other teams in the area pulling for there district to win. Like last year I became a Dayton fan after they went into the playoffs and I knew we would not have to play them again. I like to see our area do well and pull for any team locally in the playoffs. These are kids just like my own kids who put in the time and effort to play sports and still maintain there grades. Im proud of all of the kids out there. Its sad to see when people put em down because of what school they go to. A few years ago I was in the dome watching my team play and I end up setting next to a older gentleman from Central. I told him it was nice to see other fans from the area supporting our team/district. The man taught me a lesson that day. He told me he loved football and he loved all the kids period. He winked at me and said especially those from our area. So from that day on I am a Southeast Texas football fan Not just a PN-G Indian fan.

    Goodluck to all the teams this season.

  4. I voted for Nederland and Im from Port Neches I have friends over there and there offense will be scarey this year there is a question mark on defense this coming from a long time Bulldog I hear there ponits per game will be very high this year. I also beleive in the Neuman factor he is a great coach with a good team this season. I hope its PN-G in the end but it wont be easy this season

  5. Burnett was a defensive coordinator who was very good at what he did back when I was in school. He has hired a good defensive coordinator from HF before last season. The defense will be good from what I hear. They have a few good athletes on defense and a couple of strong two way starters. I expect to see a strong defense this season at the Reservation when we get to play there LOL

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