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Everything posted by ECbuc4real

  1. That was the worst HF team I have seen in 25 years of watching them play. Mental mistakes after mental mistakes, only 46 yards total off. is horrible. for any team. Yes yall are right our QB is a lil off on the passing ,but he will come around for district.
  2. Hallmark from EC has to be added=8HR's and batted over .450 as a soph. already generating plenty of interest,playing for Lone Star Baseball in Houston.Still hitting HR's this Fall.
  3. JT Hallmark got great news from the CT-scan around 3:30, They are going to release him later this morning. This was a very scary scene for everyone involved. It looks like he will be ok. The Lord was watching over this young man tonight.
  4. Congrats to Anahuac,They outplayed EC tonight.EC will need to reach down deep to finish out the season on a positive note.You can do BUCS -Finish strong.There is still a shot at the playoffs in this crazy district.
  5. Thoughts and prayers for #44 from EC< Good luck and keep us informed.
  6. The Soph QB #4 and the rec #1 make a great combo,QB 174yds passing, Rec. 4 catches for 102yds. Keep it up guys.This is gonna be a pair to watch.GO BUCS
  7. 4-0 EC in controlled Scrimmage,2-1 in game situation. EC's speed to much.FB was Big,but could not get anything going.Dontae Raymond is the real deal 6'3" 205 does not go down easy.EC also passed the ball well with speed on the outside.Looks like Coach Valastro has EC ready post TT. A lot of players are filling the void.You cant replace TT,but it looks like there are several players stepping up to make up for the loss.Go Bucs !!!!!!!!!!
  8. EC Anthony Ortiz-LB/RB JT Hallmark -OLB/WR/FS Dontae Raymond - RB/DE
  9. What is the word on EC and Shepherd? I didn't get to go and want to know how they looked.
  10. You can't leave out the 6'3" 215lb speedster from EC, Donte Raymond,over 1000 yds rusher as a jr. Big,fast,strong and will put up big numbers this year.
  11. EC remains unbeaten in league play with wins over Anahuac,HF,HJ,Barbers Hill. This should answer some of the naysayers.
  12. Congrats to all these young men, This list musy say a lot for EC departing coach.Apparently he did more with less talent than any other team in the district.He made the playoffs,had 1 player that had 7 Hr's,I do not think anyone else in the district had 7Hr's & several excellent players that did not get any recognition.I hope this did not have anything to do with the coach leaving.
  13. JT Hallmark from EC,hit #5 tonight,congrats JT
  14. I think JT Hallmark from EC,He has 5 HR,2 of those Grand Slams,catches a good game,has pitched this year and played middle infield.His bat is making noise.also only a soph.I think more to come.
  15. EC will be better than OK,Carington and Raymond will be a force to deal with,I have also seen the the Hallmark kid under center.Those 3 with Ortiz in the backfield will have speed to burn.Big,fast,strong and tough .2 of them are 6'3" and the other 2 are 6'1".This may end up being one of the best backfields in SETX. next year.Depth like this @ the 2a level should give them a step up.TT will still be greatly missed,good luck in Hog land.
  16. I think Hallmark started on both sides of the ball the last few games as a soph. it will be interesting to see how /Valastro uses him next year.We were lucky to get him.I am excited to see our 08 Bucs,
  17. EC in 5th you are on some strong stuff losing only 1 off lineman.1 rec and of course TT on Off. def.- 2-LB ,1-DL,1-end,1-Db & TT Raymond will carry the big load with carrington @RB Hallmark comes back as a 2-way starter - rec/OLB Strong O-line Adamson - @ - FS Lambert QB will do a fine job Rabilais @ DL Ortiz - @ TB and CB You cannot replace TT but you can divide the responsibility and coach Valastro will have his team ready. EC has some talent coming from a JV that won the District Championship,and some kids playing other positions because of seniors that were better in certin positions.Reload BUCS
  18. Buna gave up over 400yds in the air against Hardin,and 2 TDs against Anauhac. Anauhac only crossed mid-field-2 times, 1 time on a penelty against EC.People are not giving EC's Def. enough credit.Buna has not played anyone with the speed that EC has on Def. It will be one H@#L of a game ,but I have to go with EC on this one.34-17. WRITE IT DOWN.
  19. Back in the day -apparently you have not seen EC play. Or you would realize that TT is great,but not the only weapon on the EC Off,Good running backs(,Good receiving crew and a line that makes holes to get them through. .The Def. Is very solid,Tramell is very good.He has only been back on def. Two games. Look at the points allowed,pretty good is a huge understatment.You do realize that the people that are saying this have not seen EC play.ECbuc is on target.
  20. The Bucs take this one 35-7, TT and the entire crew will be to much for the Panthers on both sides of the ball.
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