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Everything posted by setxfan1

  1. You can build a program with discipline and striving for work ethic. It helps to have talent no doubt. WOS has some talent everyyear, Nederland has some talent everyyear, Newton has some talent everyyear. A good Coach fills in the puzzle with hard working kids that by into the program. You reap the benefits of success by hard work. That is in all phases of life. Football teaches kids discipline, both mental and physical. It teaches teamwork. You gotta have a little discipline in a house of ill repute. Good Coaches are upfront with their kids. The good programs have expectations that a kid accepts. That is why some programs win year in and year out. When Parents get involved with the decision making and politics of who plays, the whole program suffers. A good Coach is going to do what he thinks is right. If politics of the communoty gets in the way, that community will never have an established program that is successful This is why some schools cannot build a program. If you hire a man to do the job, let him do it!!!
  2. You can be arrogant when you are good year after year. You don't want to play Newton if you ain't got the athletes to match em
  3. Looks to me Anahuac is done after the loss to HJ. Hardin should win next week simply on momentum of this victory. Isn't Hemphill suppose to be a powerhouse in their district?
  4. read where Anahuac was playing tonite against someone
  5. Is Ike changing some dates for week 2? Ive had heard some teams are wanting to play earlier in the week.
  6. looks like the playa bit off more than he could chew. Smack talk will keep him off here for a while. BC 0-10 last year. Good luck player.
  7. Heard that Anahuac and Tarkington were playing here in Dayton. Went out to the stadium on lunch and watched some. Anahuac scored first two times they got it and Tarkington never got a first down. Anahuac looked like they were not quite ready for 4 quarters yet. Tarkington looked like they were not ready for the season yet.
  8. I don't think Coach Stewert taught talking the talk till you could walk the walk Panther. You might want to jab after you have accomplished the feat. Work hard and let the accolades come after you have done something.
  9. Most Booster Clubs are parents and supporters who volunteer their time to help the kids in the program. I believe this is a wonderful example of parental involvement. Many athletic departments don't have the adequate budget to get everything they want. Booster clubs step in to help. I think the parents and people who get involved with Booster clubs are the greatest!!!
  10. They're were a few boys back in the day called Hadnot, James and Oliver. Also Scott, Pierce and Weatherspoon. Jasper has had some incredible ones back when I was growing up!
  11. 7 on 7 don't mean much as for as Fall Football goes, but it does help the skill kids blend their skills. I saw the 7 on 7 tourny in Liberty. Liberty is hurting on skill kids. I hope they got some big linemen to cushion the blow cause they are lacking in the skill area. I thought Hardin had a good scheme with their precise routes and such but they were awfully small kids as well. I'm just an observer of HS football, I think that all this 7 on 7 stuff is great for our young kids to compete!
  12. 7on7 is good for conditioning and all that but it don't mean jack for real Football. Crosby would tear a new ##### into Hardin in a real 11 on 11 game. I believe this 7on7 stuff is overrated. Give me a front with an Iso.
  13. We keep getting all the talent from the east side of the Trinity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. So whats going on in Liberty with the new dude? Has he found some athletes that were not playing? How bout the Coaches? Any of the old staff leaving? Any new Coaches working the boys this Spring? Haven't heard much out of Liberty since the job was given to Deele.
  15. You come watch the Broncos on a Friday night at home. Wow!!!!!! The crowd is large. The band and the drill team or prepared. The Football team is pumped. I cannot think of a better place to be on a Friday night than watching HS Football in TEXAS. I sometimes like to go to other games when the Broncos are on a long road trip. It still is exciting to see the atmosphere at HS stadiums wherever I go watch a game. Those student athletes put in a lot of time to play this game. Some people forget that win or lose, those young men have sacrificed a lot to be able to play on Friday nights. Texas HS Football will always be the greatest thrill for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. From what I gather, there ain't but about two or three Coaches from WOS that amount to a hill of beans. The rest are yes men. You want a yes man in your AD position?
  17. Sounds like Double D is mad! I guess he should'nt have gone around town telling everybody he was the Man before he was the man.
  18. According to my source in Liberty. The Sup is adament about deemphasizing Football. She doesn't think a Football offseason is necessary. The guys who wanted the job no better. They got the hell out of the running fast. You people in Liberty might need to go talk with Coach Stewart in Dayton to see if off-season is important. You might even think about questioning your board to let a woman decide about your football program that doesn't care much about it.
  19. The word I'm getting is they want to de-emphasize football and build the basketball program up. Girls and Boys. Apparently some people have said they put to much emphasis on the fall ball. Without a good football program, everything else doesn't matter here in Texas. Liberty may be in for a few rough years ahead. I hope the new guy knows what he is getting into. We have everything we need over the river here in Dayton. A great Football Coach and staff, and everything else feeds off of that.
  20. The word I got here in Dayton is that the Board is being pressed by the Sup to hire a boy that is not pushing football but the whole program. Girls and Boys.
  21. I heard this today from a friend in Dayton. Liberty's facilities are horrible and they only have 40 kids in their whole program. Nothing in the halls either. I thought Liberty had good facilities. I knew a guy that coached there a few years back that said it was pretty good. According to my source, he said it was bad. What do you Liberty folks think about the athletic facilities there.
  22. I heard from a friend in Dayton the OC over there was a shoe-in in Liberty. The word was the Board's prerequisite was the spread MUST be the Offense. To many athletes in Liberty not to take advantage of this type of Offense. They must have a lotta hall walkers over there that have left the program? Should be a good place to be the next few years if he can get all those kids back in the program!
  23. Liberty has not come open. It is not posted with THSCA. Where are you getting your information from? If it is posted somewhere, why has it not been posted on the Coaches website. What does it say?
  24. Abe Lemons, Basketball Coach at Texas at seeing one of his players report card, "Son, you have 4 F's and a D. It appears to me you are spending too much of your time in one subject"
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