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  1. If this superintendent is not gone from Liberty soon, my boys will be wearing purple and white and playing in a great stadium at a school that actually cares about academics and athletics, instead of caring about neither....Sorry a little frustrated.
  2. I met one of the candidates that is no longer in the race and he gave his reasons for not accepting the job, and they are very valid. Just know that whoever we get as the new coach is about the 5th choice no matter what the school board tries to sell. He said he did not take the job because there will be no support from the administration as long as this superintendent and board make up is the way that it is right now. She crippled Hemptstead athletics and she is starting it here in Liberty. He told me that he wanted to come to Liberty and felt like he could win there but not at the expense of his career dealing with the admin currently in place.
  3. The interviews finished last Thursday. Why was this job not important enough to meet over the weekend, call the lone finalist to come in on Monday and get the details worked out and then take it before the board on Tuesday? And maybe the board did this, but from everything I know they are not meeting on this until tonight at the regular school board meeting with no name to hire and still having to pick between the 8 finalist.
  4. By taking so long for this hiring process I am afraid that we are hurting our chances of getting our top candidate. It looks like Liberty is in no hurry to get an AD in place and does not really care about the direction we are headed. I bet it is frustrating to the finalists waiting on a school board that has no sense of urgency.
  5. I heard that one of the candidates is a home town boy that is in Jacksonville as Defensive coordinator and another candidate is the OC in Dayton. I talked to a friend of mine at church and he said that the OC in Dayton is interviewing Monday night, and the hometown boy is Tuesday.
  6. You could not be more correct about the leader of an athletic program. Liberty needs someone with experience in all sports both men and women. But lets be honest, the AD is not going to be fired if the tennis team does not do well. He is kept on board whether or not they win or lose in football.
  7. I know you are not comparing Hull Daisetta's offense to Dayton's. The spread works if you have someone that understands the offense and how to teach it. Look at Hardin for a success story. Hull Daisetta has very good athletes but how much did they put into learning what little spread they ran, and how much did their coaching staff understand the spread other than just watching tv and saying that looks like a good play....
  8. Talked to a friend of mine that said Nations worked on the defenisve side of the ball for Coach Stewart before he went to Tatum. I hope he gets a look from the board. He has experince and success on both sides of the ball. Plus with the kids that we have our offense could be very good under his direction.
  9. When are they going to start interviews for the job? They need to hurry because they need the new guy in there to get his program going.
  10. I just saw one of Dayton's coaches at Walmart and he said their OC is Coach Nations. He has been the OC since they went to the spread offense a few years ago.
  11. I am not sure of his name but a buddy of mine was telling me at work that he heard that he had applied. If he did he might get a serious look.
  12. The OC from Dayton has put his name in for the Liberty job.
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