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Everything posted by NDN X

  1. Good luck to all remaining teams in SETX!!
  2. that has got to be one of the best quotes i have read in a long time!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D
  3. i agree with all three of those scores!!! ;D
  4. I figured it would be J.!! ;D ;D I'll be looking for yall at the game Friday!...Was gonna send it to you until I saw your post. He is having a great year.
  5. thanks.....and good luck to the Broncos Friday nite.
  6. I never heard....what was the final attendance?
  7. I might be very wrong on what I am about to post but.....it seems like possibly in the late 90's (99?) that PNG and Nederland could have played each other very deep into the playoffs. Like I said, i might be wrong, but that is what I remember.... ???
  8. Best of Luck this Friday and Congrats on your first playoff run. Wish we weren't all playing on Friday nite. so we could all catch each others games.
  9. I read the same thing on the PNG message board. Hope he takes care of himself this weekend.
  10. Or, the Party Path after we clinch the DC!!! 8) (just had to take a jab at ya Purple! ) Good luck to everyone tonight for a safe game.
  11. Just one more kinda an Astrodome memory..............PN-G has a Special Spirit.........Pass it On!!
  12. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D me too Coop!!
  13. Freshman and JV play at home this week, so they would have had to wait til after this week anyway, but a playoff game at home is a great thing to add to our "Reservation Memories!!" ;D
  14. just read on PNG message board: PNG vs Galena Park AT THE RESERVATION!! Friday 11-16
  15. S U P E R post!!! (you should post this also on the PNG message board.)
  16. dogs will come back after Dayton game and beat Lumberton by 14
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