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Everything posted by granfan

  1. CONGRATULATIONS LIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Way to go , so happy for all of you and OUR boy #21. I agree with gdickert, this will be the game so talked about for awhile. One more to go.
  2. I think this will be a good game to see. I know that EC will have their hands full playing the LIONS. I think it will be a close game and that Kountze can win this game. The Lions are ready and so are their fans. GO LIONS ALL THE WAY!!!!!
  3. This will be a game to see and it will be a hard one fought. Hopefully there will be few penalities and no injuries. Both teams and fans want this win, so the teams should go out there and do their best on the field and the fans let your teams know you are behind them. Show your good sportsmanship and good luck to both teams. GO WILDCATS!!!!!!
  4. cheerleader08, a fan and a good fan are 2 different things. You continue to support your team no matter what. It's like when you have kids and they don't turn out like you want them to, but you still love them and don't turn your back on them. Well you do the same with your team, keep supporting them. When our team is down, they let us know they want us to cheer more for them and we do and many times it helps them work harder and win the game. You are a good fan!!!
  5. This will be a good game tonight and the excitement will be intense. I'm hoping for a Kountze win, give your all. GO LIONS!!!
  6. In regard to Kirbyville CISD, it is a consolidated system of Kirbyville, Call, Magnolia Springs, and Temple Springs.
  7. all schools go through transitions a one time or another and have to rebuild. It puts pressure on the teams and the fans, but to be a good fan, you have to support your team when they are down and struggling as well as when they are up and winning. Just give BC a little time, they'll be up again.
  8. I believe that Kountze can win the game with Hardin. They have the heart and desire to win. Buna is a very good team , but when they played the Lions , the Lions didn't just give to them Buna had to fight for the win. Im going with the Lions and "Our Boy #21. Stay focused and bring home the win.
  9. Pastdawg84, I really appreciate you post and I too thank you and totally agree. I think that rivalry is a good thing as long as it doesn't become destructive or hateful. We do all grow up and will look back, hopefully with fond memories. We all want to be winners, and they are for trying. Good luck to Kville, Jasper and all the other teams....
  10. I don't know why people say that Kville has people on here trash talking. Yes there are those that do, but they aren't the only ones either. that person saying someone from kville keyed his auto, are you sure that the person was from Kville? Go to jasper now, they have been having a rash of tire slashings. NOT ALL of the kville people are like the ones running their mouths. This is a good town with good people in it. The majority of the folks support their team and have respect of the other teams. These are games to enjoy, but you people from all the areas are making them wars! If you lose, you lose get up and go on,,if you win great you will go further. Kville last year went further than some in the play offs and we were proud for our team. When we were out, we were proud for the other teams that remained. All of you even the ones from kville, get over it and then go to a football game and enjoy it for a change!!
  11. I agree with southern-thunder re: Jaspers Stadium, being old and be careful on the visitors side walking even on the metal walkway, feels like it is going to give way. The parking is not good either. You have to walk a long way and up hill to get to the stadium. I got there at 4:30PM for a good place to park, gates open at 6PM. Maybe one day they will build a new stadium over by the new High School.
  12. I think that Coldspring will win this game. Barbay is changing things for the better. Shepherd has been having some problems and has not been doing very well . I always like to see teams win for their homecoming, but I just don't think that it will happen here.
  13. This will be a CAT fight, because we know that Buna is expected to win, BUT you can be sure that the Kountze Lions will do all they can to prove that wrong!!!! GO LIONS get rrrrrrr done.
  14. your friends from Kville send you Best Wishes for a speedy recovery and know that you will be up and about very soon.
  15. Go Lions!! You can do it . Stay focused and never give up. Fans keep them fired up!!!!
  16. I have seen the video and personally I don't see that it is so funny. Even if it had nothing to do with Kville, I still don't think it was very funny especially to receive all the attention that it is getting
  17. boy I have never seen so much amusement over a nickname before! I guess it just doesn't take much to entertain some people.
  18. she's actually a very smart person and makes very good grades
  19. I really don't think that you people know how to take a compliment without still being rude. Can't you just say thanks? Like I said earlier today, that we are proud of our Wildcats and we will still support them 100%. They for being a small 3A school have done well for themselves and I think that YOU know it. But we still congradulate you on your win, but don't count us out YET!
  20. Way to go LIONS!!!!!! Knew you would do it. Proud of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. congrads WOS , good game. The second half killed us!! See some of us in kville do have grace.
  22. gunho, if Kvill wins tonight, what are all of those WOS people going to do or say??????? They too will have to admit defeat and look for excuses too.
  23. I am pulling for the Lions!!!!!!!!! Goooo LIONS!!!! Good luck to both teams.
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