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Posts posted by Remmus

  1. "Many who saw the video have blamed the 

    This is the hidden content, please
     movement. Within 24 hours, the hashtag #BLMKidnapping 
    This is the hidden content, please
     on Twitter.

    But on Thursday, police said they have not seen any connection to the Black Lives Matter activist group, contrary to some reports on social media.

    Neither the Black Lives Matter national organization nor its Chicago chapter responded to CNN's request for comment Thursday."

    Police made the statement re: BLM 

    Interesting that BLM hasn't publicly denounced.   


  2. 30 minutes ago, 77 said:

    Thats why they need a mom and pop at home to teach respect but pops dont seem to stay maybe BLM could address that problem but they wont!

    That problem has been addressed at length since the 90's. Although there's still issues, things have greatly improved IMO. The crack generation were raised by single mom n grandparents but today I can tell about the numbers of men that grew up w/o dad that are breaking the cycle w/ their own families.  

  3. 27 minutes ago, Tigers2010 said:

    BLM is not a movement. It is a hate group just like the KKK and other  supremacy groups. Don't fool yourself. BLM is a bunch of racists.

    "What do we want, dead cops, when do we want it, now". -BLM

    You know I disagree.  I stated my belief about idiots showing up at well intended rallies.  I won't even deny the presence of Black Nationalist in the group or at least ones that share similar thinking.  BLM was started to shed light on what they thought were a rash of cops attacking African Americans.  I previously said something needed to be said so we could all learn the truth.  Also, they might prevent the next unarmed kid from being shot.  What I mean is, A LOT kids are learning how to engage with police because of the movement.  Unfortunately too many grow up fearing the police and not getting much instruction at home.  They have all sorts of crazy fears in their heads when a cop with a gun drawn shows up.  The probability of doing some stupid is very high.

  4. 28 minutes ago, Tigers2010 said:

    Are you insinuating I am a Nazi, Skinhead, or any other form of racist because I will call black on black crime what it is. Instead of driving a wedge between whites and blacks, why don't the black community try pulling out the wedge that divide themselves. BLM does not want to talk about the enormously larger black on black crime rate. They would prefer to chant for dead cops. It is not racist to call something what it is. Chicago is death pool because black on black crime it out of control. It has nothing to do with white cops killing black criminals or gun sales. Be real.

    No sir, I'm not.  Just saying some of that talk can be found at Stormfront.  

  5. 14 minutes ago, Tigers2010 said:

    What is wrong with that. There is no issue to go national with a  cop justifiably killing a criminal. Followed by weeks of BLM rioting and looting in the streets. Because a white person was killed by blacks we need to keep that quiet for the sake of not having riots on our hands?

    I'm not saying any of it is "right" ...and don't forget the wild ninjas use protest for financial gain...lol.  All wrong, but peaceful protests are forced to own any violence at the hands of the wild and ignorant that come to get even.

  6. 1 hour ago, Tigers2010 said:

    Obama's legacy: Destroying the Healthcare System, siding with African American criminals without knowing facts of the case, making a clear divide between whites and blacks, making a clear divide between blacks and law enforcement.

    That wasn't all Obama.  That divide has been there long before he arrived. If anything he reached out to more people not of his tribe.  Look at that electoral map.  Same one you show for Trump.

  7. 13 minutes ago, stevenash said:

    Maybe its because they didnt have to provide them with free educations, food, and welfare.

    They gave those pilgrims enough to hang on ...at their later peril.   And a lot of people from all groups benefit from the things you mentioned.  Look at numbers and not percentages.  

  8. 1 hour ago, tvc184 said:

    I don't associate in any manner what happened in this case to BLM, any other group or any race. Their actions stand alone. Interesting on the police thread that some want all police held accountable for the actions of a tiny percentage   But moving on.....

    I think the problem is if you reversed the situation. Had 4 white people beaten and cut a mentaly challenged black person while making statements that this attack was because he was black and because he voted for Obama, you wouldn't have groups or the police saying they are not sure this about hate or don't know if it is a hate crime. In that situation the cry would be often, loud and maybe followed by marches and celebrities showing up if someone suggested it was not about race  

    Therein lies the perceived problem. 

    Awesome post, agree 100%,  Here's the thing IMO.  African Americans are world class at marching and protesting.  That's a skill learned out of necessity.  When white people protest inequality PUBLICLY as GROUP they usually have hoods or shaved heads.  Was that last statement a misrepresentation?  If so, correct me.  IJS, somebody has to be the Martin Luther King of fair treatment of whites (keep in mind the not all are the same message I sent) without looking like a Klansman.  I no idea how it's done.  Everyone on one side will scream racist, but maybe some humble honest talk that doesn't condemn others will get it going. Although this is a serious subject, I'm laughing to myself hearing those vocal leaders that-usually-show-up-during-a-crisis-with-cameras saying "oh yeah, our biggest problem is the mistreatment of white men in America."  Expect Donald Trumps name to get mentioned a lot.  It sucks being discriminated against.  Could be an area for understanding to develop.

  9. 31 minutes ago, stevenash said:

    Hey Rem- regarding the "unfair" justice system toward blacks:  As of a few minutes ago, in spite of the perpetrators yelling Fluck Trump and Fluck White people, the investigators have still not identified this as a hate crime or having political or racial implications.  Is this what you consider "unfair" treatment toward those accused of the crime?

    Who are the investigators ...are they local?  Maybe local politics have an influence.  I think the fear of setting off more conflict is causing people to skirt the truth.  It's a hate crime.  Now saying that nationally will lead to weeks of everyone going hog wild on each other and in light of our less than inclusive and 50%+ rejected president-elect, it makes things even more tense.  Obama was really handcuffed when it comes to talking about race.  Please believe he's caught A LOT of flack from his supporters for being seemingly passive or non-vocal.  He only brings it up when absolutely necessary or unavoidable.  He knows white America is locked and loaded (that's a prejudice statement sorry). I'll say that he should have said more but a lot of people were scared for his life. 

  10. 56 minutes ago, stevenash said:

    And why isn't BLM protesting those huge number of black deaths vs what they are actually protesting?

    This is an OUTSTANDING point my friend and you couldn't be more right.  The answer lies in some hypocrisy but this does not invalidate the entire movement.

    I'm sure many have said that African Americans need to clean up their own house before pointing fingers.  A LOT of truth in that.  This isn't to say nothing is being said, but its mostly happening in homes IMO.  There needs to be a similar movement to deal with the ninjas and reject the glorification.  Keep in mind, the whole ghetto thug persona is a billion dollar industry.  Music, clothing, movies all take this character and earn from it at the cost of the law abiding. And yes, too many are consuming it as well.  I'm sure all know how much influence the thug persona has on all young kids.  Fortunately some kids can dress up in the gear and not risk losing their lives.

  11. 54 minutes ago, Tigers2010 said:

    What are you talking about? Everyone knows that the killings in Chicago are caused by "guns" and the white man. If we would simply outlaw guns and police brutality everyone would all get along. It has nothing to do with a black drug dealer killing a black car thief. IT IS THE GUNS!.

    You're putting your toe in that pool.  The one that has swastikas adorning it.   

  12. 58 minutes ago, tvc184 said:

    Even you must realize that those numbers are bogus. Yes unemployment is down, because many people have simply left the work force and we have the lowest worker participation in decades. Your rationale is like doing away with DWI laws and using that as evidence that drinking and driving is no longer a problem. Unemployment is horrendous and wages are down and in many cases only for part time jobs. 

    The Dow took a dip because of a recession. In fact the Dow was about 17,000 in the late 90's so realistically it has risen but about 1,800 in almost 20 years. 

    This meme takes a tiny snippet of time to make nonsensical comparisons. 

    You slam Dem talking points, but spew Rep talking points.  Gotta explain away any success otherwise they'll never vote for us. 

  13. 1 hour ago, stevenash said:

    Ahhh yes, comparing the bottom of a recession to an 8 year recovery that is weaker in terms of GDP( widely accepted as the best total indicator of an economy)than any other and about half of the average post recession recovery.  Wonder why they didn't include the number of people on food stamps for those two dates or the amount of national debt for those two dates?  If the recovery/economy was/is so vibrant, why has the Fed continued to hold interest rates lower than they have been in 50 years and why was our national debt downgraded for the first time in history- Don't tell me, I think I know your answer.  These are either lies perpetrated by Fox News or it's George Bush's fault.

    The answer the recovery isn't as strong as it should have been is just as bad as saying the economy isn't as bad as it would have been.  

    Them food stamp lines started due to the policies of the past administration.  Thank God we helped out ppl.

  14. 1 hour ago, Tigers2010 said:

    My actual insurance premiums

    Before Obamacare- $412

    After Obamacare- $1,157

    Thanks Obama, swell job.

    I don't have the numbers either, but I do know the stock market surged significantly when Trump won the election. Why was that?

    Didn't our state legislature turn down fed funds to make the plan more affordable?  I recall Tricky Ricky making a big hoopla.  #sabotage   

  15. 11 minutes ago, stevenash said:

    Is this your solution for Chicago?- you know, the town where not 10 or 20 blacks are shot by cops but where many hundreds are shot/killed by other blacks but it doesn't concern you or BLM.

    Ur talking about the South side of Chicago n not all of Chicago.  NYC used beat cops AND a commitment to law and order.  

    The killing in Chicago is exacerbated by the free for all nature of the streets.  It's every ninja for themselves and the law abiding are trapped (if they want to stay).  It's really the Wild West.  The leadership there is horrible and the cops alone can't solve.  

  16. 4 minutes ago, CraigS said:

    First this:

    "Also we all must realize that we're AMERICANS first."

    Then there isn't isn't any need for the racial American prefixes such as "African-American" , "Mexican-American" , "Chinese-American" etc. is there? I believe that should be one of the first steps...get rid of the prefixes.....


    "Use Michael Brown as the poster child for all cop n citizen shootings. That will only fly in Trump country. "

    The reason for MB being used as the "poster child" is due to the media and the Feds handling of this situation. Many (even most) jumped to very early conclusions based off false witnesses account of what happened, then certain people, even after investigations were complete (local and federal) still would not accept the results....to the point of putting a statue of a criminal up in the city and Obama sending federal representation to the funeral.

    At minimum showed support for the criminal, at worst - took a stance AGAINST law enforcement.





    Will agree that prefixes can be divisive. We also have Italian-Americans, Irish-Americans (who say I'm Irish).  This is tied to our melting pot. We're ALL immigrants, just a matter of timing.  Thank God the Native Americans didn't kick out illegals. 

  17. 27 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    How about we leave all these issues to the states?

    You're right. conservatives don't want to be responsible for someone else's problems...why should they?

    But of course libs want to be compassionate and take care of all problems, with other people's money.

    Centrist, huh???...OK. :)

    The states need oversight just like the private sector.  I know ur head just exploded, but we'd still be pumping mercury punch in Detroit w/o the Feds.  

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