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Posts posted by Finesser

  1. Hey man , congrats to Temple I knew those boys had some prime cut studs over there but hell so does PAM but we didn't stand a chance today with the obvious crutch , we ran the same damn play all day & we got stuffed , I'm serious we ran the exact same play repeatedly , & we just wouldn't throw down the field enough , look I've been to 10 Memorial games this year  , we run two plays constantly with a third sprinkled in , zone read dive , WR straight go , WR screen , & a post route here & there , like I've said before , coaching is the biggest crutch for this team like its been for years man , smh , through it all I'm still down with the Titans & hopefully next year will be better..

  2. Big game this week , most likely the best team we've played thus far , NO disrespect to anybody in the district , but Temple got some prime studs over there , & from what I've heard make it this far regularly , so they know the protocol , as long as we stick to the script , we good , Kenny has been here before it ain't his first rodeo , so hopefully them boys come out like gang busters & take it back to P.A with a W , let's go Titans 


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