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Everything posted by Realville

  1. What was the final score? Not a PAM fan or a PNG fan but if you win by 5 points I would not say you MAN HANDLED them.
  2. Vidor JV 20 Memorial JV 27 Good Game
  3. Our RB's need dry ground for their cuts since all we do is run.
  4. No crying here. Never said nothing about the refs. Responding to our DB's mugging your receivers
  5. They had to your o line were ripping the jerseys off our pass rushers. That's why y'all were getting 5 to 6 seconds to pass.
  6. Want hear no excuses from me. PAM is the overwhelming favorite. If Vidor can't run the ball it will be a blowout. Hines will get his yards but hopefully we don't give up to many big plays.
  7. I think someone needs a hug! Regardless who wins , life goes on. Hopefully both teams come out of this game injury free for the playoffs.
  8. Dude if you had read any of my post you would know that I have given PAM plenty of respect just as Vidors team has in preparing for this game. I am not gonna bow at the PAM alter for you. I am not the one bragging on my DB's. Our DB's will do the best they can do. Sorry you don't have any buddies here.
  9. I understood what you were saying. I am not questioning your secondaries ability to tackle. I was just making a statement that they will have to do a lot of it. Obviously you haven't looked at how many times we've passed the ball this year. We've been known to go a whole game without passing. I didn't say you predicted a 42 to 0 game. Your buddy predicted that. Just trying to keep it real. Hence Realville.....
  10. We were up 35 to 0 at halftime on Lee and Lumberton. So if you want to make that comparison please do. I hope they think Vidor is Lee. Making a 42 to 0 prediction come on man really. If Vidor doesn't give PAM any extra possessions it should be a good game.Lee and Lumberton aren't running teams. We run to setup the run.
  11. Man nobody from Vidor thinks y'all are overrated. Y'all are undefeated. We know y'all are all World. Just saying Vidor isn't just gonna lay down for y'all. Get over yourself.
  12. Your secondary will have to be linebackers Friday Night. Hope they like to tackle.
  13. Ask Cougar 14.2, he'll give you a statistical evaluation of excuses as to where his fans were. Lol!
  14. I know PAM has a good defense but Vidors scoring will come from pounding rock. They may make a few passing attempts but not many.
  15. Good read, Love the Quirante's. Great kids, Good character.
  16. If they over pursue, Vidor will be running like Forrest Gump! Lol
  17. No shame in getting beat by two quality teams that are playoff bound. If Vidor beats Crosby again I think this troll will evaporate.
  18. If the Crosby players run there mouths like you do then they do need to be worried.
  19. Gotta show the band a little love every once in while.
  20. I have to admit it was pretty funny seeing the band pick up there shoes out of the mud after there performance. I felt sorry for them . They never should have performed. The 10 straight days of rain killed that field. I have never seen it that bad.
  21. Your hypocrisy is hilarious. Man you've been dogging our town and football team all year. Some of us are just tired of hearing your mouth. Believe it or not football games were played on natural grass before turf came along. I think everybody in our district will vouch that Vidor has one of the most well kept and manicured football & baseball fields in our district but when you have almost 2 solid weeks of rain before a game there's no natural grass field that could handle that. Hence you have a very muddy field. I can't help it if you don't know how to give credit where credit is due. All these kids that play on Friday night do it for the love of the game. I promise you they don't do it just for you. Everybody knows Vidor beat Crosby 42 to 20 five years ago but your the only one that has to start discrediting the win calling our offense a gimmick offense which goes back to you not knowing how to give a team credit. That's why it's always brought up just to get under your skin. Sure would be embarrassing if y'all lose to that gimmick offense again this year.
  22. I am not argue with idiot who gets his kicks out of devaluing a small town and it's teenage kids hard work & efforts out on the football field. Congratulations I award you the Donkey Award.
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