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Posts posted by uknowit2

  1. All those past district championships have gotten you what, an early exit in the first round every year. What did those get you last year? I total domination by Hardin! Like I said, living in the past isn't gonna make your team any better or help you win this year. We'll see how you feel Saturday after Newton beats you to death, OH, my bad, you won district a couple years ago, watch out Newton!

    Does your boss know you are screwing off at work?? lol Man are you viscious today or what?

    He worked the breakfast shift.

    You're delusional Bushy. Dominated? Won by a 7. What do you call it losing by 30 the year before. You know, the year of your 3rd place finish and ONLY EVER playoff win.

    You're free and easy with the facts, too. 14 sraight in the playoffs. Regional '96, '98, '99, '04, '05.

    Has Hardin ever even played Newton?

  2. Hardin wins this game blind folded and moves into the polls..... ;)

    Also Tarkington needs a new sound system to much slap back bouncing of the new High Schools extrior wall.......

    And what poll would that be? The barberpole? maypole? northpole?

    Heck, Hardin hasn't won a district championship in 35 years (lost 54-0 in bi-district). That just doesn't generate a lot of state wide respect.

    No Hardin hasn't won a district championship in a long while, but, I believe they are the only team in our district to win a bi-district championship in the last 3 years(beat Hemphill to advanc to second round). While everyone else is living in the past, Hardin is getting stronger and that's what matters in the present.

    It's more like Hardin hasn't won THE district championship in a long while (35 years). It's only won it once. I wouldn't look into past if I were you either.

    '06 EC 35 Hempill 29

  3. Hardin wins this game blind folded and moves into the polls..... ;)

    Also Tarkington needs a new sound system to much slap back bouncing of the new High Schools extrior wall.......

    And what poll would that be? The barberpole? maypole? northpole?

    Heck, Hardin hasn't won a district championship in 35 years (lost 54-0 in bi-district). That just doesn't generate a lot of state wide respect.

  4. With the game only a day away, I would like to set some ground rules for the visiting HD group: 1. We ask that  players and parents refrain from spitting of tobacco products on the track or new field. 2. As hard as it may be, we ask that fans stay out of the mud in the new stands area. 3. Last and certainly not least, we ask you limit your time in the port-o-john to 3 minutes, it's a restroom not a lounge.

    Don't quit your day job.

  5. Um hello uknowit, more like dontknowsh*t, that was a compliment to EC. Are you still sitting in the stands wondering what happened in that butt kicking you took last year?

    Hey Bushleague, long time no hear from. Heard you made shift leader down at the Dairy Queen. Congrats. (Dairy Queen, somehow that fits)

    Hoping you would go ahead and list all the district championships for the last 30 or so years, that the Might Hardin Hornets have won. Shouldn't take long.

  6. In my opinion, it's not 'trash talking' when you have one of the longest playoff runs in the state. I do however consider it 'trash talking' when someone writes how they are the best year in year out at every aspect of the game, talk down to their neighbors even though they have a 10 to 1 win ratio over them and just overall annoying.

    How many district titles has Hardin won in say the last 30 years? or 40 or 50?

  7. Please don't put him out there where he may not belong, comparing him to other players. Not fair to him. He will be successful where he decides to go . That could be UT, A&M, or Blinn.

    What are you talking about? Get a life.

    I'll type slower for you next time.

    'Get a life', that's witty. Did you come up with that all by yourself? No, couldn't have been you. You weren't around 15 years ago.

    Anyway, good luck with the new school year and hope you get the homeroom teacher you are hoping for.

  8. I've got an idea, this web site should gather all the treads from the beginning of the year till the end. Give out awards for the most insightful, funniest, meaningful, important, etc.

    I think we have the current leader for the lamest.

    I know, I'm guilty for following this nonsense too. It's for entertainment value only! I feel like a rubbernecker passing a head-on.

  9. Hardin needs to win some games first but Hardin will prob be up there, when you have the best Qb,Rb, and WR in the district good things will come, and you might have the best Rb in the area.

    Geez...You forgot Hardin also has the best linemen (offense and defense, of course), the best linebackers, DBs, etc. And the coach is the best that's ever been. That's why the tradition at Hardin is so tremendous. Racking up all those district championships year in and year out.

    And I forgot...new carpet to go with all those cheap new metal buildings called a school. Like putting lipstick on a pig.

  10. Hey, who said I was from Hardin? I don't live there or anywhere near there, but I do support their team. Also, when you say driven thru Hardin, are you talking about their three new schools and two new gyms? Wow, any one else want to comment?

    Look lady, everyone on this board knows you're not the brightest crayon in the box. You prove it on a constant basis. Now quit playing on you big brother's computer and get to work. There are burgers to be fried.

    I'm sure putting up a few metal buildings, calling it a school gives you enough reason to go off on your neighbors, because it makes you feel superior. Like I said, anyone that's been to your little town knows better.

  11. Just another moronic post from good ole BushLeague, the Hardin village idiot. If anyone reading this has ever gotten lost on the back roads and ended up in Hardin, you're probably bending over laughing at this clown. How could he possibly belittle his neighboring school district when he's from Hardin! Kettle...Black...

  12. I have a question, just a question and I'm not trying to be cruel in any way.

    What will the situation for HI be in the long run? From what I've seen (at a distance) it looks like the district will lose a large part of their population permanently and much of the tax base. I can't imagine anyone rebuilding structures on Bolivar (sp) to any great extent for the foreseeable future. Insurance will be almost impossible to get and at what price?

    I hope HI get gets their folks together for the rest of this season, because unless they merge with another school district, it may be their last.

    Good Luck.

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