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Posts posted by BearBryant

  1. And you are 100% wrong oldschool. Nobody will turn down better facilities but for you to lump all of SETX together is juvenile. Many of the schools have fine facilities. And some would never get turf no matter if it was free. It's extremely hot, more injuries, slick when wet, etc... 18 nfl teams still use grass btw. Also several teams , although they haven't won the title lately have played for one recently such as Kirbyville ( twice), Dayton, Newton. The people make a school attractive not a building . And just because you know a few people in education doesn't mean you know anything about how to fund it. You are a basher nothing more.
  2. Before the EC-LRA game, you were posting: "GO BUMBLEBEES!" Now you are trying to bet that EC loses by 14 or more.
    You think that equates to "improving facilities"? Spare me the BS. EC's facilities are more than fine. You just don't like SETX, So don't try to treat your opposition to SETX like some kind of noble endeavor to "improve facilities".

    I agree. They aren't trying to help anything. They are blatantly anti-SETX. Sad that they continue to troll on here just bashing. Oldschool knows a few terms such as fund balance therefore she thinks that she is the worlds premier expert on school funding. She needs to worry about filling the iced tea at her customers table.
  3. Nobody will argue Against better facilities. To be so arrogant though and lump all of Setx together and act as if we need her rescuing ......??? She (old school) needs some serious people skills. And there can be honest differences in the turf vs grass issue. I'm sure Cameron could have won on grass (I'm talking about 2012 and 2013.

    Best of luck to EC . If they are to triumph or lose it won't be because of a building though.
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